Motivation is highly important for participation in musical activities and musical achievement. I... more Motivation is highly important for participation in musical activities and musical achievement. In the context of higher music education (HME) in Serbia, we sought to examine the relationship between students’ solo performance opportunities and two key components of the Self-Determination Theory (STD) – basic psychological needs (Competence, Relatedness and Autonomy) and motivational regulation styles (Amotivation, External, Introjected negative, Introjected positive, Identified, Intrinsic). The convenient sample of 197 HME students (performing modules; Mage = 23.88, SD = 3.4) completed two inventories: Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS; Chen et al., 2015) and Relative Autonomy Index Questionnaire (RAI-SRQ; Sheldon et al., 2017); they also provided data on the frequency of solo performances during HME. The results indicate that our participants’ basic psychological needs are highly met, with the need for Relatedness being significantly less satisfi...
Relying on Bronfenbrenner's ecological model, this paper attempts to identify school-level factor... more Relying on Bronfenbrenner's ecological model, this paper attempts to identify school-level factors that contribute to effective implementation of inclusive education. We also explored how government policy, with emphasis on individual education plans, school teams, Roma assistants and inter-sectorial committees, is implemented at the school level. Qualitative data were collected from various informants (students, parents, teachers, school associates, Roma assistants and local community representatives) in five schools selected on the basis of regional distribution and success in supporting diverse student needs. Two core categories of school-level facilitators were generated: inclusive practices and inclusive culture. Within the first category, which refers to concrete actions and relationships in the school and local community, five themes emerged: individualisation and use of individual education plans; cooperation between teachers and school inclusive education expert team; cooperation with internal and external specialists; cooperation with parents, and cooperation with the local community. The second category, which reflects beliefs, values and implicit school norms, was further divided into five subcategories: willingness for lifelong learning; proactive stance; sense of teamwork; sophisticated personal philosophies of development and learning; and acceptance of difference. We concluded that successful schools have developed into professional learning communities. Finally, recommendations for improving relevant practices were provided.
In spite of the improvements in the inclusive policies and practices, Roma students are still und... more In spite of the improvements in the inclusive policies and practices, Roma students are still underrepresented in higher education (HE) in Serbia. The main aim of this study is to ascertain contextual and personal factors of the success of Roma university students. Study participants were Roma studying at four public universities in Serbia who filled in a questionnaire on their family-and school-related experience, and participated in interviews on their educational trajectories, as well as in a two-day workshop dedicated to empowering students through reflecting upon their educational trajectories and personal strengths. Qualitative thematic analysis was applied on one open-ended question on life mottos from 89 questionnaires, 20 interviews and their products and elaborations of 16 workshop participants. It showed that psychological and instructional support from parents and teachers, in some cases-peers and Roma NGOs, together with scholarships and affirmative measures by enrolment, were important success factors. Students' life mottos predominantly contained the themes of fight and persistence. Most personal strengths were related to proactivity and optimism. This points to a highly developed psychological capital of Roma university students. Besides continuous financial support, participants stressed that the provision of continuous psychosocial support, informal learning opportunities and opportunities for peer mentorship and networking would result in a higher number of Roma students in HE.
Rešavanje globalnih problema poput siromaštva, nejednakog pristupa obrazovanju i zdravstvu, klima... more Rešavanje globalnih problema poput siromaštva, nejednakog pristupa obrazovanju i zdravstvu, klimatskih promena i ratova zahteva holistički pristup i transdisciplinarnost (Choi & Pak, 2006). Naučnici na početku karijere izdvajaju se kao ključni akteri u uspostavljanju transdisciplinarnosti (Benesh et al., 2015; Bridle et al., 2013). Međutim, oni su često suočeni sa kontradiktornim zahtevima, poput težnje ka izvrsnosti, ali i inkluzivnosti; uskoj specijalizaciji i uticajnosti u užim naučnim krugovima, ali i angažovanju u transdisciplinarnim timovima (Global Young Academy, 2019; Moore et al., 2018). Uz to, prisutne su predrasude prema učesnicima u transdisicplinarnim istraživanjima kao manje “vrednim” i stručnim u odnosu na naučnike koji se strogo “drže” svoje discipline (Moore et al., 2018).XXVI Nаučnа konferencijа „Pedаgoškа istrаživаnjа i školskа prаksа
Psihološka i pedagoška podrška nastavnika predstavljaju značajne činioce postignuća učenika i usp... more Psihološka i pedagoška podrška nastavnika predstavljaju značajne činioce postignuća učenika i uspešne tranzicije iz osnovne škole u srednju školu. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita povezanost školskog angažovanja, motivacije za školsko učenje učenika prvog razreda srednjih škola i podrške nastavnika, kao i da se provere eventualne razlike u povezanosti podrške nastavnika i školskog angažovanja i podrške nastavnika i motivacije između učenika srednjih stručnih škola i gimnazija. Upitnik je popunilo 447 učenika prvog razreda tri beogradske gimnazije (n = 198) i pet srednjih stručnih škola (n = 249). Motivacija je procenjivana skalama kreiranim za potrebe ovog istraživanja (Likertovog tipa) – jedne zasnovane na teoriji ciljeva (Skala orijentacije na postignuće i ovladavanje, α1 = ,744) i druge na teoriji očekivanja i vrednovanja (Skala očekivanja i vrednovanja, α2 = ,798). Školsko angažovanje procenjivano je Upitnikom školskog angažovanja (Fredericks et al., 2004), a podrška nastav...
