Bulletin of The London Mathematical Society, Sep 1, 2001
Let M be a geometrically finite pinched negatively curved Riemannian manifold with at least one c... more Let M be a geometrically finite pinched negatively curved Riemannian manifold with at least one cusp. We study the asymptotics of the number of geodesics in M starting from and returning to a given cusp, and of the number of horoballs at parabolic fixed points in the universal cover of M. In the appendix, due to K. Belabas, the case of SL(2, Z) and of Bianchi groups is developed. 1
We come back to the construction of p-adic L-functions attached to cusp forms of even weight k in... more We come back to the construction of p-adic L-functions attached to cusp forms of even weight k in the spirit of G. Stevens, R. Pollack [7] and M. Greenberg [3] with a new unified presentation including the non-ordinary case. This construction is based on Stevens's modular symbols rather than q-developments. We review the proofs in order to obtain an effective algorithm guaranteeing a given p-adic accuracy.
Abstract. Tate’s algorithm [31] for computing K2OF for rings of integers in a number field has be... more Abstract. Tate’s algorithm [31] for computing K2OF for rings of integers in a number field has been adapted for the computer and gives explicit generators for the group and sharp bounds on their order—the latter, together with some structural results on the p-th primary part of K2OF due to Tate and Keune, gives a proof of its structure for many imaginary quadratic fields, confirming
Let F be a number field. There are many interesting things we can compute about F: Invariants: ma... more Let F be a number field. There are many interesting things we can compute about F: Invariants: maximal order OF, class group Cl(F), units U(F), higher algebraic K-groups, Dedekind ζF... Subfields: Galois group, lattice of subfields. Extensions: build L/F, e.g given explicitly by primitive elements or implicitly via Kummer or class field theory. Invariants thereof (e.g in class field towers). Basic operations: elementary operations on elements and ideals of OF, mostly multiplications (at least in class field theory). XIV e Rencontres Arithmétiques de Caen (20/06/2003) – p. 2/19Setup (2/4) For most of these problems, there exist efficient algorithms, deterministic or randomized, possibly assuming some deep conjecture (GRH, density of friable elements in appropriate sets...), possibly giving a wrong result with small probability in an appropriate model, possibly not an algorithm at all but usually giving sensible results... But there are a number of pitfalls, especially when the degree...
Abstract. Davenport and Heilbronn defined a bijection between classes of binary cubic forms and c... more Abstract. Davenport and Heilbronn defined a bijection between classes of binary cubic forms and classes of cubic fields, which has been used to tabulate the latter. We give a simpler proof of their theorem then analyze and improve the table-building algorithm. It computes the multiplicities of the O(X) general cubic discriminants (real or imaginary) up to X in time O(X) andspace O(X 3/4), or more generally in time O(X + X 7/4 /M)andspaceO(M + X 1/2) for a freely chosen positive M. A variant computes the 3-ranks of all quadratic fields of discriminant up to X with the same time complexity, but using only M + O(1) units of storage. As an application we obtain the first 1618 real quadratic fields with r3(∆) ≥ 4, and prove that Q ( √ −5393946914743) is the smallest imaginary quadratic field with 3-rank equal to 5. 1.
Tate's algorithm [31] for computing K 2 OF for rings of integers in a number field has been ... more Tate's algorithm [31] for computing K 2 OF for rings of integers in a number field has been adapted for the computer and gives explicit generators for the group and sharp bounds on their order - the latter, together with some structural results on the p-th primary part of K 2 OF due to Tate and Keune, gives a proof of its structure for many imaginary quadratic fields, confirming earlier conjectural results in [7].
Abstract. Assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, Bach has shown that the ideal class group ... more Abstract. Assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, Bach has shown that the ideal class group CℓK of a number field K can be generated by the prime ideals of K having norm smaller than 12 � log |Discriminant(K) | � 2.This result is essential for the computation of the class group and units of K by Buchmann’s algorithm, currently the fastest known. However, once CℓK has been computed, one notices that this bound could have been replaced by a much smaller value, and so much work could have been saved. We introduce here a short algorithm which allows us to reduce Bach’s bound substantially, usually by a factor 20 or so. The bound produced by the algorithm is asymptotically worse than Bach’s, but favorable constants make it useful in practice. 1.
In this short note we analyze the low order assumption in the imaginary quadratic number fields. ... more In this short note we analyze the low order assumption in the imaginary quadratic number fields. We show how this assumption is broken for Mersenne primes. We also provide a description on how to possible attack this assumption for other class of prime numbers leveraging some new mathematical tool coming from higher (cubic) number fields.
