Wednesday, December 31

Page 365 of 365

2014 definitely a tough year for us, Malaysian... Stay strong Malaysia....

2015 please be good..

Nota kaki: I'm looking forward to 2015... Can't wait for this phase to end.. Pls be strong Nadia !

Thank you for reading ~!

Monday, December 29

A thousand splendid suns


I've started my reading journey with my new books I purchased during #BigBadWolfBooks2014. Aku start dengan Bridget Jones Diary.. Tapi sorry to say, I read about 3 chapter je lepas tu stop. I don't know why... Gagal mencuri perhatian ku....

Then aku teruskan dengan Heart of the matter by emily giffin.. I hate this book !!!! Tapi habis jugak baca. LOL. Tak pernah aku tak suka buku tapi this one is exceptional... Seriously aku tak suka...  Siapa nak aku nak bagi free buku ni.. HAHHAHA... Oh don't get me wrong.. Mungkin aku je rasa buku ni tak best. Lain orang lain selera... Mana tau uols suka buku ni.. Pls let me know if you interested..

My 3rd book by Khaled Hosseini... A thousand splendid suns...

My verdict? I love it ! Dah lama dengar rave pasal The Kite Runner (yet to read), tapi I chose to read this novel 1st because the plot is about women in Afghanistan... It such an eye opener... You will see how the relationship between  two women (main character; Mariam & Laila) blooming until one of them sacrifice their own life for the benefits of others. Dalam ni ada cerita jugak pasal hak-hak wanita yang di nafikan. Every single era is potrayed in details.  Towards the end, aku rasa puas dengan endingnya. Very meaningful. How beautiful a relationship can be. I highly recommend this book for you to read and have some insight about Afghanistan generally... Try la baca novel-novel macam ni. Korang akan rasa lebih grateful with what you have now. Aku habis baca within 3-4 days je... 

Currently reading is Good Husband Material by Tisha Ashley. Dah halfway... Storyline takde lah best mana yet still boleh layan.. Beli hari tu pun sebab suka cover and line muka surat warna pink. Hiks...

Okay till then !

Notakaki: Banyak buku best tapi saje baca yang tak best dulu.. Save the best for last katanya...

Thank you for reading ~!

Tuesday, December 16

Baby Cat


Bertemu lagi dalam entry kucing.. lama dah tak dedicate entry buat adik bulus aku.. Last entry pasal adik bulan 5 yang lepas..

Let me introduce to our new feline member.. We called him Baby.. Or hashtag #Babyzhecat :) Baby ni kalau ikut info yang diberi oleh owner asal adalah  pure persian.. Tapi warna baby yang unik buat baby nampak macam british short hair pun ye.. Heeee... Since baby ni kami adopt masa aku masih DPA, so jumpa baby pun weekend je.. Jadi takdelah dia rapat sangat dengan aku.. Walaupun tak rapat, tapi aku tetap sayang ! 

Alhamdulillah baby bijak utk poo and pee dekat cat litter.. Tapi sekarang dah besar dia malas agaknya dia membuang dalam bilik air je... Luckily kat bilik air aku tak pernah.. HAHHA.. Jadi adik-adik aku siapa yang terkena time tu nasib la kena membasuh.. kah kah kah...

Why we called him baby? Simply because he acts like a baby ! Makan bersuap uols... Asalnya waktu dia datang dulu, dia lansung tak nak makan.. Sampai kena paksa makan dengan bersuap.. Sudahnya sampai sekarang makan nak bersuap... Kadang-kadang kalau lapar sangat habis jari aku digigitnya. Ouchh sakit la baby ! Tapi sakit pun takde aku nak marah.. hihi.. Dia boleh makan sendiri tapi bukan makanan dia.. Makanan gemuk jgak yang dia berkenan.. Itupun dia tak reti makan dalam bekas makanan... Dia kena keluarkan ke atas lantai.. hahah.. macam-macam peel lah kucing ni... Tapi mana boleh bagi makan makanan gemok tu sebab tu special diet untuk gemok (diet for urine since gemok ada kes batu karang sebelum ni). So nak tak nak kena suap la... Nasib ada yang rajin melayan.. hehehehe... So masa raya hari tu risau nye lah tinggal 2 ekor budak bulus ni.. Tapi alhamdulillah both of them survived... 

