
96 Pins
Rainbow Layered Jello - The Carefree Kitchen
This rainbow Layered Jello dessert is fun, colorful, and easier to make than it looks. Switch up the colors depending on the occasion or holiday so you can serve this jiggly treat all year long. #thecarefreekitchen #jello #rainbowjello #layeredjello #jellosalad #dessert
Make Ahead Layered Christmas Jello Recipe
Make Ahead Layered Christmas Jello Recipe is definitely a dessert to prepare a day in advance, which is perfect at holiday time! This recipe features a layer of green lime jello, creamy white gelatin, and red cherry jello, each including a delicious mix-in to make it extra delicious. Save this holiday dessert for later!
Christmas Ribbon Salad Recipe
Amish layered jello salad is a traditional Christmas side dish. With a layer of cherry jello, a layer of lime jello, and a middle layer of cream cheese and lemon jello, this Christmas jello salad is quite delicious! Amish Christmas salad, layered jello salad, layered ribbon salad, Christmas jello mold
330K views · 1.4K comments | Christmas Salad | 🎄Christmas Salad🎄A Creamy salad that is yummy as a side with any meal… it can even be a dessert. (I have included a few gift ideas too.) | By MeMe’s Recipes | Welcome to Mimi's Kitchen. Well, y'all it's a wonderful Monday today. Now, I was hoping for sunshine and then about 15 minutes ago. Actually, the sun did peep out but it's going back in and so it's just that that kind of weather. So, you know what? We could deal with it. Y'all, I know all of you are busy. I know, I certainly am. Trying to get things made and I've just been cooking like crazy. So, I thought today, well, let's do that doesn't require cooking and it's going to make it easy for you and something you can just whip up just in a short time and have it ready and still be impressionable and so all of us have things to go to this time of year whether it's our family or whether it's a gathering or whether you just just whatever it is so Sunday lunch at Mimi's and y'all turn to page four. And guess what this is called Christmas salad so very appropriate and y'all it's so easy there's 12345 ingredients now you just make this refrigerated overnight is the best and then you're ready to serve so one container of whipped topping and y'all know me you can just use any brand I use the Walmart brand great value Alright. Then one can of cherry pie filling. It's not wanting to focus. Okay. And they only make one size. It's it's 21 ounces. So we're going to put that in there. Alright, let's just stir that up just a little bit. That's a good combination right there. Alright and then one can of condensed milk now be sure y'all use condensed milk I'm not going to confuse you by saying what you might use so just use condensed milk alright Now eight ounces of crushed pineapple. And y'all I've already drained this. And I couldn't find an eight ounce can of course. So I used a 20 ounce can. I just took out about little less than half of it. And so you won't use your pineapple juice so just save it. I drank mine. And we're going to mix that in there. And then one cup of chopped pecans. Wow. I might not be able to wait to refrigerate this thing. It looks and smells so good. Okay, y'all. I'm going to mix this a little bit. These ingredients need to get acquainted with one another. They going to be sleeping overnight in the refrigerator. So, we going to let em get acquainted. So, it's not really a whole lot of mix and do. You just want to be sure that all of your ingredients are incorporated. You don't have like a lump of pineapple somewhere. Ooh wee. Y'all that looks good. Alright. Now, we're going to put this in in our bowl. And y'all, look at this bowl. I've had this bowl over 50 years. It's what you call milk glass and it's just one of my favorites. Okay, y'all. Now, I decided to go ahead and garnish this with a few maraschino cherries. Um I rinsed them good so that they wouldn't bleed all over the top of the salad. Now, if I were going to serve this tomorrow like I probably will. I'll take it somewhere. Um I would wait till in the morning to put these cherries on because they may bleed a little bit more and and you just don't want to distort the look of your salad. So, this will go in the refrigerator overnight and it'll be nice and chilled and then y'all look at these pretty little bowls. I'll tell you the story about these bowls. I know you cannot believe that there was any fast food place that did this but Arby's years ago and I'm talking years ago. They used to give these with your aura. Well, I ate enough Arby's when they started giving em because I had 15 of these y'all and and they are beautiful. Ambrosia is pretty in this but this salad will be pretty in it too and then just top it with the cherry and so, I you just I I can't believe that they they actually gave those to you. So that's a plug for Arby's. Now I just wanted to make a couple of gift suggestions for you. Cuz all of us this time of year we're looking for things to give to people and a lot of people that we give to we don't want to buy them a personal gift but we do want to remember them. And so I fixed up a little plate of goodies. Now y'all all of this is in the cookbook. So recipes for everything. This is a plate with divinity. These are the little cheese wafers we made last week. And these are just the salted pecans. Roasted pecans. That is in the book. Now I also just took out of the oven. These pecans. Now this is not in the cookbook y'all. But I'm going to tell you real quick how to make them. Alright is two pounds of pecans. And what you do is you take three tablespoons above. Melt it and put your pecans just in a big bowl. Pour that over and just toss them real good. Then you take one egg white. And you beat it until it's frothy. I don't know if you know what frothy is but you don't want it to peak but you just want it just whipped up and just kind of light looking. Pour that over your pecans and toss that very good then you mix one cup of regular sugar one cup of brown sugar and a teaspoon of salt mix that together real good pour it over your pecans take your your cooking sheet and cover it with tin foil and then just spread them out into your pan and what I do is I set my timer on 20 minutes I cook em for minutes and then I toss them a little bit. I cook them for 20 more minutes and toss them and then 20 more minutes. That's a total of 1 hour. And that's all you have to do. What do you cook them on? Oh that's a good good question KK. 300. 300 degrees. Um and then y'all you can buy these these mugs just almost anywhere. I mean you can buy them TJ Maxx, HomeGoods, the Dollar Tree has them. Uh they'll be plain probably at the Dollar Tree but right now, they've got some with with Holly on them and I would fill it, you know, with pecans and then just wrap it with clear wrap. This is just a mug. I got these at HomeGoods and what that is, that's little marshmallows and chocolate and what you do is when you make your your hot chocolate stir it with that and that melts in it now I wanted to tell you about this y'all now you can use paper plates you can use whatever you want to but what really makes kind of a nice gift go and just buy you some plates y'all you can get them real cheap in fact right now the Dollar Tree has these with Holly on them you can go to like your vintage places and and buy these plates this plate was $3 at HomeGoods and it's going to be part of this gift and I'm just going to put a little tag on it and it's going to say the plate is to keep. I hope you enjoy your homemade treat. That way they know they don't have to return the plate and so and then it just gives them just an extra little gift. Y'all it's just all kind of things you can do this time of year and you know, have to you know spend a lot of money but sometimes you have to spend a lot of time but if you enjoy being in your kitchen like I do then it's a joy I just love preparing things for people and giving them homemade things for Christmas so y'all get busy just get to cooking get to doing whatever just putting your stuff together and enjoy your family take your time to enjoy them as much as possible and enjoy the rest of the week and everybody shine for Jesus.
319K views · 1.4K comments | Christmas Salad | 🎄Christmas Salad🎄A Creamy salad that is yummy as a side with any meal… it can even be a dessert. (I have included a few gift ideas too.) | By MeMe’s Recipes | Welcome to Mimi's Kitchen. Well, y'all it's a wonderful Monday today. Now, I was hoping for sunshine and then about 15 minutes ago. Actually, the sun did peep out but it's going back in and so it's just that that kind of weather. So, you know what? We could deal with it. Y'all, I know all of you are busy. I know, I certainly am. Trying to get things made and I've just been cooking like crazy. So, I thought today, well, let's do that doesn't require cooking and it's going to make it easy for you and something you can just whip up just in a short time and have it ready and still be impre