We prove polynomial time complexity for a now widely used factorization algorithm for polynomials... more We prove polynomial time complexity for a now widely used factorization algorithm for polynomials over the rationals. Our approach also yields polynomial time complexity results for bivariate polynomials over a finite field.
Abstract. We obtain the rst known power-saving remainder terms for the theorems of Davenport and ... more Abstract. We obtain the rst known power-saving remainder terms for the theorems of Davenport and Heilbronn on the density of discriminants of cubic elds and the mean number of 3-torsion elements in the class groups of qua-dratic elds. In addition, we prove analogous error terms for the density of discriminants of quartic elds and the mean number of 2-torsion elements in the class groups of cubic elds. These results prove analytic continuation of the related Dirichlet series to the left of the line <(s) = 1. 1.
Nous proposons une analyse de certains arguments opposes par Quine dans Le mot et la chose a la c... more Nous proposons une analyse de certains arguments opposes par Quine dans Le mot et la chose a la conception de la verite de Peirce. A l'idee que la verite pourrait etre comprise comme l'opinion ultime soutenue par la communaute scientifique sur une question donnee, il faut opposer la difficulte a concevoir une topologie raisonnable sur l'ensemble des opinions (ou des enonces). Nous developpons l'analogie mathematique presente dans cette image d'une verite-convergence, et montrons qu'elle ne peut rendre compte de certains phenomenes
La composition de Gauss donne une structure de groupe aux orbites de formes quadratiques binaires... more La composition de Gauss donne une structure de groupe aux orbites de formes quadratiques binaires entieres de discriminant D, sous l'action de SL 2 par changement de variable, essentiellement le groupe des classes de l'ordre quadratique de discriminant D. Les domaines fondamentaux associes permettent calculs explicites et evaluation d'ordres moyens. Je presenterai les lois de composition superieures decouvertes par M. Bhargava a partir de la classification des espaces vectoriels prehomogenes reguliers, ainsi que les resultats de densite qu'il obtient ou conjecture, en particulier sur les discriminants de corps de nombres.
Bulletin of The London Mathematical Society, Sep 1, 2001
Let M be a geometrically finite pinched negatively curved Riemannian manifold with at least one c... more Let M be a geometrically finite pinched negatively curved Riemannian manifold with at least one cusp. We study the asymptotics of the number of geodesics in M starting from and returning to a given cusp, and of the number of horoballs at parabolic fixed points in the universal cover of M. In the appendix, due to K. Belabas, the case of SL(2, Z) and of Bianchi groups is developed. 1
We come back to the construction of p-adic L-functions attached to cusp forms of even weight k in... more We come back to the construction of p-adic L-functions attached to cusp forms of even weight k in the spirit of G. Stevens, R. Pollack [7] and M. Greenberg [3] with a new unified presentation including the non-ordinary case. This construction is based on Stevens's modular symbols rather than q-developments. We review the proofs in order to obtain an effective algorithm guaranteeing a given p-adic accuracy.
Abstract. Tate’s algorithm [31] for computing K2OF for rings of integers in a number field has be... more Abstract. Tate’s algorithm [31] for computing K2OF for rings of integers in a number field has been adapted for the computer and gives explicit generators for the group and sharp bounds on their order—the latter, together with some structural results on the p-th primary part of K2OF due to Tate and Keune, gives a proof of its structure for many imaginary quadratic fields, confirming
Let F be a number field. There are many interesting things we can compute about F: Invariants: ma... more Let F be a number field. There are many interesting things we can compute about F: Invariants: maximal order OF, class group Cl(F), units U(F), higher algebraic K-groups, Dedekind ζF... Subfields: Galois group, lattice of subfields. Extensions: build L/F, e.g given explicitly by primitive elements or implicitly via Kummer or class field theory. Invariants thereof (e.g in class field towers). Basic operations: elementary operations on elements and ideals of OF, mostly multiplications (at least in class field theory). XIV e Rencontres Arithmétiques de Caen (20/06/2003) – p. 2/19Setup (2/4) For most of these problems, there exist efficient algorithms, deterministic or randomized, possibly assuming some deep conjecture (GRH, density of friable elements in appropriate sets...), possibly giving a wrong result with small probability in an appropriate model, possibly not an algorithm at all but usually giving sensible results... But there are a number of pitfalls, especially when the degree...