Last week baby buat hal.. Sekarang dia sibuk nak menggatal... Pantang pintu rumah terbukak laju je keluar.. Satu hari tu mama tak perasan dia ikut keluar... Dah lepas maghrib baru perasan baby takde dalam rumah.. Kelam kabut la semua orang.. Aku pun habis pusing 2x area rumah aku tapi tak jumpa.. Sedihnya hanya tuhan yang tau.. Memang dah boleh agak kalau lepas kucing macam ni memang hilang la jawabnya.. Siapa yang tak nak kucing comel camni.... Tak lena tidur aku... Menangis... Rumah aku jadi suram.. Semua orang sedih... 2 days after that thanks to my husb (he's our savior !) dia jumpa baby kat rumah jiran (selang beberapa rumah dari rumah aku) dalam sangkar.. Ya Allah rasa lega sangat... Baby masa tu katanya bau hancing dan sangat lapar n haus.. Syukur alhamdulullah....... Thank you husband !

So yeah sebelum kejadian yang sama berulang, InsyaAllah esok  (17 Disember 2014) baby akan disunatkan.. Tu je ubat bagi dia duduk dalam rumah.. HEHEHE... 

Nota kaki: Bila aku ada anak, aku nak amik gamba gemok n anak aku tengok siapa lagi besar. HAHAHHA

Thank you for reading ~!

Monday, December 15

My E-day - 22 June 2013


Soryyyyy I know it's super late to update about my E-day, tapi nak jugak share sedikit sebanyak majlis yang dah berlangsung 1 tahun 6 bulan itu. HEHEHHE... Since aku memang tak upload gambar kat mana-mana media sosial.. Ada pun sekeping je tu pun b&w.. Hihihi... Saja nak reminiscing back my moment as a fiance..Kihkih.. Nak berangan anak dara balik.. Gituuuuu..

Okay let's get started !

The theme was mint green + purple.. Warna canopy pun macam tu.. I like these color combo ! Ada 3 khemah semuanya... Meriah.. Sebab family aku ramai.. Kawan mama ramai... Kawan-kawan aku ramai tapi jemput yang mana rapat je lah...

Pagi sebelum majlis bermula... Cantik kan combination color ni...

Me on my e-day

Kain beli kat jakel warna mint green.. Tak ingat berapa harga.. Tapi ratus lah.. Tempah dengan tailor aku yang dah biasa... Takde design apa sangat lah.. Just baju kurung moden biasa.. Sebab aku GEMS jadi memang takdelah nak fesyen sangat kan... Sedih mak ! Tudung/veil last minit baru cari. Gila. A day before baru terhegeh-hegeh.. Biasalah last minute is my middle name. Hiks ;p Sudahnya pakai 2 lapis half moon shawl.. Satu as tudung the other one as veil... Tapi kan aku tak puas hati the way MUA style my hijab/veil and did my make up !!! That's explain why I haven't upload any pictures during my E-day sebenarnya... Benci sangat tengok... Supposingly anak dia yang make up tapi last minutes ada hal, so mak dia (aunty yang ni actually kawan mama) yang make up kan.. Make up nye tebal dan tak menepati citarasa ku.... Sedihhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Major bummer !!!! Tu lah akibat bila nak save budget so hire je kenalan/family.. blerghh.. Same goes tu photographer. Guna khidmat cousin aku yang amik course photography.. Tapi kerja hampas ! Kena panggil untuk tangkap gambar.. Kalau tak duduk melepak bawah khemah.. Grrrr

Sesi sarung cincin... Hihi.. Nervous tak ingat time ni ;p

Me with his nenek and my opah...

My mini dais  ♥

Despite her skill in make up, I like her creativity  dalam menghias pelamin & hantaran... Yang ni memang no doubt sangat cantik and kena dengan taste aku.. Hihii... pelamin & hantaran warna purple..

Ni hantaran nya... Semua makanan... Memang takde bagi baju ke apa sebab tu semua nak bagi masa kahwin nanti...

From him to her

Okaylah tu aje... Nothing extravaganza pun... Hehehe saje nak share dengan uols about my E-day... Thanks to my family & friends yang sudi hadir & tolong pada hari tersebut... Love uols to the moon and back ♥

Nota kaki: My wedding pictures masih belum siap... almost 2 months dah ni... haihhhhh geram pulak aku !

Thank you for reading ~!

