Monday, August 14, 2017

Menu Plan + Weekly Goals...

Morning lovelies!! Today I thought I would hop on and share our menu plan plus a few goals I have for myself this week. I've been working on staying organized over the past few weeks and it's been really helping my mama sanity.

Friday afternoon, while the baby napped, I made our weekly meal plan. This week I planned for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. I didn't plan snacks, since I try to always have things like string cheese, fruit cups, yogurt, pretzels, etc available for snacking. We also snack on fruits and veggies as well.

This week I'm taking quite a few recipes from The 5 Ingredient Slow Cooker cookbook. I checked it out at the library. I'm really excited to try some new recipes. They all look super simple, which is all this mama has time for.

Once I had my menu plan, I made our grocery list. We're still building back up our food storage. We're finally staying put for a while, so I want to build us back up. It's a life saver in those leaner times.

Below is what our menu looks like for this upcoming week:

Waffles x2
Eggs in a nest
Smoothie x2

Breakfast peppers* (this will be an after church brunch)
Yogurt bowls
Sub sandwiches
Mac + cheese
Deli sandwiches

Shepard's Pie w/ rolls
Bbq meatballs + mashed potatoes and veggies
Creamy cabbage and sausage bake
Curried cauliflower soup*
Baked eggplant* with pasta + ceasar salad
Double bean soup w/ fried tortillas

Brownies x2
Chocolate cake x2
Ice cream x2
FHE treat - mint ice cream sandwiches

Note: I always like our Fridays to be leftover days, so we can clean out the fridge before my weekly shopping trip on Saturday. We no longer live by a Costco :( and I am not doing once a month shopping. I have found once a week works with my current season and our pay periods. I go once a week and then stay away from the store :)

*New recipe from the cookbook

Now for the weekly goals...

Things I'd like to make:
Crock-Pot granola*
A big batch of garbanzo beans for the freezer
Pizza dough for freezer x2
Waffles for the freezer

Things I'd like to organize:
Girls clothing/closet
Entry closet

Things to deep clean:
Master bathroom

Things to read:
Scriptures x7
Teaching From Rest by Sarah Mackenzie
Maze Runner book 2

Current read aloud:
More Than the Tattooed Mormon by Al Carraway
Geronimo by Kjlgaard  (free on Amazon right now)

The kids and I are loving both of these books by the way :)

Things to do:
Work out x5
Go for a walk with the kids x2
Take kids to the park
Get down a better daily schedule with school, naps, etc.

So there we have it. It feels good to have a plan for my week. What weekly goals do you guys have?

XO Danielle


  1. I'm curious about your vegan journey ending so soon. I've been contemplating it myself, so I was wondering what your experience was like.

  2. I don't often comment, but I'm so happy you are back to blogging again!

  3. Hi. I have Friday as my left over day too. I LOVE Five ingredient cookbooks. BTW, do you think you will be doing videos again? I miss you and the kids.


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