Papers by Aleksandar Knežević
Migracijske i etničke teme, 2022
Zvanična etnostatistička nomenklatura u Srbiji iz 2011. godine prepoznaje ukupno 45 modaliteta na... more Zvanična etnostatistička nomenklatura u Srbiji iz 2011. godine prepoznaje ukupno 45 modaliteta nacionalne pripadnosti, regionalno opredeljenje, kao i grupnu kategoriju „ostale nacionalnosti“. Prateći ustavnu formulaciju etničkog koncepta državnosti zvanična statistika se vodi principom subjektivnog kriterijuma nacionalne identifikacije u popisima stanovništva. To znači da dobijeni podaci predstavljaju kvantifikaciju izjašnjavanja stanovništva prema identitetskom konceptu etničke, naspram građanske/državne pripadnosti stanovništva koja je prisutna u većini evropskih država. Iako je metodologija popisne statistike u Srbiji usmerena na dobijanje podataka o tzv. „etničkoj nacionalnosti“, u statističkim nomenklaturama po nacionalnoj pripadnosti možemo pronaći i modalitete kao što su Belgijanci, Francuzi, Danci, Šveđani, Italijani, Švajcarci, Finci, Norvežani ili Kinezi, a za koje se nacionalna identifikacija uglavnom utvrđuje prema državnom, a ne etničkom kriterijumu. To
znači da se u istoj grupi nalaze podaci o etničkoj pripadnosti stanovništva na osnovu dva različita teorijska shvatanja etničkog identiteta, dok se obeležje „državljanstva“ u popisu stanovništva Srbije tretira kao pravna, a ne etnička kategorija. Prateći intenzitet i raznolikost migracionih trendova u poslednjem međupopisnom periodu, a prema usvojenim kriterijumima definicije stalnog stanovništva, realno je očekivati da je aktuelnim popisom obuhvaćen i određeni broj imigranata iz država u kojima se etnička obeležja tumače na različite načine što će dodatno otvoriti nova pitanjaetničke kategorizacije u popisima stanovništva.
Etnoatropološki problemi, 2023
Kvantitativnu osnovu za izvođenje etničke strukture stanovništva Srbije čine popisni podaci o obe... more Kvantitativnu osnovu za izvođenje etničke strukture stanovništva Srbije čine popisni podaci o obeležjima nacionalne, jezičke i konfesionalne pripadnosti. Rezultati gotovo svih popisa u Kneževini i Kraljevini Srbiji pokazuju da se pitanje etničke strukture Istočne Srbije uglavnom svodi na statističke odnose vlaškog i srpskog stanov-ništva jer su ostale etničke zajednice bile zastupljene sa vrlo niskim udelima. Problem izostanka direktnog pitanja o nacionalnoj pripadnosti nameće izvođenje etničke stukture stanovništva samo na posredan način, i to na osnovu dobijenih podataka o obeležju maternjeg jezika koje je bilo prisutno u najvećem broju tada sprovedenih popisa. Zato je osnovni cilj ovog rada da istraži mogućnosti i ograničenja izvođenja etničke struk-ture stanovništva kroz dinamiku broja i udela Vlaha Istočne Srbije u kojoj su gotovo u potpunosti koncentrisani. Ako prihvatimo logiku identifikacije nacionalne sa jezičkom pripadnošću, na osnovu izloženih rezulatata istraživanja možemo zaključiti da su Vlasi bili najbrojnija etnička manjina u Kneževini i Kraljevini Srbiji, kao i da je njihov broj linearno rastao sve do 1895. godine što je bilo u skladu s ondašnjim trendom rasta uku-pnog stanovništva Srbije.
Demographic studies of the population by ethnicity are gaining new significance. Emigration, inte... more Demographic studies of the population by ethnicity are gaining new significance. Emigration, intensive aging, and declining fertility have caused changes in demographic trends, particularly in communities of
different ethnic backgrounds. Ethnodemographic trends are mostly observed through the lens of official ethnic statistics. The most important factor regarding data quality is the approach towards subjective criteria in
the self-declaration of ethnic affiliation in censuses and vital statistical surveys. This paper presents examples of statistical deviations of demographic indicators based on official data on ethnicity and introduces a proposal for research into their quality and use value. Our research
proposal is based on previous demographic analyses of ethnicity data and focuses on the demographic framework of statistics of ethnicity in Serbia through data quality analysis. We contend that the results presented in
the paper constitute a sufficient argument for a broader methodological discussion regarding the necessity of demographic research into ethnicity data to create a “more objective” demographic picture of minorities.
Examining the quality of ethnicity data is very important for analysing indicators of statistically variable minority ethnic groups. The results of the research can form the basis for reviewing the data sources on which policies towards ethnic minorities are formulated.
Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
This paper analyses the relationship between the accessibility improvement and demographic patter... more This paper analyses the relationship between the accessibility improvement and demographic pattern in the border region of Euro region Danube 21 in Serbia. In many CBC projects accessibility has been identified as a key factor for their territorial success. But according to the European Spatial Planning Observation Network (ESPON) project and strategies, accessibility patterns are strongly associated with dynamic population pattern in border areas. The demographic challenges that some cross-border areas are facing are structural and permanent. Therefore the paper evaluated and assessed demography factors as the main factors in accessibility analyses in this depopulation cross-border area. The article includes key messages for policy-makers for transportation designing and implementing development transportation strategies specifically tailored to the needs of these regions.
Annales-Series Historia et Sociologia, Dec 31, 2019
(ENG) SUMMARY: Information about linguistic affiliation was always collected according to the not... more (ENG) SUMMARY: Information about linguistic affiliation was always collected according to the notion of the mother tongue. Although in demography, mother tongue is seen as a more objective component of ethnonational affiliation, research results suggest significant disparities that are correlated with changes in ethno-statistical nomenclature and flotant behavior of particular ethnic groups. The divergence between language and nationality in Serbia“s population censuses unambiguously indicate that several ethnic communities can simultaneously declare the same mother
tongue, but also that members of the same ethnic group can declare different mother tongues. The oscillations that occur in changes in the size of the population of certain ethnolinguistic modalities are milder than the variability of ethnonational modalities. The most expressive statistical imbalances were recorded in ethnic groups which were introduced into statistical nomenclature due to the targeted ethnonational stratification of the existing nations.
Ethnic dissolution of the existing people simultaneously caused the process of linguistic stratification, by the principle of joining »affiliated« mother tongue, most often of dialectical diversity of existing languages. Changes in the statistical nomenclature of languages that were adjusted with the initiation of new ethnonational modalities during the XX and the beginning of the XXI century serve as a statistical verification of the linguistic stratification of existing languages according to the principle of domination of the subjective understanding of the national identity. In terms of census statistics, this means that the processes of national homogenization, which were based on the language as a factor of integration during the nineteenth century, were replaced by modern processes of linguistic (primarily dialectical) homogenization based on an unstable and statistically unreliable trait of ethnicity, which makes it a peculiar absurdity, both in theory and in practice.
Keywords: census, mother tongue, statistical nomenclature, ethnicity, Serbia
(SI ) Abstract/IZVLEČEK: Prispevek prikazuje kronološke spremembe statističnih nomenklatur jezikovne pripadnosti v popisih prebivalstva Srbije, prav tako pa preučuje vpliv uvedbe novih etnonacionalnih opredelitev na kategorizacijo jezikov.
Uporaba koncepta maternega jezika je bila raziskana s primerjalnimi analizami števila prebivalcev posamezne nacionalne opredelitve in pripadajočega maternega jezika. Z namenom odkrivanja diverzifikacije maternega jezika znotraj istih etničnih skupin je bila uporabljena tudi metoda prečenja etnostatističnih podatkov. Rezultati raziskave kažejo različne stopnje neskladja med številom nacionalno opredeljenih prebivalcev in številom prebivalcev s pripadajočim maternim jezikom. Visoko odstopanje pri skladnosti nacionalne in jezikovne pripadnosti je še posebej očitno v novo uvedenih etnonacionalnih modalitetah. Po drugi strani pa rezultati kvantitativnega raziskovanja kažejo, da je kazalnik maternega jezika kljub izrazitemu procesu etnolingvističnega razslojevanja, še vedno bolj objektiven v primerjavi z nacionalno pripadnostjo, kar mu daje položaj metodološkega korektiva, ne zgolj v etnodemografskem, temveč tudi v drugem sociometričnem raziskovanju.
Ključne besede: popis prebivalstva, materni jezik, statistična nomenklatura, nacionalna pripadnost, Srbija
(IT) Abstract/SINTESI: In questo contributo vengono presentati in senso cronologico i cambiamenti delle nomenclature statistiche relative all'appartenenza linguistica nei censimenti della popolazione in Serbia. Inoltre, è stata analizzata l’influenza dell’introduzione di nuove modalità etnonazionali sulle categorizzazioni linguistiche. Abbiamo esaminato l’uso del concetto di lingua materna attraverso le analisi comparative del numero degli abitanti caratterizzati da una certa dichiarazione nazionale e della relativa lingua materna. Nell’analisi abbiamo anche impiegato un
approccio di intersezione dei dati etnostatistici con l’obbiettivo di individuare le diversificazioni della lingua materna all’interno degli stessi gruppi etnici. I risultati della ricerca implicano vari livelli di disparità tra il numero degli abitanti dichiaratisi in senso nazionale e il numero degli abitanti delle lingue relative. Le deviazioni rilevanti dalla compatibilità tra all'appartenenza nazionale e quella linguistica sono soprattutto visibili nelle modalità etnonazional recentemente introdotte. D’altra parte i risultati delle ricerche quantitative dimostrano che, nonostante il marcato processo di stratificazione etnolinguistica, gli attributi della lingua materna sono più obiettivi rispetto all'appartenenza nazionale, il che li rende un correttivo metodologico non solo nelle ricerche etnodemografiche,ma anche in tutte le altr e ricerche sociometriche.
