Papers by rike febriyanti

Litera, Mar 27, 2024
Japanese is regarded as mora-timed, while Indonesian is syllable-timed because it provides equal ... more Japanese is regarded as mora-timed, while Indonesian is syllable-timed because it provides equal weight and time for all syllables. Indonesian learners are struggling in differentiating one mora and two moras, and single consonant and double consonants. This study investigated Indonesian respondents' ability to identify double consonants (sokuon), short vowels (tan'on) dan long vowels (chouon). 62 Indonesian respondents were involved as they were asked to listen carefully to a set of sounds containing the three distinctive sounds once and to write the sentence they heard. The result showed that 18% of 62 respondents failed to identify the short vowel (tan'on) because they omitted certain sounds, changed the word form inaccurately, and put words in an inaccurate position when they wrote the sentence. In identifying double consonants (sokuon), 11% of 62 respondents failed because they inaccurately changed the word form when writing the sentence. In identifying long vowels (chouon), only 6% of 62 respondents failed because they added unnecessary sounds and changed the word form inaccurately. In conclusion, although Japanese and Indonesian languages are different in their rhythm classes, Indonesian learners' ability to identify the distinctive sounds of the Japanese language is relatively high although listening to the material more than once.

Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Undiksha, Feb 26, 2022
Semenjak terjadinya pandemi covid-19, proses pembelajaran yang awalnya luring berubah menjadi dar... more Semenjak terjadinya pandemi covid-19, proses pembelajaran yang awalnya luring berubah menjadi daring sebagai alternatif yang harus dilaksanakan guna memutus rantai penyebaran virus corona. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis respon peserta didik terhadap mahasiswa praktikan P4 pada pembelajaran daring SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif-kualitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan angket/kuesioner. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan menggunakan angket yang dibagikan melalui platform Google Formulir untuk memudahkan peneliti maupun responden untuk menjawab pertanyaan pada kuesioner/angket tanpa harus melakukan tatap muka karena dikhawatirkan akan terjadi penyebaran virus corona. Teknis analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 4 kategori skala likert, yaitu Sangat setuju (SS), setuju (S), tidak setuju (TS), dan sangat tidak setuju (STS). Dengan menggunakan 4 kategori diatas peneliti membuat 10 pernyataan yang harus diisi oleh sampel/responden. Dari 4 kategori diatas akan dikelompokkan menjadi 2 respon positif dan negatif. Kemudian dicari rata-rata persentase respon dengan membagi jumlah persentase respon dengan jumlah pernyataan dalam angket. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, 21 peserta didik kelas XI IPS 1 SMAN 02 Batu memilih jawaban setuju mengenai respon terhadap mahasiswa praktikan P4 pada pembelajaran daring dan termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari persentase 98.6% jawaban bernilai positif (untuk opsi sangat setuju dan setuju) dan 1.4% jawaban bernilai negatif (untuk opsi tidak setuju dan sangat tidak setuju) dari hasil respon peserta didik. Kata kunci: respon peserta didik, mahasiswa praktikan P4, pembelajaran daring
Lingua Cultura/Lingua cultura, Dec 27, 2023
How to Cite: Febriyanti, R. (2023). The profile of short vowel 'a' in Japanese language that dete... more How to Cite: Febriyanti, R. (2023). The profile of short vowel 'a' in Japanese language that determines the meaning as pronounced by university students in Indonesia.

Japanedu/Jurnal Japanedu, Dec 25, 2022
Japanese is a language that has a unique sound and distinctive articulation, but this uniqueness ... more Japanese is a language that has a unique sound and distinctive articulation, but this uniqueness sometimes makes the pronunciation of people who are learning Japanese is still a lot less precise. Therefore, this study was conducted to find out the ability of Indonesian Japanese learners to pronounce the nasal consonant sounds located at the end of a word or called uvular nasal sounds, which is in Japanese 「口蓋垂鼻音」kougaisuibion with phonetic letter symbol /N/. This study was conducted on 12 Japanese language learners at SMAN 2 Batu, using a descriptive qualitative method and then using Praat to analyse their voices while reading 3 Japanese sentences consisting of the words [hitomisan], [sumimasen], and [imasen]. This study also analysed the voice of Japanese native speakers when reading the same sentences as Japanese learners use as a reference. The results of this study are pronunciation by native speakers found nasal sounds that are pronounced in the form of nasal uvular sounds /N/, also found the existence of pronunciation that cannot be distinguished between vowels and nasal consonants from the results of Praat analysis. While for students, there are only a few that have been appropriate such as native speakers' pronunciation but most of them had different pronunciations.
Jurnal Gramaswara, Sep 30, 2023