The aim of this study was to validate the structure of the FIT-Choice scale on a Serbian sample o... more The aim of this study was to validate the structure of the FIT-Choice scale on a Serbian sample of pre-service teachers, as well as to determine the motivations and beliefs about the teaching profession, and test if motivation differs across different groups of pre-service teachers. After prospective class and subject teachers (N = 433) filled in the FIT-Choice scale, the CFAs were performed. For Motivations, the adjusted 12-factor model fits the data best. Ten original factors were replicated, and Bludging and Time for family appeared as separate factors, like in the first version of the FIT-Choice model, while Transferability and Security merged into one. The sixfactor Beliefs model with one item removed had the best fit indices. Intrinsic value, Social utility value and Perceived teaching ability were the highest rated motivations. Females and prospective class teachers were more motivated by altruistic motives and perceived the profession as more demanding than males and prospective subject teachers. The authors conclude that the FIT-Choice scale demonstrated acceptable structural and known-groups validity and reliability, and that the results on Motivations were similar to those obtained in Western countries.
Adopting a person-centred perspective, this study sought to determine preservice teachers? profil... more Adopting a person-centred perspective, this study sought to determine preservice teachers? profiles based on their motivation for a teaching profession and compare them in terms of perceptions of the profession and satisfaction with career choice. An additional goal was to investigate potential differences between males and females, as well as prospective class and subject teachers. FIT-Choice scale was administered to 364 Serbian preservice teachers. A latent profile analysis identified three profiles. Disengaged negativists are distinguished by weak motivations, more negative perceptions of the teaching profession and the lowest satisfaction with the career choice, so this profile could be considered maladaptive. Uncritical Enthusiasts have the highest level of motivations and the most positive perceptions of task return. The profile named Autonomous realists is characterised by the lowest extrinsic and social influence motivation. The profiles differ with respect to gender, but n...
The main goal of this research was to explore the ways people portray themselves in resumes, labe... more The main goal of this research was to explore the ways people portray themselves in resumes, labelled as ?unsuitable? after the first review of the recruiters in a manufacturing company in Serbia. The form and the content of fifty resumes were analyzed using qualitative content analysis, inductive approach. Personal life stories described in an intimate and submissive tone were predominantly present in resumes, compared to the description of work experience and competencies. Concerning the content of the resumes, two core categories emerged - I as a worker and Employment needs. Finding support in the literature dealing with postsocialist transformation in Serbia and Hofstede?s theory, results are interpreted as pointing to the opposition of two value systems in Serbia: that of the authors of ?unsuitable? resumes, reflecting collectivistic and feminine values and that of the job market in Serbia, reflecting manly individualistic and masculine values. The authors of "unsuitable&q...
This article studies the level of female scientists’ work satisfaction, and general and gender-re... more This article studies the level of female scientists’ work satisfaction, and general and gender-related factors that would contribute to greater work satisfaction. We applied an interdisciplinary approach – we draw on Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model of (professional) development, sociological analysis of the context and linguistic analysis of the text. A hundred Serbian female scientists filled in the online questionnaire. They reported moderate satisfaction with their work. Thematic analysis of their answers yielded nine general work satisfaction improvement factors: Creating a fair and effective management and improving relations with superiors, Improving social relationships with peers (Bronfenbrenner’s micro- and meso-system), Improving technical resources, Increasing salaries, Professional improvement support, The modernization and application of scientific work, Improving human resources, Establishing transparent, consistent and fair system rules (exosystem) and Combating cor...
Given that Roma students are underrepresented in higher education, and that few studies investiga... more Given that Roma students are underrepresented in higher education, and that few studies investigated personal and social resources of young Roma adults, our aim was to explore the psychological and social capital of Roma attending college and determine if there are differences compared to non-Roma students. In total, 89 Roma and 105 non-Roma college students filled in the questionnaire. Significant differences between the two groups were obtained for all components of psychological capital, except for self-efficacy. Roma students' family financial and educational status was significantly more unfavorable than that of the non-Roma students. They received support from fewer persons to pursue higher education but have been more civically engaged and received more support from NGO representatives. We can conclude that, despite unfavorable family structure capital, Roma college students have developed a high level of psychological capital. Practical implications are furthered elaborated.