Parole chiave: Censimento della popolazione, lingua materna, nomenclatura statistica, appartenenza nazionale, Serbia
Annales, Series Historia et Sociologia, Jul 19, 2017
Uporaba subjektivnih kriterijev kot uradnega načela etnične identifikacije srbskega prebivalstva ... more Uporaba subjektivnih kriterijev kot uradnega načela etnične identifikacije srbskega prebivalstva v popisni in vitalni statistiki je omogočila pojav etnične mimikrije in nastanek flotatntnih etničnih skupin. Bistvena značilnost flotantnih etničnih skupin je labilnost pri opredeljevanju etničnih značilnosti, ki neposredno vpliva na kakovost dobljenih etno-statističnih podatkov, variabilnost trendov populacijske dinamike in, iz njih izhajajoče, demografske kazalnike. Kvantitativni del raziskovanja v pričujočem članku sloni na rezultatih statistične analize trendov rasti prebivalstva glede na narodno pripadnost v obdobju od leta 1948 do 2011, ki predstavljajo osnovo za ločevanje etničnih skupin glede na raven odstopanja in podobnosti variacij trendov. Kvalitativni del raziskovanja pa je zasnovan na diferenciaciji variabilnosti trendov etničnih skupin glede na vzrok ter na vzpostavitvi podlage za oblikovanje tipologije flotantnosti.
Ključne besede: etnične značilnosti, popis prebivalstva, vitalna statistika, etnična mimikrija, flotantne etnične skupine, variabilnost populacijske dinamike
L’applicazione del criterio soggettivo in qualità di principio ufficiale di identifi cazione etnica della popolazione in Serbia nella statistica di censimento e quella vitale, ha consentito la comparsa della mimicry etnica e la nascita dei gruppi etnici fluttuanti. La caratteristica principale dei gruppi etnici fluttuanti è la labilità che riguarda soprattutto la dichiarazione degli emblemi etnici, il che infl uisce immediatamente sulla qualità dei dati etno-statistici ottenuti e, sulla variabilità delle tendenze della dinamica delle popolazioni e degli indicatori demografici che ne risultano. La parte quantitativa della ricerca è basata sui risultati dell’analisi statistica che riguarda le tendenze di crescita della popolazione secondo l’appartenenza nazionale nel periodo 1948-2011. Questi risultati costituiscono la base per la diversificazione tra i gruppi etnici secondo il livello di variazione e la somiglianza tra le variazioni delle tendenze. La parte qualitativa della ricerca è basata sulla differenziazione della variabilità delle tendenze tra i gruppi etnici secondo il campione e sulla costruzione della base per la tipologia di fluttuamento.
Parole chiave: emblemi etnici, censimento della popolazione, statistica vitale, mimicry etnica, gruppi etnici fluttuanti, variabilità della dinamica delle popolazioni
Demographic research of the floating ethnic groups in Serbia are directly connected to the methodological problems of ethno-statistical evidence, that affect the quality of the census data, vital statistics and derived demographic trends. The usage of subjective criteria, as a official principle in expression of ethnic identity in census and vital statistics, gave rise to ethnic mimicry and created a floating ethnic groups, characterized by varying trends in population dynamics due to frequent changes in ethnic declaration.According to the results of quantitative research of population growth indicators according to declared nationality at the period 1948–2011,the ethnic groups are clustered by variability trends, that don’t have a demographic explanation.The methodological changes of ethno-statistical evidence, changes of statistical nomenclature of ethnic characteristics, the interstate agreements of resettling and political instrumentalization of census may cause statistical variability characterized by predictability, and the possibility of reconstruction of demographic trends.On the other side, there are the floating ethnic groups whose ethno-national identification was directed by complex influences of historical-civilization, socio-cultural, economic and political factors. The basic characteristics of this ethnic groups are continuous variability of demographic indicators, unpredictability of trends, disparities of ethnic characteristics within the same ethnic group, and absence of correlation between the components of population dynamics and indicators of population growth, which hinders the formation of explicable demographic trends.
