Designs with fruit and veg

Oh, Maria Flores | Wedding Flowers in Portugal on Instagram: "warm color chart"
Oh, Maria Flores | Wedding Flowers in Portugal on Instagram: "warm color chart"
Oh, Maria Flores | Wedding Flowers in Portugal on Instagram: "warm color chart"
Male 70th birthday arrangements using fruit and vegetables
#arrangement #fruitarrangement #vegetablearrangement #malebirthday
Perfect arrangement for the food table #terracotta #fruitarrangement #vegetablearrangement
Flower School Autunno 2024 🌱 L’estate è iniziata ma noi stiamo già pensando ai nuovi corsi autunnali ✨ La Flower School di Anthea ripartirà ad Ottobre, con corsi adatti a tutti i livelli: dalle basi dell’arte floreale, passando per allestimenti botanici e contemporanei. Arte, ricerca, sostenibilità e contemporaneità sono i valori che ci accompagneranno durante il percorso formativo. La Flower School di Anthea Studio è uno spazio creativo, un luogo dove potrai nutrire la tua natura artist...
Oh, Maria Flores | Wedding Flowers in Portugal on Instagram: "Sometimes, all you need is a flying cucumber"
Oh, Maria Flores | Wedding Flowers in Portugal on Instagram: "Burgundy fun, for Ghada & Munir"
Oh, Maria Flores | Wedding Flowers in Portugal on Instagram: "Giving life some lemons 🍋 Photography @kristinpiteophoto Flowers @ohmariaflores Stationery @samanthacollingcreativestudio Dresses @inespimentel.atelier MUAH @mubybalu"
Oh, Maria Flores | Wedding Flowers in Portugal on Instagram: "Giving life some lemons 🍋 Photography @kristinpiteophoto Flowers @ohmariaflores Stationery @samanthacollingcreativestudio Dresses @inespimentel.atelier MUAH @mubybalu"
Oh, Maria Flores | Wedding Flowers in Portugal on Instagram: "Someone was asking me if 🌽 is trending right now"
그레이스졸리 on Instagram: "Papaya #gracejolie #꽃구성 #flowercomposition"