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2020
Forced migration is a highly stressful event that can cause changes in identity work. The aim of ... more Forced migration is a highly stressful event that can cause changes in identity work. The aim of this research was to determine in what way the migration and prolonged stay in Serbia, a country that differs from both the refugees’ heritage cultures and wished host cultures on many cultural dimensions, influenced the young Muslim refugees’ gender role identities. Semi-structured interviews with seven female and eight male refugees coming from Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan, staying for several months in Serbia were conducted. Narrative inquiry, focused on recurring themes and changes in the past- and present-time narratives about gender role identities, yielded three types of narratives. The most frequent narrative, Expressing what was suppressed, points to identical past- and present-time narratives, but significant changes in the way gender role identities are expressed and pursued, self-confidence and interpersonal relationships. In narrative Reinventing oneself a major shift in g...
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic several studies on students' access to remote edu... more Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic several studies on students' access to remote education and their perceptions of remote education have been conducted, but mixed-method studies on student engagement in an online setting are lacking. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the levels of school engagement in synchronous online classes and in face-to-face classes. Secondary school students (N = 132, 81.8% female, Mage = 16.3) filled out an online questionnaire comprising the School Engagement Measure Questionnaire (addressing online and face-to-face settings) and one open-ended question on the perception of differences between online and face-to-face classes. Statistical analyses showed that students were more engaged in face-to-face classes than in online classes (F (1, 131) = 106.316, p = .000, e2 = .448), with the best achievers having the highest decrease of engagement in online classes. A thematic analysis of answers yielded four themes, named: active lea...
Previous studies that used the Orientation for Teaching Survey (OTS), assessing motivation for th... more Previous studies that used the Orientation for Teaching Survey (OTS), assessing motivation for the teaching profession, yielded inconsistent results regarding the OTS?s factorial structure. Since these studies focused on pre-service teachers with limited teaching experience, our main goal was to assess the psychometric properties and factorial validity of the OTS on in-service teachers. An additional goal was to compare the motivation of male and female teachers, and teachers working in primary and secondary schools. The OTS was administered to 384 teachers in Serbia. After confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the six-factor model proposed by the authors of the OTS did not fit the data well, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted, and a two-factor solution was accepted (Extrinsic-Intrinsic model). Women and primary school teachers scored higher on Intrinsic motivation. Results point to the need for further exploration of differences in the motivation of pre- and in-s...
Previous studies that used the Orientation for Teaching Survey (OTS), assessing motivation for th... more Previous studies that used the Orientation for Teaching Survey (OTS), assessing motivation for the teaching profession, yielded inconsistent results regarding the OTS’s factorial structure. Since these studies focused on pre-service teachers with limited teaching experience, our main goal was to assess the psychometric properties and factorial validity of the OTS on in-service teachers. An additional goal was to compare the motivation of male and female teachers, and teachers working in primary and secondary schools. The OTS was administered to 384 teachers in Serbia. After confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the six-factor model proposed by the authors of the OTS did not fit the data well, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted, and a two-factor solution was accepted (Extrinsic-Intrinsic model). Women and primary school teachers scored higher on Intrinsic motivation. Results point to the need for further exploration of differences in the motivation of pre– and in-s...
Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi koje sve profesionalne brige, definisane kao teme od i... more Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi koje sve profesionalne brige, definisane kao teme od interesa za nastavnika, izazivajući bilo negativna, bilo pozitivna osećanja, a u vezi s kojima nastavnik namerava da uloži određen napor da ih razume i/ili razreši, imaju budući i aktuelni nastavnici. Oslanjala sam se na razvojni model nastavničkih briga Frensis Fuler, prema kojem nastavnici na početku karijere imaju Brige za sebe, da bi se s vremenom pojavljivale Brige za zadatak i Brige za uticaj. Korišćenjem polustrukturiranog intervjua ispitano je 19 studenata treće i četvrte godine "nastavničkih" fakulteta i 22 nastavnika predmetne nastave sa više od pet godina radnog iskustva u osnovnoj školi. Odgovori su analizirani kombinacijom utemljene teorije onako kako je definiše