Keywords: ethnic characteristics, census, vital statistics, ethnic mimicry, the floating ethnic groups, the variability in population dynamics
Stanovništvo, 2016
Theoretical debates about ethnic identity during the second half of the 20th century did not just... more Theoretical debates about ethnic identity during the second half of the 20th century did not just attract attention of academic circles, but they influenced creation of political discourse which determined public life in almost every multinational society, regardless the level of social economic development. In recent decades, many theories about ethnic identity have emerged, especially those about ethnicity as a relatively new concept, which caused a great deal of controversy that has been ongoing since the 1960. Modern demography deals with problems of great social importance, especially when it comes to anthropological, social and political demography, whose results often take lead in the modern political debate. In that sense, a lot of theoretical approaches tried to emphasize the decline of importance of traditional elements of ethnic identity, even their disappearance in favor of supranational concepts, over the past more than half a century. However, in practice, the opposite processes are constantly repeating and the awareness of belonging to certain ethnic group, not only remained the important part of social life, but its significance rapidly grew in certain periods and societies. Ethnic and social pluralism of modern societies, together with massive migration flows, have initiated the review of sustainability, not only the traditional definitions of ethnic identity, but also the various supranational concepts which have mostly emerged from ethnic identification and legal nationality. The fear that ethno-cultural pluralism will have negative effects on ethno-demographic differentiation increased the need for quantitative researches of demographic characteristics of population towards ethnic marks, also for reviewing of methodological solutions of ethno-statistic evidence, starting from definitions, categorizations and statistic classification, as far as the ways of collecting and publishing the data. In that sense the censuses are considered as a base of ethno-demographic studies of French and Serbian population, in which different theoretical concepts of ethnic identity created two different approaches to ethno-statistic census process. In every Serbian census from the middle of the 19th century till today central topics were the questions about static ethno-cultural categories of religion and about mother tongue, while the question about ethnicity was asked in each and every census taken after Second World War. On the other hand, although it has the longest census tradition in Europe, the official ethno-statistic evidence of population in France has been for a long time determined by constant rejection of ethnic categorization and by the absence of questions about primary ethnic marks of population. Instead, the supranational concept of legal nationality has become the central spot while, as a feature of political integration of immigrants in a census, the question
about state of birth starts to appear. The main dilemma regarding relations between prevailing theoretical concepts of ethnic identity and the official statistic practice based on Serbian and French models, still remains. Therefore, this paper shows two-way influence of ethno-statistic categorization and the real ethnic structure, and opens a discussion whether the ethnic identities have been defined by statistics or the ethnic identity is the one which defines the official statistics. Keywords: ethnic identity, census, Serbia, France, ethnic categorization
Bulletin of the Serbian Geographical Society, 2015
One of the starting methodological problems in demographic research is the definition of spatial ... more One of the starting methodological problems in demographic research is the definition of spatial extent, already defined by different levels of administrative-territorial unitsthat are used for distribution of usable statistical data. demographic research is closely tied with administrative-territorial division of the territory that is being researched, wherein the fact that differentiation of demographic phenomena and processes cannot be the only basis of setting the principles of regionalization must be strictly acknowledged. This problem is particularly common in historical demographic analyses of geographically determined wholes, which are in administratively-territorial sense represented by one or more smaller territorial units, with their borders changing through the history, which directly affects comparability of the statistical data, and makes it considerably more difficult to track demographic change through longer time intervals. The result of these efforts is usually a solution based on a compromise which enables us to examine the dynamics of population change with little deviation from already defined borders of regional-geographic wholes. For that reason in this paper the problem of defining spatial extent in demographic research is examined trough several different approaches in case of Eastern Serbia, as a geographically determined region, a historic area, a spatially functioning whole and as a statistical unit for demographic research, with no judgment calls in regard to any of the regionalization principles.
Trames. Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2013
Abstract. Our research focuses on the problems of modern spatial, social and economic
marginaliza... more Abstract. Our research focuses on the problems of modern spatial, social and economic
marginalization of the Belgrade slum population, as well as on the measures of improving
the living conditions in them. The slums on the territory of Belgrade are numerous, dispersed,
heterogeneous in structure, size and type, and the common denominator that could
express the typical situation is poverty of their population. The paper also included an
analysis of the causes of the spatial concentration of slums, the increase in population,
exclusion of the population, poverty and the attitudes of the Belgrade population toward
these settlements and their inhabitants. A significant part of the paper refers to the main
life problems of the Roma, but of the Ashkali and Egyptians as well, who mostly inhabit
the slums (unemployment, illiteracy, begging, poor housing conditions, health problems
etc.). Measures for improving the living conditions in Belgrade slums, aiming at the
integration of their inhabitants into the spatial and social space of Belgrade are proposed in
the final part of the paper.
