
Anything and Everything for designing the Yearbook!
97 Pins
I like the idea of co-ordinating a grid of photos - kids looking at each other... one looking down a square, the other looking up at them, or left/right like the top of this page.
Yearbook Ideas & Publishing Tools - Varsity Yearbook
I think our opening should be dark since our closing is light
Yearbook Ideas & Publishing Tools - Varsity Yearbook
10 Cover Designs: Student quotes on the front cover THIS IS OUR BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Rachel Moss @Melanie Ford
DIY Photobooth Room
DIY: Polaroid frame: "cut out a polaroid frame using a Styrofoam board. Due to its lightweight, we were able to string it from the ceiling using fishing lines. Guests were able to stand behind it and shoot away!"
[Pioneer, Kirkwood High School, Kirkwood, MO] #Yearbook #BookLook
32 Unbelievably Cheap And Beautiful DIY Photo Backdrops
Gatsby party anyone? | 32 Unbelievably Cheap And Beautiful DIY Photo Backdrops
Make a homemade photo booth! Patterned sheet for backdrop, plum balloons or paper lanterns, twinkle lights and tulle. Fancy seat?
Page Layout: one big picture and a bunch of little ones but this time its in a different corner of the page
Wild Playoff preview
showing two sides do like the same move, half in costume half in studio? -- could be cool with helmet-wearing athletes, too!
Myspace Has Revamped Its Site 'Totally From Scratch', Launching Soon
We love transparencies when used well. It looks like vellum. Just don't chop off the important part(s).