Šarmazova i kvalitativne analize sadržaja, odnosno tematske analize, prema Mejringu. Analizom odgovora studenata utvrđeno je 11 potkategorija kategorije nazvane Početničke brige: Egzistencija, Efikasne nastavne metode, Identitet i smisao, Klima u odeljenju, Kolege, Ocenjivanje, Ponašanje učenika, Raznovrsnost u odeljenju, Roditelji, Stručnjački autoritet i "Tehnikalije". Analizom odgovora nastavnika utvrđeno je devet potkategorija kategorije Veteranske brige-iste koje su se javile i kod studenata, sa izuzetkom Egzistencije, Stručnjačkog autoriteta i Ocenjivanja, uz jednu novu-Odnos prema nastavnicima i obrazovanju. Dobijeni nalazi potvđuju tezu Fulerove-na početku karijere Brige za sebe dominiraju, ali istovremeno je i opovrgavaju-budući da je utvrđeno da već studenti imaju Brige za uticaj. Razlike u brigama budućih i aktuelnih nastavnika tumačene su u svetlu aktuelnih reformi u obrazovanju i promenama u vrednosnim orijentacijama u društvu. Na kraju su navedene preporuke za edukatore nastavnika. Ključne reči: nastavnici, brige, utemeljena teorija, kvalitativna analiza sadržaja U okviru nauka o obrazovanju, poslednjih decenija velika se pažnja posvećuje nastavnicima jer se pokazalo da kvalitet njihovog rada u najvećoj meri određuje postignuće učenika (Brofi, 2004; Hattie, 2009; Taylor & Larson, 1999). 1 Rad je nastao kao rezultat rada na projektu "Identifikacija, merenje i razvoj kognitivnih i emocionalnih kompetencija važnih društvu orijentisanom na evropske integracije" (179018) koji finansira Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije
Perspektive o nastavi budućih nastavnika: U šta veruju, čemu bi težili i šta bi radili u nastavi ... more Perspektive o nastavi budućih nastavnika: U šta veruju, čemu bi težili i šta bi radili u nastavi 4 Apstrakt: Rad se bavi perspektivama o nastavi i učenju studenata-budućih nastavnika. Nastojalo se utvrditi u kojoj meri se perspektive ispitanika o nastavi razlikuju na nivou uverenja, namera i akcija, kao i da li broj pohađanih psihološko-pedagoških predmeta utiče na preferenciju određenih perspektiva o nastavi. Uzorak je činilo 162 studenta 3. i 4. godine Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu koji tokom inicijalnog obrazovanja pohađaju psihološko-pedagoške predmete. Rezultati pokazuju da 31,5% ispitanika nema deinisanu nijednu dominantnu perspektivu o nastavi, jednu dominantnu perspektivu ima 64,2% ispitanika, a dve 4,3%. Od ispitanika koji imaju dominantne perspektive o nastavi, najučestalija je perspektiva o nastavi kao uvođenju u praksu, dok je najmanje prisutna perspektiva o nastavi kao društvenoj reformi. Pokazalo se i da broj pedagoško-psiholoških predmeta koje su studenti pohađali utiče na zastupljenost perspektiva o nastavi kao transmisiji i nastavi kao društvenoj reformi. Rezultati ukazuju na potrebu da se perspektive budućih nastavnika o nastavi kontinuirano istražuju i prate, u čemu Inventar perspektiva o nastavi (Teaching Perspectives Inventory-TPI) može imati značajnu ulogu. Ključne reči: budući nastavnici, perspektive o nastavi, obrazovanje nastavnika. 1 Milan Stančić je istraživač saradnik Instituta za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu i doktorand na Odeljenju za pedagogiju i andragogiju.
Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi koje sve profesionalne brige, definisane kao teme od i... more Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi koje sve profesionalne brige, definisane kao teme od interesa za nastavnika, izazivajući bilo negativna, bilo pozitivna ose-ćanja, a u vezi s kojima nastavnik namerava da uloži određen napor da ih razume i/ili razreši, imaju budući i aktuelni nastavnici. Oslanjala sam se na razvojni model nastavničkih briga Frensis Fuler, prema kojem nastavnici na početku karijere imaju Brige za sebe, da bi se s vremenom pojavljivale Brige za zadatak i Brige za uticaj. Korišćenjem polustrukturiranog intervjua ispitano je 19 studenata treće i četvrte godine " nastavničkih " fakulteta i 22 nastavnika predmetne nastave sa više od pet godina radnog iskustva u osnovnoj školi. Odgovori su analizirani kombinacijom utemljene teorije onako kako je definiše Šarmazova i kvalitativne analize sadržaja, odnosno tematske analize, prema Mejringu. Analizom odgovora studenata utvrđe-no je 11 potkategorija kategorije nazvane Početničke brige: Egzistencija, Efikasne ...
The paper deals with perspectives on teaching and learning of students - future teachers. There w... more The paper deals with perspectives on teaching and learning of students - future teachers. There was an attempt to determine the extent to which perspectives on teaching differ at the level of beliefs, intentions, actions, as well as how psychological-pedagogical courses affect the preferences towards certain teaching perspectives. The sample consisted of 162 students in the third and forth year of their studies at the Faculty of Philoso-phy in Belgrade who attended psychology and pedagogy courses. e results show that 31.5% of respondents do not have a defined single dominant perspective on teaching, one dominant perspective have 64.2% of respondents, and two 4.3%. Of those who have a dominant perspective on teaching, the most common is teaching as an introduction to practice, while the least present perspective is teaching as a social reform. The results have shown that the number of pedagogy and psychology courses that students attend influence the representation of perspectives on te...
