Manifestation 101

192 Pins
Law of Attraction: How to Manifest and Write in a Manifesting Journal
Looking to start a manifestation journal? Keeping a separate journal for your manifestations is a must if you want to get serious with manifesting. That way, you can stay organized, reflect on your manifesting journey, and have everything in one place. Click to learn more about starting a manifesting journal, what to write in one, and how to write in one for optimal results. #lawofattraction #lawofassumption #scriptingformanifestation #manifestationjournalideas #scriptingmethods
Quantum Jumping Manifestation In a Nutshell
This phenomenon can shift your life to a totally different reality. How does ‘quantum jumping manifestation’ really work? Let me break it down to you in simple terms so you can understand quantum shifting and apply it to your own life. #attraction #lawofattraction #lawofvibration #spirituality #affirmations #abundance #manifestation how to manifest | how to manifest what you want | metaphysics | metaphysical spirituality