If only time stood still... don't we all just wish time froze for some of our most precious moments. Our design captures that emotion. Engraved with timeless inside and the clock set at 11:11 so we can make a wish to be transported into any time we desire. Time is the only thing we can never get back used every second to its very best potential. I hope this gold chain locket inspires you to take yourself into any moment you imagine. Hand sculpted in wax and cast into brass, plated in gold and ac Personalized Brass Pendant Locket Necklace, Vintage Locket Jewelry As A Gift For Her, Vintage Locket Jewelry As Gift For Her, Vintage Locket Jewelry Gift For Her, Luxury Antique Gold Round Jewelry, Brass Locket Jewelry For Keepsake, Luxury Locket Necklace, Gold Brass Locket Jewelry, Gold Spiritual Personalized Locket Necklace