Motivation is highly important for participation in musical activities and musical achievement. I... more Motivation is highly important for participation in musical activities and musical achievement. In the context of higher music education (HME) in Serbia, we sought to examine the relationship between students’ solo performance opportunities and two key components of the Self-Determination Theory (STD) – basic psychological needs (Competence, Relatedness and Autonomy) and motivational regulation styles (Amotivation, External, Introjected negative, Introjected positive, Identified, Intrinsic). The convenient sample of 197 HME students (performing modules; Mage = 23.88, SD = 3.4) completed two inventories: Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS; Chen et al., 2015) and Relative Autonomy Index Questionnaire (RAI-SRQ; Sheldon et al., 2017); they also provided data on the frequency of solo performances during HME. The results indicate that our participants’ basic psychological needs are highly met, with the need for Relatedness being significantly less satisfi...
Relying on Bronfenbrenner's ecological model, this paper attempts to identify school-level factor... more Relying on Bronfenbrenner's ecological model, this paper attempts to identify school-level factors that contribute to effective implementation of inclusive education. We also explored how government policy, with emphasis on individual education plans, school teams, Roma assistants and inter-sectorial committees, is implemented at the school level. Qualitative data were collected from various informants (students, parents, teachers, school associates, Roma assistants and local community representatives) in five schools selected on the basis of regional distribution and success in supporting diverse student needs. Two core categories of school-level facilitators were generated: inclusive practices and inclusive culture. Within the first category, which refers to concrete actions and relationships in the school and local community, five themes emerged: individualisation and use of individual education plans; cooperation between teachers and school inclusive education expert team; cooperation with internal and external specialists; cooperation with parents, and cooperation with the local community. The second category, which reflects beliefs, values and implicit school norms, was further divided into five subcategories: willingness for lifelong learning; proactive stance; sense of teamwork; sophisticated personal philosophies of development and learning; and acceptance of difference. We concluded that successful schools have developed into professional learning communities. Finally, recommendations for improving relevant practices were provided.
In spite of the improvements in the inclusive policies and practices, Roma students are still und... more In spite of the improvements in the inclusive policies and practices, Roma students are still underrepresented in higher education (HE) in Serbia. The main aim of this study is to ascertain contextual and personal factors of the success of Roma university students. Study participants were Roma studying at four public universities in Serbia who filled in a questionnaire on their family-and school-related experience, and participated in interviews on their educational trajectories, as well as in a two-day workshop dedicated to empowering students through reflecting upon their educational trajectories and personal strengths. Qualitative thematic analysis was applied on one open-ended question on life mottos from 89 questionnaires, 20 interviews and their products and elaborations of 16 workshop participants. It showed that psychological and instructional support from parents and teachers, in some cases-peers and Roma NGOs, together with scholarships and affirmative measures by enrolment, were important success factors. Students' life mottos predominantly contained the themes of fight and persistence. Most personal strengths were related to proactivity and optimism. This points to a highly developed psychological capital of Roma university students. Besides continuous financial support, participants stressed that the provision of continuous psychosocial support, informal learning opportunities and opportunities for peer mentorship and networking would result in a higher number of Roma students in HE.
Rešavanje globalnih problema poput siromaštva, nejednakog pristupa obrazovanju i zdravstvu, klima... more Rešavanje globalnih problema poput siromaštva, nejednakog pristupa obrazovanju i zdravstvu, klimatskih promena i ratova zahteva holistički pristup i transdisciplinarnost (Choi & Pak, 2006). Naučnici na početku karijere izdvajaju se kao ključni akteri u uspostavljanju transdisciplinarnosti (Benesh et al., 2015; Bridle et al., 2013). Međutim, oni su često suočeni sa kontradiktornim zahtevima, poput težnje ka izvrsnosti, ali i inkluzivnosti; uskoj specijalizaciji i uticajnosti u užim naučnim krugovima, ali i angažovanju u transdisciplinarnim timovima (Global Young Academy, 2019; Moore et al., 2018). Uz to, prisutne su predrasude prema učesnicima u transdisicplinarnim istraživanjima kao manje “vrednim” i stručnim u odnosu na naučnike koji se strogo “drže” svoje discipline (Moore et al., 2018).XXVI Nаučnа konferencijа „Pedаgoškа istrаživаnjа i školskа prаksа
Psihološka i pedagoška podrška nastavnika predstavljaju značajne činioce postignuća učenika i usp... more Psihološka i pedagoška podrška nastavnika predstavljaju značajne činioce postignuća učenika i uspešne tranzicije iz osnovne škole u srednju školu. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita povezanost školskog angažovanja, motivacije za školsko učenje učenika prvog razreda srednjih škola i podrške nastavnika, kao i da se provere eventualne razlike u povezanosti podrške nastavnika i školskog angažovanja i podrške nastavnika i motivacije između učenika srednjih stručnih škola i gimnazija. Upitnik je popunilo 447 učenika prvog razreda tri beogradske gimnazije (n = 198) i pet srednjih stručnih škola (n = 249). Motivacija je procenjivana skalama kreiranim za potrebe ovog istraživanja (Likertovog tipa) – jedne zasnovane na teoriji ciljeva (Skala orijentacije na postignuće i ovladavanje, α1 = ,744) i druge na teoriji očekivanja i vrednovanja (Skala očekivanja i vrednovanja, α2 = ,798). Školsko angažovanje procenjivano je Upitnikom školskog angažovanja (Fredericks et al., 2004), a podrška nastav...