Jurnal Japanedu : pendidikan dan pengajaran bahasa Jepang, Jun 27, 2022
The purpose of this study is to determine the perception of Japanese native speakers on the pronu... more The purpose of this study is to determine the perception of Japanese native speakers on the pronunciation of the double consonant「促音」 (sokuon) in Japanese adverbs or 「副詞」 (fukushi) namely「ゆっくり 」 (yukkuri),「ずっと」(zutto), and「やっと」(yatto) by ten Japanese language students in a state university in East Java, Indonesia. This study uses both quantitative and qualitative approach with conducting assessments of students' pronunciation of Japanese adverbs (fukushi) by three Japanese Native Speakers (JNS). The results showed that eleven data were pronounced perfectly and naturally, sixteen data were pronounced naturally, four data were pronounced a little naturally, and one data was pronounced a little unnaturally and unnaturally. However, there were seven data misunderstood by the JNS. The results also show that differences in JNS perception of the respondent's pronunciation have an impact on the assessment, and the double consonants also affect the duration of pronunciations which affects the assessment from JNS. In addition, the Japanese language students participated in this study were all considered able to pronounce the three「副詞」(fukushi) or Japanese adverbs correctly according to JNS.

Chi'e: Journal of Japanese Learning and Teaching
The purpose of this study was to find out how the pronunciation of the nasal sound /ɴ/was followe... more The purpose of this study was to find out how the pronunciation of the nasal sound /ɴ/was followed by the nasal bilabial consonant /m/ by Indonesian Japanese learners. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. This research data is in the form of audio recordings of 13 students learning Japanese at Brawijaya University, which is compared with the pronunciation of the same sentence in the Suzuki-kun feature in OJAD. The analysis results found sound assimilation (on'in datsuraku), so the nasal sound produced in the middle of the vocabulary was the nasal bilabial /m/. The presence of sound assimilation causes the duration when pronouncing the nasal bilabial /m/to be quite long, with a duration range of /m/ 0.121208 – 0.161208 seconds. The nasal sound is produced if it is seen from the presence or absence of the insertion of /ɴ/. The duration, it is found in the pronunciation of [kammoɴ] and [semmenʑo], respectively, that 3 out of 13 students agree with the pronunciation o...

Jurnal Gramaswara
The National Examination (UN), carried out so far, will be replaced in 2021 with the 2021 Nationa... more The National Examination (UN), carried out so far, will be replaced in 2021 with the 2021 National Assessment. In this national assessment, three instruments are elements of the evaluation: Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM), Character Survey, and School Environment Survey. AKM itself is an assessment of essential competencies needed by all students at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels to develop their capacity and participate actively and positively in society. After the MOU with the Japanese Language MGMP in the Malang area with the Japanese Language Education Study Program, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this collaboration can only be realised in 2021. The formulation of the problem from this Penmas is 1. How to make teaching materials (in brief) easier for students to understand the material taught in the form of worksheets? 2. How to write assignments and exercises to improve students' understanding of the themes taught in worksheets? The final result of t...

JAPANEDU: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Bahasa Jepang
The purpose of this study is to determine the perception of Japanese native speakers on the pronu... more The purpose of this study is to determine the perception of Japanese native speakers on the pronunciation of the double consonant「促音」 (sokuon) in Japanese adverbs or 「副詞」 (fukushi) namely「ゆっくり 」 (yukkuri),「ずっと」(zutto), and「やっと」(yatto) by ten Japanese language students in a state university in East Java, Indonesia. This study uses both quantitative and qualitative approach with conducting assessments of students’ pronunciation of Japanese adverbs (fukushi) by three Japanese Native Speakers (JNS). The results showed that eleven data were pronounced perfectly and naturally, sixteen data were pronounced naturally, four data were pronounced a little naturally, and one data was pronounced a little unnaturally and unnaturally. However, there were seven data misunderstood by the JNS. The results also show that differences in JNS perception of the respondent’s pronunciation have an impact on the assessment, and the double consonants also affect the duration of pronunciations which affects th...