Key words: slums, poverty, Roma, exclusion, integration, Belgrade, Serbia
DOI: 10.3176/tr.2013.1.03
Сврха ове студије јесте да се анализом демографских,
економских, социјалних и других карактерист... more Сврха ове студије јесте да се анализом демографских,
економских, социјалних и других карактеристика ромске популације допринесе бољем сагледавању и разумевању друштвеног положаја ове и даље маргинализоване етничке заједнице. С обзиром на то да је ова студија намењена широкој друштвеној јавности као целовита, стручна и научна информација, аутори су у приступу, анализи и закључивању настојали да прикажу стање, промене и тенденције у оквиру ромске популације од XIX до првих деценија XXI века, те су у те сврхе размотрени резултати свих релевантних пописа становништва, с посебним освртом на резултате Пописа становништва, домаћинстава и станова 2011. године.
The purpose of this study is better perception and understanding of the social position of Roma population in Republic of Serbia by analzing the demographic, economic, social and other characteristics of these still marginalized ethnic community. Although this study as a whole, technical and scientific information intended for the general social usage, in accessing, analyzing and reasoning authors were sought to present the current situation reffering on changes and trends within the Roma population from the begining of XIX to the present, with special emphasis on results Census of population, Households and Dwellings in 2011.
Demografija, 2014
Demographic analysis of certain population directly depending on the available statistical materi... more Demographic analysis of certain population directly depending on the available statistical material which is distributed according to administrative-territorial units of different ranks, and often doesn`t coincide with the geographic areas. Although statistical evidence of the Serbian population has a long tradition, its use value in the demographic analysis strongly depends on several factors such as: frequent administrative-territorial changes, unequal intervals of censuses, changes on methodological solutions of statistical evidence, as well as the lack of uniformity characteristics of population and its distribution in the final results. Frequent administrative-territorial changes in Serbia during the XIX and XX century significantly make it difficult to continuous monitoring of long-term demographic changes that disturbs the criterion of comparability. Therefore, this paper specifically highlights methodological problems of reconciliation of available statistical
material with administrative-territorial changes in the case of Eastern Serbia, and presents some suggestions for overcoming of problem which directly affects the quality of demographic analysis.
Демографска анализа одређених популација директно зависи од доступне статистичке грађе која је дистрибуирана према адмистартивно-територијалним јединицама различитих рангова које се често не подударају са географски детерминисаним просторним целинама. Иако статистичка евиденција становништва у Србији има дугу
традицију, уочљиво је да на њену употребну вредност при демографској анализи снажно утиче неколико фактора од којих се посебно издвајају: честе административно-територијалне промене, неједнаки интервали пописивања становништва, промене методолошких решења статистичке евиденције, као и неуједначеност обележја становништва и њихових дистрибуција у коначним резултатима. Честе административно-територијалние промене у Србији током XIX и ХХ века знатно отежавају континуирано праћење демографских промена у дужим временским интервалима што нарушава критеријум упоредивости. Зато су у овом раду посебно назначени методолошки проблеми усаглашавања доступне статистичке грађе сa административно-територијалним променама на примеру Источне Србије, а представљени су и предлози за превазила
жење овог проблема који директно утиче на квалитет демографске анализе.
Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke, 148 (3/2014) /Proceedings-Matica Srpska, Department of Social Sciences Quartely 148 (3/2014), 2014
According to the results from the 2011 Census, in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (hereinafter r... more According to the results from the 2011 Census, in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (hereinafter referred to as ’Vojvodina’) there were 1,815 Slovenians, or 45% of the total number of Slovenians in the Republic of Serbia. Slovenians make up only 0.09% of the total population in Vojvodina. All demographic indicators show a profound demographic decline in the population based on biological depopulation that began in the late 1960s. Furthermore, a negative trend in natural increase was further strengthened by inverse migrations that started several years after they had colonized Vojvodina, especially south Banat. Slovenians in Vojvodina, at an average age of 52.1 years, were ranked second place in the rank of ethnicity by age, which clearly indicates to intense process of population ageing and inability to achieve positive effects of natural movement. Although this population is statistically small in number, this paper clarifies the underlying causes of extremely unfavorable demographic trends that characterized Slovenian population in Vojvodina over the last several decades.
KEYWORDS: Slovenians, Vojvodina, biological depopulation, demographic ageing, migrations.