#FNday Wedding Review: Bridal Henna


Alhamdulillah.. Rajin sikit nak review pasal wedding aku (hashtag yg digunakan ialah #FNday) So first thing yang aku nak review adalah berkenaan henna.. Why henna ? Sebab henna yang paling aku suka... Sampai sekarang tengok henna pengantin rasa nak kahwin lagi sekali. LOL... So let's get started !

Henna hunting aku start lambat.. lebih kurang 4 months before my big day.. I don't know why I didn't book henna artist earlier than that. Hence my henna hunting become a bit challenging... Mostly famous henna artist wasn't available on my date. Bummer ! The one I've been eyeing since last year also fully booked... So tips for bride-to-be, secure your henna artist at least a year before your wedding day.. Nowadays henna artist is in demand just like OP & MUA.. 

Okay back to my story.. So bermulalah episod mencari henna artist yang sesuai/affordable/nice design/etc.. If ada masa I akan google... Tapi time DPA mana sempat nak google sangat plus the free wifi so slow macam siput ! Another alternative is Instagram ! I love instagram.. I can spend hours on IG. At first cari guna hashtag #sayajualservis Thanks to Hanis Zalikha for initiated this #sayajual #sayajualservis hashtag ! More easier to search the henna artist... But too bad tak ramai henna artist yang fully utilised this hashtag.. So cari guna hashtag lain such as #henna #bridalhenna and so on... And one day I stumble upon this one henna artist... Lukisan dia sangat halus.. sangat cantik !! Ya Allah.. memang hari-hari tengok.. suka sangat... Yes she's the one who did my henna on my big day. 

Actually she wasn't available on my date. Tapi I insist nak jugak. LOL. Thanks Hana sudi jugak buat henna untuk I. So instead of buat malam before akad nikah, aku buat tengah hari Khamis (Nikah petang Jumaat). Malam tu Hana ada malam berinai cousin dia so that's explain... The session took  about 3 hours I guess.. Untuk full tangan & kaki... The price is affordable and reasonable I must say ! Sebab ada yang wayyyy pricey than this I pernah came across.. Semput dada mak tengok quotation diorang.. Hahahaha

Okay so I chose this design.. Actually haven't made up my mind which design yang I nak... Hana datang tanya nak design camne then I bukak her IG just scroll mana yang berkenan. HAHA. As simple as that.... Hana lukis so perfect. My aunty ingat ada macam cop bukan lukis sendiri.. Halus je... I like !!!

She's using 2 different henna.. Untuk jari Hana guna inai daun dia bancuh sendiri.. While for kuku dia guna henna instant yang biasa tu.. Henna tu dia dapat direct dari Mekah.. Untuk jari kena pakai 2 hours sahaja... So I pun ikut cakap dia... Tapi mula-mula frust sebab bukak warna tak merah. Warna oren je.. Seriously down... Nasib baik memang ada inai kat rumah. So dah plan malam sebelum tidur nak pakai balik... 

But this inai do wonders ! After kena air beberapa kali (wudhu) dia jadi merah !!! 

See? This one masa lepas maghrib.. Dah naik merah.. Mak suka !!! Pls ignore my chubby fingers.. HEHEHE

Then later at night lagi cantikkkkkkk

P E R F E C T !

I suka warna merah gelap macam ni... Malam tu tidur bau inai.. Heaven ! HAHAHHA

This is after akad nikah... Lagi pekat... Alhamdulillah... Suka suka suka ♥

Do contact her to book your slot okay. Highly recommended !

Instagram : @Hennabyhana

Then untuk my reception at hubby side I guna khidmat another henna artist. Simply because I memang nak try dengan orang lain..  Lagipun nak cari yang murah tapi still cantik. Then of course la cari henna artist yang baru start buat.. Luckily memang my IG friend baru start buat henna ni.. Without doubt I terus book dia ! Tapi I buat awal. 2 days earlier dan inai jadi tak berapa pekat dah masa reception tu. Sedih. But it was totally my fault ! She's keep on reminding me kalau buat awal tak cantik.. HAHAHA.. takpelah dah lepas pun.. Gambar ada sekeping je..

I chose this design.. Jumpa kat instagram corak ni... HEHHE... Ini sehari sebelum majlis rasanya... Cantik... Tapi sebab sentiasa amik wudhu so lama-lama pudar :( So another tips, seelok-eloknya henna buat sehari awal dari majlis.. If henna artist tak guna inai daun, so elak henna kena air selama yang boleh.. 