JLA (Jurnal Lingua Applicata)
Japanese has a variety of sounds with very interesting features, but these features can cause mis... more Japanese has a variety of sounds with very interesting features, but these features can cause mispronunciation, especially by foreign students. This study aims to determine the ability of Indonesian Japanese learners to pronounce the nasal consonant /n/ when followed by a bilabial consonant (両唇音) especially /p/. This study uses the descriptive qualitative method, conducted to 10 Japanese language students at Brawijaya University by analyzing their voices using Praat when reciting 3 Japanese sentences which contains [shinpai], [tenpura], and [kanpeki]. We also recorded the voice of Japanese native speakers when reciting the same sentences and use it as a research guide during data analyzing process. From the analysis of pronunciation by native speaker, it is found that the nasal sound produced is a labiodental nasal sound /ɱ/, and there was a stop without vibration when the mouth was closed or in Japanese known as “heisa” (閉鎖) which caused a bilabial popping sound when pronouncing th...
Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) pelafalan kosakata bunyi panjang yang dihasilkan pengajar da... more Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) pelafalan kosakata bunyi panjang yang dihasilkan pengajar dan mahasiswa cenderung lebih pendek daripada penutur asli. (2) Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara pelafalan kosakata bunyi panjang oleh pengajar dengan penutur asli. (3) Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara pelafalan kosakata bunyi panjang oleh mahasiswa dengan penutur asli. (4) Pelafalan kosakata bunyi panjang oleh mahasiswa lebih pendek daripada pengajar tetapi data pelafalan kosakata bunyi panjang oleh pengajar standar deviasinya sangat tinggi daripada mahasiswa dan penutur asli. Kata Kunci: pelafalan, kosakata bunyi panjang, guru, murid, penutur asli

Lingua Cultura, 2019
The research aimed to analyze the speech rhetoric quality of the students of Japanese Language Ed... more The research aimed to analyze the speech rhetoric quality of the students of Japanese Language Education, Brawijaya University using a descriptive qualitative design. The method applied a discourse analysis method written by Krippendoff which included coding, classification, interpretation, and evaluation. The object of this research was students’ speech for Japanese Speech Contest of UB 2018. The data were seven video recordings of seven speeches delivered by seven students who participated in this speech contest. It it concluded that the quality of the students’ speech is not satisfactory in the criteria of content and expression. The students also show weaknesses in pronunciation and grammar in their speech. This research indicates that when the students are allowed to be honest to express their mind freely in the Japanese language, the speech will reflect each student’s actual language mastery, because language teaching inside the classroom is the most dominant language exposure...

This study shows that (1) the pronunciation of long sound vocabulary by teachers and students ten... more This study shows that (1) the pronunciation of long sound vocabulary by teachers and students tended to be shorter than the native speakers. (2) There was no significant difference between the pronunciation of long sound vocabulary by the teachers and the native speakers. (3) There is no significant difference between the pronunciation of long sound vocabulary by the students and native speakers. (4) The students" long sound vocabulary pronunciation was shorter than that of the teacher, but the standard deviation of the teachers" pronunciation of long vowel vocabulary was higher than that of the students and native speakers. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) pelafalan kosakata bunyi panjang yang dihasilkan pengajar dan mahasiswa cenderung lebih pendek daripada penutur asli. (2) Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara pelafalan kosakata bunyi panjang oleh pengajar dengan penutur asli. (3) Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara pelafalan kosakata bunyi panj...

The research described native Japanese speakers’ perception of Sundanese vowel /ə/ after the firs... more The research described native Japanese speakers’ perception of Sundanese vowel /ə/ after the first exposure to a controlled naturalistic input of conversation. The research worked in respect of Brown’s model of L2 speech perception and L1 feature geometry, which sought to relate theories of segmental phonology to L2 speech perception and the first exposure treatment. Some Sundanese native speakers conducted a conversation that contained the/ə/ vowel in front of five Japanese native speakers with no prior exposure to Sundanese. Therefore, the researchers had collected speech data from five L1 Japanese native speakers (three males, two females, Mage = 22, SD = 2,1). The Japanese were asked to listen to the short conversation and imitate vowel /ə/, which did not exist in the Japanese language vowel inventory. The observation confirmed Brown’s hypothesis that L2 perception of /ə/ vowel was constrained by the L1 feature geometry. L1 Japanese language phonological properties worked as a p...