The aim of this study was to validate the structure of the FIT-Choice scale on a Serbian sample o... more The aim of this study was to validate the structure of the FIT-Choice scale on a Serbian sample of pre-service teachers, as well as to determine the motivations and beliefs about the teaching profession, and test if motivation differs across different groups of pre-service teachers. After prospective class and subject teachers (N = 433) filled in the FIT-Choice scale, the CFAs were performed. For Motivations, the adjusted 12-factor model fits the data best. Ten original factors were replicated, and Bludging and Time for family appeared as separate factors, like in the first version of the FIT-Choice model, while Transferability and Security merged into one. The sixfactor Beliefs model with one item removed had the best fit indices. Intrinsic value, Social utility value and Perceived teaching ability were the highest rated motivations. Females and prospective class teachers were more motivated by altruistic motives and perceived the profession as more demanding than males and prospective subject teachers. The authors conclude that the FIT-Choice scale demonstrated acceptable structural and known-groups validity and reliability, and that the results on Motivations were similar to those obtained in Western countries.
Adopting a person-centred perspective, this study sought to determine preservice teachers? profil... more Adopting a person-centred perspective, this study sought to determine preservice teachers? profiles based on their motivation for a teaching profession and compare them in terms of perceptions of the profession and satisfaction with career choice. An additional goal was to investigate potential differences between males and females, as well as prospective class and subject teachers. FIT-Choice scale was administered to 364 Serbian preservice teachers. A latent profile analysis identified three profiles. Disengaged negativists are distinguished by weak motivations, more negative perceptions of the teaching profession and the lowest satisfaction with the career choice, so this profile could be considered maladaptive. Uncritical Enthusiasts have the highest level of motivations and the most positive perceptions of task return. The profile named Autonomous realists is characterised by the lowest extrinsic and social influence motivation. The profiles differ with respect to gender, but n...
The main goal of this research was to explore the ways people portray themselves in resumes, labe... more The main goal of this research was to explore the ways people portray themselves in resumes, labelled as ?unsuitable? after the first review of the recruiters in a manufacturing company in Serbia. The form and the content of fifty resumes were analyzed using qualitative content analysis, inductive approach. Personal life stories described in an intimate and submissive tone were predominantly present in resumes, compared to the description of work experience and competencies. Concerning the content of the resumes, two core categories emerged - I as a worker and Employment needs. Finding support in the literature dealing with postsocialist transformation in Serbia and Hofstede?s theory, results are interpreted as pointing to the opposition of two value systems in Serbia: that of the authors of ?unsuitable? resumes, reflecting collectivistic and feminine values and that of the job market in Serbia, reflecting manly individualistic and masculine values. The authors of "unsuitable&q...
This article studies the level of female scientists’ work satisfaction, and general and gender-re... more This article studies the level of female scientists’ work satisfaction, and general and gender-related factors that would contribute to greater work satisfaction. We applied an interdisciplinary approach – we draw on Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model of (professional) development, sociological analysis of the context and linguistic analysis of the text. A hundred Serbian female scientists filled in the online questionnaire. They reported moderate satisfaction with their work. Thematic analysis of their answers yielded nine general work satisfaction improvement factors: Creating a fair and effective management and improving relations with superiors, Improving social relationships with peers (Bronfenbrenner’s micro- and meso-system), Improving technical resources, Increasing salaries, Professional improvement support, The modernization and application of scientific work, Improving human resources, Establishing transparent, consistent and fair system rules (exosystem) and Combating cor...
Given that Roma students are underrepresented in higher education, and that few studies investiga... more Given that Roma students are underrepresented in higher education, and that few studies investigated personal and social resources of young Roma adults, our aim was to explore the psychological and social capital of Roma attending college and determine if there are differences compared to non-Roma students. In total, 89 Roma and 105 non-Roma college students filled in the questionnaire. Significant differences between the two groups were obtained for all components of psychological capital, except for self-efficacy. Roma students' family financial and educational status was significantly more unfavorable than that of the non-Roma students. They received support from fewer persons to pursue higher education but have been more civically engaged and received more support from NGO representatives. We can conclude that, despite unfavorable family structure capital, Roma college students have developed a high level of psychological capital. Practical implications are furthered elaborated.