Highly recommended untuk sesiapa yang tak nak spend banyak on henna... Kerja yang kemas harga yang sangat reasonable and of course henna artist yang sangat baik !!! 

Do contact her to book your slot okay. You won't regret !!

Instagram : @Colorsbysasha

Okay till then.. Wait for other #FNday review ! Oh btw FN stand for Firdaus ♥ Nadia 

Nota kaki; I'll always love henna/inai !! Lepas ni nak beli inai sticker tu lukis sendiri.. lagi senang ! HEHHHE

Thank you for reading ~!

Tuesday, December 9

Big Bad Wolf stash


If you have been following my blog from the beginning, you may realize my interest in reading.. Yes.. I love reading.. My preference would be chick-lit but it depends on my mood, my vocab yada yada :) Kinokuniya and MPH used to be a shop that I must visit if I hit the mall.. Those were the days when I need to really put aside some money to buy 1 book per month. Hence I'd spent more hours in the bookstore reading the summary for each book just to ensure I pick the right book and suit my liking... Otherwise I won't read.. But thanks to #BigBadWolfBooks now I can buy books to my heart content ! HAHAHAH

So let's take a look at my #BBWstash from 2012 until recently...

2012's stash

My #BBWstash in 2012. It was my 1st time. Tak banyak. Pergi pun hari-hari terakhir which the choice is limited... Tak habis round rasanya sebab penat sorang-sorang... So basically I just bought book that catch my eyes.. Up until today ada yang tak habis baca sebab bukan my cup of tea..

Aku hadiahkan kak monday buku ni sebab tak masuk jiwa aku cerita nya.. Eceh

Dah lama nak beli buku ni tapi tangguh sebab rasa tak berbaloi harga dengan helaian mukasurat. Cheapskate mode on. HAHAHAH

2013' stash

Yeahhh my 1st haul... Best dapt beli buku my fav author jane green ~!

2nd time visit BBW2012... Hanya 2 buku je belum baca 40 Love & Womenomics ( beli sebab ikut org.. So not me.. Bukan pilihan hati.. sudahnya baca sehelai dua dah simpan. LOL)

The downside buying books based on author without reads the summary. End up buying 2 books (hardcover & paperback). Tamak sangat kau ni Nadia ! HAHAHAH
Aku pun hadiahkan kepada kak tuesday...

This one among 4/5 books I catch during BBW aftermath sales.. I read half. Best tapi sebab biography aku slow sikit nak habiskan.. Bawak pergi DPA bajet ada masa nak baca.,,, Cehhh

2014's stash

My recent books haul !! yeahhhhhhhh... Pardon me.. I really have no self control when it comes to book with a good bargain !!! Heaven sebab aku pergi a day ealier ( I got the preview pass. woohooo )
I was so close to buy Khaled Hosseini's -The mountain echoes (2 months back) but I restrained myself.. Thank God I didn't buy it earlier. This one hardcover RM10 je !!! And of course aku add to cart any Jodi Picoult's book that I saw that day...  Mitch Albom pun wajib beli... Memang dah start kumpul... Aku boleh habis baca within a day buku dia... Best !!
Disebabkan buku Jodi mostly depressing/sad/ so I must find chick-lit novel untuk rasa ringan sikit otak... Faham tak apa yang aku nak sampaikan ni? HEHEHHE... That's explain kenapa aku beli novel  unknown author tu. Harap-harap boleh masuk dengan jiwa aku... Hiks ;p

currently reading... I love this one so much !!! Sian hero ku si gemok kena paksa jadi prop. Hiks;p

 I know, I definitely have more than a year's worth of reading here to add on to the two years worth of reading I already have.. Yes I horde books and take time to read it..

I love #BigBadWolfBooks !! Mana tau tahun depan pergi boleh beli buku untuk kids pulak... Heeee Aminnnn

Nota kaki: I wanted to go for a second time.. Just to find John Green's (The fault in our stars) and The Rosie Project !! Siapa nak pergi aku nak kirim !!

Thank you for reading ~!

Tuesday, December 2

#throwback 24112014


Selama ni tak pernah lupa wish diri sendiri dekat blog sempena birthday.. But this time around iols lupa hence the #throwback entry ! heheheeh ;p

Happy belated birthday to me ~!
24 November 2014

I am officially 31st years old and I feel awesome !