Membaca adalah salah satu bagian terpenting dalam proses pendidikan. Mengingat pentingnya posisi ... more Membaca adalah salah satu bagian terpenting dalam proses pendidikan. Mengingat pentingnya posisi membaca maka pendidik harus memperhatikan kualitas tingkat keterbacaan bahan bacaan yang digunakan. Bahan bacaan yang memiliki tingkat keterbacaan yang tinggi akan sangat menolong mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan kemampuannya. Dokkai Sakubun 3 adalah mata kuliah yang ditujukan bukan hanya mengajarkan kemampuan membaca tetapi juga menulis tingkat lanjut. Bahan bacaan Dokkai Sakubun 3 tersebut belum pernah dianalisa tingkat keterbacaannya. Oleh karena itu penulis mengukur tingkat keterbacaan bahan bacaan tersebut menggunakan instrument internal yaitu menganalisa isibacaan menggunakan perangkat lunak dan instrument eksternal yaitu pendapat mahasiswa pengguna bacaan dan native speaker. Dari hasil penelitian, penulis mendapati bahwa bahan bacaan sulit dipahami oleh mahasiswa karena ide utama dan kata kata baru sulit dipahami, banyak sekali huruf kanji baru tanpa furigana dalam bacaan sehingga ha...

To answer students’ difficulties in short semester period of Dokkai 3, I was doing an interactive... more To answer students’ difficulties in short semester period of Dokkai 3, I was doing an interactive group work using blog due to several important reasons. First, the students needed to solve their problems out of classroom schedule. Second, interactive group work using blog would be simple. Third, the students were familiar with internet. Fourth, without activities at home, it was impossible to the students to increase their skill.I was doing three cycles consisted of observing of students’ initial condition, planning actions, conducting actions, observation on each student’s progress and reflection. For each cycle, I was asking each student to interview the members, Iwas running small interviews and surveys,and mid and final semester tests. The conclusions are: first I found out that the students were very active. Second, most of the students’scores highly. Third, they enjoyed these activities mainly. Fourth, they could comprehend text better than before. Keywords : Japanese Languag...

Erudio Journal of Educational Innovation
From 2016 to 2017, the writer composed a pocket book correspondence business email in Japanese la... more From 2016 to 2017, the writer composed a pocket book correspondence business email in Japanese language for her students who were completing internship program at Japanese companies in Indonesia. To assess the quality of the book in the perspective of native Japanese speakers who were business practitioners in Indonesia, the writer asked the native speakers to assess and to give advice on the quality of the book. The native speakers then suggested some aspects to be reviewed in the pocket book to make the sentences more polite without losing their practicality and effectiveness. This current study attempted to investigate the use of politeness strategies as suggested by two Japanese native speakers, in the theoretical framework as defined by Brown and Levinson (1978), among businessmen in their written international business communication especially in email. Based on interview and analysis made by the native speakers, the writer found that they suggested using positive and shorter expressions in expressing orders, requests, offers, complaints, apologies, and suggestions. KEYWORDS politeness strategies, business email, correspondence ABSTRAK Dalam kurun 2016 sampai 2017, penulis telah menyusun sebuah buku saku yang berisi cara korespondensi surat elektronik bisnis berbahasa Jepang bagi mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan bahasa Jepang yang sedang menjalani program KKN magang di perusahaan Jepang di Indonesia.Untuk menilai kualitas dari buku saku tersebut, penulis meminta para penutur asli untuk menilai dan memberi saran bagi perbaikan buku tersebut. Para penutur asli kemudian memberi ulasan dan saran atas beberapa aspek bahasa supaya bahasa yang digunakan lebih sopan tanpa kehilangan kepraktisan dan keefektifannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti strategi kesopanan berbahasa yang disarankan oleh para penutur asli seperti yang diformulasikan oleh Brown dan Levinson (1978) khususnya bahasa yang digunakan di dalam kalangan pebisnis dalam komunikasi tulis berskala internasional. Berdasar interview dan revisi tertulis yang diberikan oleh para penutur asli, penulis berkesimpulan bahwa para penutur asli menyarankan strategi kesopanan berbahasa secara positif dan ungkapan yang lebih singkat ketika menyampaikan perintah, permintaan, penawaran, keluhan, permintaan maaf dan memberi saran. KATA KUNCI Strategi Kesopanan, email bisnis, koresponden PENDAHULUAN Berdasarkan data yang dirilis oleh Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) ( modal-2014-melebihi-target.html), penulis menyimpulkan bahwa Jepang adalah pihak dengan pemenuhan penanaman modal terbesar nomor dua di Indonesia dibawah Singapura. Menjelang kuartal ketiga 2016, penanaman modal dari Jepang adalah sekitar 4.498.000 dolar AS atau
Papers by rike febriyanti