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2020
Forced migration is a highly stressful event that can cause changes in identity work. The aim of ... more Forced migration is a highly stressful event that can cause changes in identity work. The aim of this research was to determine in what way the migration and prolonged stay in Serbia, a country that differs from both the refugees’ heritage cultures and wished host cultures on many cultural dimensions, influenced the young Muslim refugees’ gender role identities. Semi-structured interviews with seven female and eight male refugees coming from Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan, staying for several months in Serbia were conducted. Narrative inquiry, focused on recurring themes and changes in the past- and present-time narratives about gender role identities, yielded three types of narratives. The most frequent narrative, Expressing what was suppressed, points to identical past- and present-time narratives, but significant changes in the way gender role identities are expressed and pursued, self-confidence and interpersonal relationships. In narrative Reinventing oneself a major shift in g...
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic several studies on students' access to remote edu... more Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic several studies on students' access to remote education and their perceptions of remote education have been conducted, but mixed-method studies on student engagement in an online setting are lacking. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the levels of school engagement in synchronous online classes and in face-to-face classes. Secondary school students (N = 132, 81.8% female, Mage = 16.3) filled out an online questionnaire comprising the School Engagement Measure Questionnaire (addressing online and face-to-face settings) and one open-ended question on the perception of differences between online and face-to-face classes. Statistical analyses showed that students were more engaged in face-to-face classes than in online classes (F (1, 131) = 106.316, p = .000, e2 = .448), with the best achievers having the highest decrease of engagement in online classes. A thematic analysis of answers yielded four themes, named: active lea...
Previous studies that used the Orientation for Teaching Survey (OTS), assessing motivation for th... more Previous studies that used the Orientation for Teaching Survey (OTS), assessing motivation for the teaching profession, yielded inconsistent results regarding the OTS?s factorial structure. Since these studies focused on pre-service teachers with limited teaching experience, our main goal was to assess the psychometric properties and factorial validity of the OTS on in-service teachers. An additional goal was to compare the motivation of male and female teachers, and teachers working in primary and secondary schools. The OTS was administered to 384 teachers in Serbia. After confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the six-factor model proposed by the authors of the OTS did not fit the data well, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted, and a two-factor solution was accepted (Extrinsic-Intrinsic model). Women and primary school teachers scored higher on Intrinsic motivation. Results point to the need for further exploration of differences in the motivation of pre- and in-s...
Previous studies that used the Orientation for Teaching Survey (OTS), assessing motivation for th... more Previous studies that used the Orientation for Teaching Survey (OTS), assessing motivation for the teaching profession, yielded inconsistent results regarding the OTS’s factorial structure. Since these studies focused on pre-service teachers with limited teaching experience, our main goal was to assess the psychometric properties and factorial validity of the OTS on in-service teachers. An additional goal was to compare the motivation of male and female teachers, and teachers working in primary and secondary schools. The OTS was administered to 384 teachers in Serbia. After confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the six-factor model proposed by the authors of the OTS did not fit the data well, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted, and a two-factor solution was accepted (Extrinsic-Intrinsic model). Women and primary school teachers scored higher on Intrinsic motivation. Results point to the need for further exploration of differences in the motivation of pre– and in-s...
Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi koje sve profesionalne brige, definisane kao teme od i... more Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi koje sve profesionalne brige, definisane kao teme od interesa za nastavnika, izazivajući bilo negativna, bilo pozitivna osećanja, a u vezi s kojima nastavnik namerava da uloži određen napor da ih razume i/ili razreši, imaju budući i aktuelni nastavnici. Oslanjala sam se na razvojni model nastavničkih briga Frensis Fuler, prema kojem nastavnici na početku karijere imaju Brige za sebe, da bi se s vremenom pojavljivale Brige za zadatak i Brige za uticaj. Korišćenjem polustrukturiranog intervjua ispitano je 19 studenata treće i četvrte godine "nastavničkih" fakulteta i 22 nastavnika predmetne nastave sa više od pet godina radnog iskustva u osnovnoj školi. Odgovori su analizirani kombinacijom utemljene teorije onako kako je definiše Šarmazova