Abstract. Davenport and Heilbronn defined a bijection between classes of binary cubic forms and c... more Abstract. Davenport and Heilbronn defined a bijection between classes of binary cubic forms and classes of cubic fields, which has been used to tabulate the latter. We give a simpler proof of their theorem then analyze and improve the table-building algorithm. It computes the multiplicities of the O(X) general cubic discriminants (real or imaginary) up to X in time O(X) andspace O(X 3/4), or more generally in time O(X + X 7/4 /M)andspaceO(M + X 1/2) for a freely chosen positive M. A variant computes the 3-ranks of all quadratic fields of discriminant up to X with the same time complexity, but using only M + O(1) units of storage. As an application we obtain the first 1618 real quadratic fields with r3(∆) ≥ 4, and prove that Q ( √ −5393946914743) is the smallest imaginary quadratic field with 3-rank equal to 5. 1.
Tate's algorithm [31] for computing K 2 OF for rings of integers in a number field has been ... more Tate's algorithm [31] for computing K 2 OF for rings of integers in a number field has been adapted for the computer and gives explicit generators for the group and sharp bounds on their order - the latter, together with some structural results on the p-th primary part of K 2 OF due to Tate and Keune, gives a proof of its structure for many imaginary quadratic fields, confirming earlier conjectural results in [7].
Abstract. Assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, Bach has shown that the ideal class group ... more Abstract. Assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, Bach has shown that the ideal class group CℓK of a number field K can be generated by the prime ideals of K having norm smaller than 12 � log |Discriminant(K) | � 2.This result is essential for the computation of the class group and units of K by Buchmann’s algorithm, currently the fastest known. However, once CℓK has been computed, one notices that this bound could have been replaced by a much smaller value, and so much work could have been saved. We introduce here a short algorithm which allows us to reduce Bach’s bound substantially, usually by a factor 20 or so. The bound produced by the algorithm is asymptotically worse than Bach’s, but favorable constants make it useful in practice. 1.
In this short note we analyze the low order assumption in the imaginary quadratic number fields. ... more In this short note we analyze the low order assumption in the imaginary quadratic number fields. We show how this assumption is broken for Mersenne primes. We also provide a description on how to possible attack this assumption for other class of prime numbers leveraging some new mathematical tool coming from higher (cubic) number fields.
We prove polynomial time complexity for a now widely used factorization algorithm for polynomials... more We prove polynomial time complexity for a now widely used factorization algorithm for polynomials over the rationals. Our approach also yields polynomial time complexity results for bivariate polynomials over a finite field.
Abstract. We obtain the rst known power-saving remainder terms for the theorems of Davenport and ... more Abstract. We obtain the rst known power-saving remainder terms for the theorems of Davenport and Heilbronn on the density of discriminants of cubic elds and the mean number of 3-torsion elements in the class groups of qua-dratic elds. In addition, we prove analogous error terms for the density of discriminants of quartic elds and the mean number of 2-torsion elements in the class groups of cubic elds. These results prove analytic continuation of the related Dirichlet series to the left of the line <(s) = 1. 1.
Nous proposons une analyse de certains arguments opposes par Quine dans Le mot et la chose a la c... more Nous proposons une analyse de certains arguments opposes par Quine dans Le mot et la chose a la conception de la verite de Peirce. A l'idee que la verite pourrait etre comprise comme l'opinion ultime soutenue par la communaute scientifique sur une question donnee, il faut opposer la difficulte a concevoir une topologie raisonnable sur l'ensemble des opinions (ou des enonces). Nous developpons l'analogie mathematique presente dans cette image d'une verite-convergence, et montrons qu'elle ne peut rendre compte de certains phenomenes
La composition de Gauss donne une structure de groupe aux orbites de formes quadratiques binaires... more La composition de Gauss donne une structure de groupe aux orbites de formes quadratiques binaires entieres de discriminant D, sous l'action de SL 2 par changement de variable, essentiellement le groupe des classes de l'ordre quadratique de discriminant D. Les domaines fondamentaux associes permettent calculs explicites et evaluation d'ordres moyens. Je presenterai les lois de composition superieures decouvertes par M. Bhargava a partir de la classification des espaces vectoriels prehomogenes reguliers, ainsi que les resultats de densite qu'il obtient ou conjecture, en particulier sur les discriminants de corps de nombres.
Papers by Karim Belabas