Doc - Boots

Despite their popularity with 21st century Renaissance enthusiasts, knee and thigh-high boots were fairly rare in the 16th century, restricted to mostly men on horseback. This board is for documenting those rare instances of images and extant examples of high boots, Kuhmal, or Kuhmund style boots. For ankle boots, see my Schuhe (shoe) board.
26 Pins
1521 - Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/1498–1543) The Humiliation of Emperor Valerian by Shapur, King of Persia. Holbein drew this as a design for his murals for the Council Chamber of the Town Hall in Basel. Apart from a few fragments, the murals themselves are now lost. This drawing comes from the first phase of Holbein's work on the project, when classical narratives were used to remind councillors of the need for good government and warn against the abuse of power.
Image gallery: print
1531- 50 Sebald Beham - Three soldiers and a dog; the soldier at centre seen from behind, the dog at left. DETAIL
Digitale Bibliothek - Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum
Hofkleiderbuch (Picture and description of Hof-liveries) of Duke Wilhelm IV and Albrecht V. 1508-1551 -.. BSB Cgm 1951 Munich, 16th century [BSB Cgm Hss 1951] pg 72
Herbst:Oktober - Marktszene: Fischfrau (market scene - fishing woman/ fishwife)
Falkner im Juli (Faulkner in July) Augsburg Monatsbilder. Back of Red Paltrock, showing the puff topped sleeves from the back.
Triunfo del Emperador Maximiliano I, Rey de Hungría, Dalmacia y Croacia, Archiduque de Austria [Manuscrito] :... de quien están descritas y colocadas en esta colección las acciones gloriosas de S.M. Imperial, durante su vida... - Manuscrito - entre 1501 y 1700?
c. 1501 Hans Burckmaier - Triumph of Emperor Maximilian I, King of Hungary, Dalmatia and Croatia, Archduke of Austria. PAGE 27 DETAIL boots
Sebald Beham | Standard Bearer and Drummer | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Date: 1544 Sebald Beham (German, Nuremberg 1500–1550 Frankfurt) Standard Bearer and Drummer DETAIL
In pictures: Life and death on the Mary Rose
Shoes, a sock and a boot were among the footwear from 415 individuals found. About 500 men died when the ship sank. There was no list of crew names, just a list of numbers, and only the names of the vice admiral, Sir George Carew and the master, Roger Grenville are known.
Digitale Bibliothek - Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum
Hofkleiderbuch (Picture and description of Hof-liveries) of Duke Wilhelm IV and Albrecht V. 1508-1551 -.. BSB Cgm 1951 Munich, 16th century [BSB Cgm Hss 1951] pg 270
1550 - 1600 Jost Amman - Soldier in landscape. 2nd of 8 engr. of milit. figures and scenes, each with ornamental border; soldier holding cane or musket, landscape background with wagons, river, castle on hilltop. Copyright - Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection at Brown University.
Sommer:Juli - Zustand vor der Restaurierung (state before restoration)
Wendelin-Legende, 1510 ; 1520 ; Kremsmünster ; Österreich RealOnline #: 000209 Brown and green waffenrock, this one is over armour. Notice the wrap front styling.
Augsburg Monatsbilder, Spring, Two Hunters (Zwei Jäger) Hunter on right side, has a side fastening rock that buttons on the shoulder.