i kvalitativne analize sadržaja, odnosno tematske analize, prema Mejringu. Analizom odgovora studenata utvrđeno je 11 potkategorija kategorije nazvane Početničke brige: Egzistencija, Efikasne nastavne metode, Identitet i smisao, Klima u odeljenju, Kolege, Ocenjivanje, Ponašanje učenika, Raznovrsnost u odeljenju, Roditelji, Stručnjački autoritet i "Tehnikalije". Analizom odgovora nastavnika utvrđeno je devet potkategorija kategorije Veteranske brige-iste koje su se javile i kod studenata, sa izuzetkom Egzistencije, Stručnjačkog autoriteta i Ocenjivanja, uz jednu novu-Odnos prema nastavnicima i obrazovanju. Dobijeni nalazi potvđuju tezu Fulerove-na početku karijere Brige za sebe dominiraju, ali istovremeno je i opovrgavaju-budući da je utvrđeno da već studenti imaju Brige za uticaj. Razlike u brigama budućih i aktuelnih nastavnika tumačene su u svetlu aktuelnih reformi u obrazovanju i promenama u vrednosnim orijentacijama u društvu. Na kraju su navedene preporuke za edukatore nastavnika. Ključne reči: nastavnici, brige, utemeljena teorija, kvalitativna analiza sadržaja U okviru nauka o obrazovanju, poslednjih decenija velika se pažnja posvećuje nastavnicima jer se pokazalo da kvalitet njihovog rada u najvećoj meri određuje postignuće učenika (Brofi, 2004; Hattie, 2009; Taylor & Larson, 1999). 1 Rad je nastao kao rezultat rada na projektu "Identifikacija, merenje i razvoj kognitivnih i emocionalnih kompetencija važnih društvu orijentisanom na evropske integracije" (179018) koji finansira Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije
Perspektive o nastavi budućih nastavnika: U šta veruju, čemu bi težili i šta bi radili u nastavi ... more Perspektive o nastavi budućih nastavnika: U šta veruju, čemu bi težili i šta bi radili u nastavi 4 Apstrakt: Rad se bavi perspektivama o nastavi i učenju studenata-budućih nastavnika. Nastojalo se utvrditi u kojoj meri se perspektive ispitanika o nastavi razlikuju na nivou uverenja, namera i akcija, kao i da li broj pohađanih psihološko-pedagoških predmeta utiče na preferenciju određenih perspektiva o nastavi. Uzorak je činilo 162 studenta 3. i 4. godine Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu koji tokom inicijalnog obrazovanja pohađaju psihološko-pedagoške predmete. Rezultati pokazuju da 31,5% ispitanika nema deinisanu nijednu dominantnu perspektivu o nastavi, jednu dominantnu perspektivu ima 64,2% ispitanika, a dve 4,3%. Od ispitanika koji imaju dominantne perspektive o nastavi, najučestalija je perspektiva o nastavi kao uvođenju u praksu, dok je najmanje prisutna perspektiva o nastavi kao društvenoj reformi. Pokazalo se i da broj pedagoško-psiholoških predmeta koje su studenti pohađali utiče na zastupljenost perspektiva o nastavi kao transmisiji i nastavi kao društvenoj reformi. Rezultati ukazuju na potrebu da se perspektive budućih nastavnika o nastavi kontinuirano istražuju i prate, u čemu Inventar perspektiva o nastavi (Teaching Perspectives Inventory-TPI) može imati značajnu ulogu. Ključne reči: budući nastavnici, perspektive o nastavi, obrazovanje nastavnika. 1 Milan Stančić je istraživač saradnik Instituta za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu i doktorand na Odeljenju za pedagogiju i andragogiju.
Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi koje sve profesionalne brige, definisane kao teme od i... more Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi koje sve profesionalne brige, definisane kao teme od interesa za nastavnika, izazivajući bilo negativna, bilo pozitivna ose-ćanja, a u vezi s kojima nastavnik namerava da uloži određen napor da ih razume i/ili razreši, imaju budući i aktuelni nastavnici. Oslanjala sam se na razvojni model nastavničkih briga Frensis Fuler, prema kojem nastavnici na početku karijere imaju Brige za sebe, da bi se s vremenom pojavljivale Brige za zadatak i Brige za uticaj. Korišćenjem polustrukturiranog intervjua ispitano je 19 studenata treće i četvrte godine " nastavničkih " fakulteta i 22 nastavnika predmetne nastave sa više od pet godina radnog iskustva u osnovnoj školi. Odgovori su analizirani kombinacijom utemljene teorije onako kako je definiše Šarmazova i kvalitativne analize sadržaja, odnosno tematske analize, prema Mejringu. Analizom odgovora studenata utvrđe-no je 11 potkategorija kategorije nazvane Početničke brige: Egzistencija, Efikasne ...
The paper deals with perspectives on teaching and learning of students - future teachers. There w... more The paper deals with perspectives on teaching and learning of students - future teachers. There was an attempt to determine the extent to which perspectives on teaching differ at the level of beliefs, intentions, actions, as well as how psychological-pedagogical courses affect the preferences towards certain teaching perspectives. The sample consisted of 162 students in the third and forth year of their studies at the Faculty of Philoso-phy in Belgrade who attended psychology and pedagogy courses. e results show that 31.5% of respondents do not have a defined single dominant perspective on teaching, one dominant perspective have 64.2% of respondents, and two 4.3%. Of those who have a dominant perspective on teaching, the most common is teaching as an introduction to practice, while the least present perspective is teaching as a social reform. The results have shown that the number of pedagogy and psychology courses that students attend influence the representation of perspectives on te...
Papers by Natasa Simic