Revista Română de Geografie Politică, May 1, 2013
The paper deals with the connection between indicators of the demographic development of Roma pop... more The paper deals with the connection between indicators of the demographic development of Roma population in Belgrade and their level of social integration. Roma in Belgrade are the ethnic group that is most vulnerable, segregated, living mostly in slums and showing no interest in improving their social position. Lack of social integration has a direct impact on Roma’s various aspects of life in Belgrade, and in particular on their demographic development. Statistical monitoring of demographic and socioeconomical changes within the Roma population is especially difficult on the basis of census data and vital statistics because of Roma tendency to change national declaration. Therefore, we must take into account that statistics provide only information about the population consider themselves “Roma population “, which allows the study of only Roma “declared “ population. Crude birth rate of 23 ‰, rate of natural increase of 17.8‰ and very good age structure put Roma population among the most vibrant and youngest ethnic groups in Belgrade. Demographic indicators of Roma in Belgrade such as age fertility towards rate, the average age of primogeniture, the average number of children, age structure and Roma household structure by number of members, in a direct way, point out the level of social integration.
Annales, Series Historia et Sociologia, 2012
The first mention of Slovenians in Serbia is linked to economic migration and seasonal work in th... more The first mention of Slovenians in Serbia is linked to economic migration and seasonal work in the nineteenth century.
There is no reliable data on the number of Slovenians in the Principality of Serbia, but it is known that Slovenian
miners were interested in mining in Majdanpek. Direct statistical data regarding Slovenians in Serbia which would
enable a continuous ethno-demographic study are available from the census statistics from 1948, and the vital (demographic) statistics from 1957. According to the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings 2002, the total
number of Slovenians in Serbia (excluding Kosovo) was 5104, which makes a proportion of about 0.07% of the total
population. Of the total number of Slovenians in Serbia, 60.7% of them live in the territory of Central Serbia, and
39.3% in Vojvodina. The highest concentrations of the total number of Slovenians in Serbia are in Belgrade (40.8%),
and Novi Sad (8.7%). Changes in the trend of Slovenians in Serbia during the period between 1948 and 2002 show
a linear decrease without oscillations. During this period, the number of Slovenes in Serbia fell to nearly a quarter
of the original number from 1948, the most signiicant drop occurring during the period between 1961 and 1971.
It is also clear that during this period there were no considerable variations in the descending trend of Slovenes in Serbia, which indicates that the cause of this decline in population has a clear demographic explanation, and that
the impact of subjective criteria to the Slovenians at the national declaration in the censuses was not of signiicant
importance. This means that the Slovenians in Serbia do not, to a statistically observable extent, are not tend to cover up their ethnicity, because otherwise noted extreme luctuations in the movement of their number from one census to another as a result of ethnic transfer to other, usually the majority ethnic group, and instability of the national declaration in the registration of vital events (birth, death, etc.). The decrease in the number of Slovenes in Serbia is the result of the movement of components of population dynamics, especially the negative natural increase, which was present in more than half of the 1960s, as well as being due to the inluence of negative migration balance over the previous few decades. The natural increase of Slovenes in Serbia shows a negative trend from the 1960s, resulting in very negative values of indicators of demographic aging on the basis of which we can conclude that the Slovenian population in Serbia is faced with signiicant biological depopulation and profound demographic age which threatens their survival. Unfavourable indicators of natural movements in interaction with a negative migration balance in the period since 1948 give a clear explanation of today’s demographic picture of Slovenians in Serbia which is
most easily described through data on their average age that was, as of 2002 reported as 54.9 years of age and for
which they were irst in the ranking of all national and ethnic communities in Serbia. In the period since 1948, there has not been a signiicant immigration of Slovenians in Serbia recorded, but their emigration from Serbia during the same period (especially from the 1950s), is evidence; emigrations mainly determined demographic development of Slovenians in Serbia, especially because of the selectivity of emigrants by age (young reproductive and economy
active population).
Demografija, 2011
During the twentieth century, the ethnic structure of the Serbia was not always statistical clear... more During the twentieth century, the ethnic structure of the Serbia was not always statistical clear, primarily due to the strong influence of national policies; in the Kingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenians/Yugoslavia through the idea of Yugoslav unitary; after II World War through in socialistic Yugoslavia with usage “the new methodological solutions”; and national politics from the end of the twentieth century, which is current today. Nationality structure study of population of Serbia according to the census must include the fact that only the number of national “declared” is available
in statistical sources, which may not always coincide with ethnic origin. This indicates at the influence of various factors on the national determination, such as socio-cultural, political, integration, economic, and religious factors. The strictly usage of subjective criteria had the negative impact on the accuracy of census results, because it had enabled oscillations in the number of certain ethnic communities. Inconsistency of native language and nationality declared population in Serbia often occurs as a result unpredictable behavior of certain ethnic groups in census declaration, but also due the assimilation processes – in cases that some ethnic groups are accepted other language. Vital statistics at this period, as the censuses, was under the influence of methodological changes too, especially at the period 1965-1970; probably because of ideological reasons, it was stopped recording and publication of vital events by ethnicity, which makes more difficult all ethno-demographic researches. The main disadvantage of the current methodology for registration and publication of vital events by ethnicity is the fact that existing data is distributed only by the nationality of the mother.