I hope my beauty is in the eye of my husband. hahahahah

Nota kaki: I have another lil secret to spill soon ! InsyaAllah...

Thank you for reading ~!

Sunday, November 23

It's been a year

Reminiscing back when I was in London exactly a year ago.. How I missed London ! Among 3 cities that I have been (London, Freiburg & Amsterdam) I felt London very close to my heart.. 

Marble Arch, Oxford St, London

When we're going to meet again L O N D O N ?

Nota kaki: Entry pasal trip to Europe pun baru part 1 je.. HAHHAHA.. Ada ke yang nak baca lagi ntah?

Thank you for reading ~!

Friday, November 14

So called little secret


I've been married to the love of my life for almost a month now... Been meaning to share the bridezilla moment along the way but due to my DPA course that I attended early this year, so yeah that's literally explain why I didn't share... I don't have ample time to do the prep let alone to blog about it.. Sigh.. However it's all in the past.. What matter now I am a wife already... I will share and do some review (kalau rajin) about my wedding day later as I still have one more reception (my hubby side) next week ! Till then :))

Nota kaki : Am worried I can't fit into my wedding dress next week... blerghhhhhh !!

Thank you for reading ~!

Thursday, November 6

Review: NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream


Hi you alls... I'm back with some review... It's been an ages since I've done any review kan.. I was away for the past 7 months.. That's literally explain why I'm on hiatus...

Ok back to this review... Oh my GUCCI !! I super love this NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream (NYX SMLC).. No wonder it become hype now... Have I told you that I'm into lippie stuff and matte lipstick nowadays? And did I mention that I've bought my 1st ever  SMLC way back in 2011 ? I still remember cause I've instagrammed it as soon as I received the  SMLC... It's just I don't really recall what code I purchase back then. Probably the nude one since I don't like it on my lips at that time. Tak cantik dipakai since I have dry & chappy lips. So what makes me wanna repurchase this  SMLC? Because I found the  SMLC 2 weeks ago when I did my spring cleaning (read: I'm a Mrs. now. Teehee). Then all of sudden I wanna have it so baddddddd... I even spent hours look at IG searching for IG sellers that might have this authentic and original  SMLC in stock.. So yeah that's about it..

So, yesterday I received my  SMLC in Ibiza (code17). I super love the color.. It's matte and very lightweight. As if you didn't put any lipstick on your lips. It has great pigmentation, smell amazing (like vanilla), dry to a matte finish, stay on for an  average of 5-6 hours without fading, and the best part ? It's doesn't burn a hole in your wallet ! Price ranging from RM24- RM26 exc postage.. Sephora sells it at RM26.. So choose wisely girls. Beware of fake product too.. I don't understand drugstore brand pun ada knock out products? shessshhh

Before I went to Office

Right after I arrived at office
After I had my breakfast

Various colors to choose from ! From nude hues, to pink hues and bright hues...

Code name after big city all around the world ! At the moment I already have Ibiza, Prague & Addis Ababa. Planning to get Milan, Antwerp & Sao Paulo

Nota kaki: I'm going to sell NYX product soon ! If you interested just drop a comment... TQ

Thank you for reading ~!

Monday, November 3

Gerbera daisy


It's been a while... Now am back on track. Please expect more updates soon... As for now take a look at these beautiful flower called gerbera daisy. 


They are beautiful. Aren't they? FYI, these pic was taken using my new ip6 at Cameron Highland... I'm in love with ip6 camera features...

Nota kaki: Dah bertukar status.. Alhamdulillah.. nanti update ok
Thank you for reading ~!

Friday, September 5

Poplook to let go


I have 2 blouses from Poplook to let go.. Francine and Shreya blouse. Both are new with tag. Never worn. Price as stated in the picture. 

M size, Black color

M size, Bamboo Green color

Interested? Just email me at [email protected]


Thank you for reading ~!

Wednesday, September 3

Marc by Marc Jacobs Watches

ETA: 2-6 weeks subject to custom clearance (please take note that this is estimation ONLY, please don’t place your orders if you can’t wait)
Mode of payment: 50 % deposit is required upon booking.

Kindly email me at [email protected] for inquiry/purchase

Facebook page: Emerald Buzz
Instagram: Emerald Buzz

Thank you for reading ~!

Wednesday, August 20

Wordless Wednesday; Tropical Fruits


Us during SEP Modul

Thank you for reading ~!

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