Important Cuneiform Tablets

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Birds on the Brain
The Flood Tablet, relating part of the Epic of Gilgamesh, From Nineveh, northern Iraq, Neo-Assyrian, 7th century BC, most famous cuneiform tablet from Mesopotamia, at the British Museum, London. Photo taken by Jessica Spengler. I would never have realized this is language!
Cœur de l'Histoire
List of Plants in a Royal Babylonian Garden This tablet lists plants in the garden of the Babylonian king Marduk-apla-iddina (reigned 721-710 and in 703 BCE; Biblical Merodach-Baladan). Included on the list are various vegetables, such as onion and leek, and herbs, such as mint and coriander. (Source) Neo-Babylonian, c. 8th-7th century BCE. British Museum.
Birds on the Brain
The Flood Tablet, relating part of the Epic of Gilgamesh, From Nineveh, northern Iraq, Neo-Assyrian, 7th century BC, most famous cuneiform tablet from Mesopotamia, at the British Museum, London. Photo taken by Jessica Spengler. I would never have realized this is language!
Sumerians had a better medical knowledge than the middle ages. One of the earliest known descriptions of epilepsy comes from a Sumerian/Akkadian cuneiform medical text known as the Diagnostic Handbook, a medical treatise recorded on clay tablets that was copied over and over again from C.3000BC
Lessing, Erich, photographer. Assyrian warriors empaling jewish prisoners after
Assyrian warriors empaling jewish prisoners after conquering the Jewish fortress Lachish (battle 701 BCE). Part of a relief from the palace of Sennacherib at Niniveh, Mesopotamia (Iraq)
This is the world's oldest love poem dating back to 2025BC. The poem is the celebration of a ritual that took place every year in Mesopotamia at the Spring Equinox. It was engraved on a tablet for King Shu Sin the fourth ruler of the third dynasty of Ur. (2037-2029 BC). The 29 lines are written in Sumerian and celebrate the sacred marriage between the Sumerian king and the Sumerian goddess of love and war Inanna. It is housed at the Istanbul Archaeological Museum in Turkey.
Lessing, Erich, photographer. Judean exiles carrying provisions. Detail of the
Judean exiles carrying provisions. Detail of the Assyrian conquest of the Jewish fortified town of Lachish (battle 701 BCE). Part of a relief from the palace of Sennacherib at Niniveh, Mesopotamia (Iraq).
Mesopotamia - Poetry, war, and the invention of law
Code of Hamurabi, Babylonian, ca. 1700 B.C.
Ancient Stone Bag For What? Genetic Change in Human Species??!!Change Genome Code by Anunnaki??? Alabaster relief depicting what could possibly be interpreted as a bucket of holy water, carried by a winged spirit with an eagle’s head from the Northwest Palace of Ashurnasirpal II at the Assyrian Imperial capital of Nimrud (883-859 BCE). Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY. Photo by Babylon Chronicle
11. Calendars & Almanacs - The Schoyen Collection
60,minutes of an hour, 7 Days of a week, 30 days of a month, 12 months of a year calculated/ invented and used by Sumerians C.3000BC that we had to wait till Gregorian calendar approved by the church
Controversial 5,500-Year-Old Sumerian Star Map Of Ancient Nineveh Reveals Observation Of Köfels' Impact Event |
Ancient History Fact: 5,500-Year-Old Sumerian Star Map Of Ancient Nineveh Reveals Observation Of Köfels’ Impact Event
A 5,000 year-old Sumerian cuniform clay tablet dictionary. Location: Babylon.
An Assyrian Dictionary from Nineveh...The words are arranged in three sets of double columns. The left hand column of each set contains a rare Assyrian or foreign loan word for furnishings. For example, the word "door" appears in the centre. The right hand column of each set contains the equivalent Assyrian word in common use. The left hand column ends with the colophon of the royal library of Nineveh. The original, found in the library of Nineveh, dates from the 7th century BC.