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference: The Territorial Aspect of the Development of Serbia and Neighboring Countries/Зборник радова са међународног научног скупа: Територијални аспекти развоја Србије и суседних земаља. ISBN 978-86-87857-85-9, 2010
The Vlachs in Eastern Serbia are one of the most archaic ethnic group of Balkan. Although most au... more The Vlachs in Eastern Serbia are one of the most archaic ethnic group of Balkan. Although most authors are agree that recent Vlach population in Eastern Serbia take origin of old Balkan tribes (Tribals and Celtic Scrods), as well as that tribes were under the strong influence of Romanization, however there were different opinions about chronology of their migrations and geographical disposition, and about meaning of notion Vlach. At the beginning, the German term Wallach was pertaining to non German population, Celts and Romanian tribes. Slovenes used term Wallach for Romanian tribes on Balkan and latter for ethnic group of Romanians from undermost Danube area. For the most Romanians authors, terms Vlach and Romanian are synonyms. However, an interesting opinion is that recent progeny of old Balkans population, Aromanians-Macedoromanians, make unique and authentic ethnic corps of Celtic origin. In different historical-geographical state, they named by the different names like: Cnovunci, Vlasi, Kucovlasi, Karavlasi, Cincari, Karaguni, Ćići, Ćiribiri, Mavrovlasi, Morlaci. Recent Vlach ethnic group in Eastern Serbia was formed as ethnic community during the XVIII and XIX century in fusion ethnic Romanians and Serbs, and thus they haven’t got ethnic continuity with Middle Ages Vlach population, the descendants of old Balkan tribes.
According to final results of Census in 2002, the total number of declared Gypsies in Serbia (wit... more According to final results of Census in 2002, the total number of declared Gypsies in Serbia (without Kosovo and Metohija) was 108.193, apropos 1.44% in total population of Serbia, conditional third position in rang of ethnic minorities (behind Hungarians and Bosnians). Though, in sense population dynamics of Gypsies, it is needs to know, that official statistic data could give only information about population which “themselves repute Gypsies”, declare as Gypsies in that moment, and because of that we are probability to take on scientific observe only number of declare Gypsies. During the period 1948-2002, Gypsies were included on all census statistic classifications lists of nationalities. But, oscillations in number of Gypsies show population dynamics without any evenly and projected trends of population development. This fact is problem and for official statistic research. Certainly, the main defect at statistic registration of Gypsies is ability to change attitude about nationality declare in censuses.
Key words: declare Gypsies, ethnic disguise, census, oscillations in number of Gypsies, ethnic destination.
The ethnic structure of Serbia present the complex process of demographic development of differen... more The ethnic structure of Serbia present the complex process of demographic development of different national communities. In spite of trends in different natural increase of different ethnic communities, whose continuity determinate unevenly demographic development in Serbia, the influence of migrations, as a result of bad economic and political situation, was important factor in creating contents of recent ethnic map. According to final results of Census in 2002, the total number of population in Serbia was 7.498.001 (82.86% are Serbs). According to same results there were 28 different ethnic communities with share of 14.7% in total population. The largest national community were Hungarians, whose mostly lives in Vojvodina province, then following Bosniaks/Muslims, Gypsies, Yugoslavs, Croats and others.
Keywords: nationality, demographic development, census, natural increase, migrations
Papers by Aleksandar Knežević
znači da se u istoj grupi nalaze podaci o etničkoj pripadnosti stanovništva na osnovu dva različita teorijska shvatanja etničkog identiteta, dok se obeležje „državljanstva“ u popisu stanovništva Srbije tretira kao pravna, a ne etnička kategorija. Prateći intenzitet i raznolikost migracionih trendova u poslednjem međupopisnom periodu, a prema usvojenim kriterijumima definicije stalnog stanovništva, realno je očekivati da je aktuelnim popisom obuhvaćen i određeni broj imigranata iz država u kojima se etnička obeležja tumače na različite načine što će dodatno otvoriti nova pitanjaetničke kategorizacije u popisima stanovništva.
different ethnic backgrounds. Ethnodemographic trends are mostly observed through the lens of official ethnic statistics. The most important factor regarding data quality is the approach towards subjective criteria in
the self-declaration of ethnic affiliation in censuses and vital statistical surveys. This paper presents examples of statistical deviations of demographic indicators based on official data on ethnicity and introduces a proposal for research into their quality and use value. Our research
proposal is based on previous demographic analyses of ethnicity data and focuses on the demographic framework of statistics of ethnicity in Serbia through data quality analysis. We contend that the results presented in
the paper constitute a sufficient argument for a broader methodological discussion regarding the necessity of demographic research into ethnicity data to create a “more objective” demographic picture of minorities.
Examining the quality of ethnicity data is very important for analysing indicators of statistically variable minority ethnic groups. The results of the research can form the basis for reviewing the data sources on which policies towards ethnic minorities are formulated.
tongue, but also that members of the same ethnic group can declare different mother tongues. The oscillations that occur in changes in the size of the population of certain ethnolinguistic modalities are milder than the variability of ethnonational modalities. The most expressive statistical imbalances were recorded in ethnic groups which were introduced into statistical nomenclature due to the targeted ethnonational stratification of the existing nations.
Ethnic dissolution of the existing people simultaneously caused the process of linguistic stratification, by the principle of joining »affiliated« mother tongue, most often of dialectical diversity of existing languages. Changes in the statistical nomenclature of languages that were adjusted with the initiation of new ethnonational modalities during the XX and the beginning of the XXI century serve as a statistical verification of the linguistic stratification of existing languages according to the principle of domination of the subjective understanding of the national identity. In terms of census statistics, this means that the processes of national homogenization, which were based on the language as a factor of integration during the nineteenth century, were replaced by modern processes of linguistic (primarily dialectical) homogenization based on an unstable and statistically unreliable trait of ethnicity, which makes it a peculiar absurdity, both in theory and in practice.
Keywords: census, mother tongue, statistical nomenclature, ethnicity, Serbia
(SI ) Abstract/IZVLEČEK: Prispevek prikazuje kronološke spremembe statističnih nomenklatur jezikovne pripadnosti v popisih prebivalstva Srbije, prav tako pa preučuje vpliv uvedbe novih etnonacionalnih opredelitev na kategorizacijo jezikov.
Uporaba koncepta maternega jezika je bila raziskana s primerjalnimi analizami števila prebivalcev posamezne nacionalne opredelitve in pripadajočega maternega jezika. Z namenom odkrivanja diverzifikacije maternega jezika znotraj istih etničnih skupin je bila uporabljena tudi metoda prečenja etnostatističnih podatkov. Rezultati raziskave kažejo različne stopnje neskladja med številom nacionalno opredeljenih prebivalcev in številom prebivalcev s pripadajočim maternim jezikom. Visoko odstopanje pri skladnosti nacionalne in jezikovne pripadnosti je še posebej očitno v novo uvedenih etnonacionalnih modalitetah. Po drugi strani pa rezultati kvantitativnega raziskovanja kažejo, da je kazalnik maternega jezika kljub izrazitemu procesu etnolingvističnega razslojevanja, še vedno bolj objektiven v primerjavi z nacionalno pripadnostjo, kar mu daje položaj metodološkega korektiva, ne zgolj v etnodemografskem, temveč tudi v drugem sociometričnem raziskovanju.
Ključne besede: popis prebivalstva, materni jezik, statistična nomenklatura, nacionalna pripadnost, Srbija
(IT) Abstract/SINTESI: In questo contributo vengono presentati in senso cronologico i cambiamenti delle nomenclature statistiche relative all'appartenenza linguistica nei censimenti della popolazione in Serbia. Inoltre, è stata analizzata l’influenza dell’introduzione di nuove modalità etnonazionali sulle categorizzazioni linguistiche. Abbiamo esaminato l’uso del concetto di lingua materna attraverso le analisi comparative del numero degli abitanti caratterizzati da una certa dichiarazione nazionale e della relativa lingua materna. Nell’analisi abbiamo anche impiegato un
approccio di intersezione dei dati etnostatistici con l’obbiettivo di individuare le diversificazioni della lingua materna all’interno degli stessi gruppi etnici. I risultati della ricerca implicano vari livelli di disparità tra il numero degli abitanti dichiaratisi in senso nazionale e il numero degli abitanti delle lingue relative. Le deviazioni rilevanti dalla compatibilità tra all'appartenenza nazionale e quella linguistica sono soprattutto visibili nelle modalità etnonazional recentemente introdotte. D’altra parte i risultati delle ricerche quantitative dimostrano che, nonostante il marcato processo di stratificazione etnolinguistica, gli attributi della lingua materna sono più obiettivi rispetto all'appartenenza nazionale, il che li rende un correttivo metodologico non solo nelle ricerche etnodemografiche,ma anche in tutte le altr e ricerche sociometriche.
Parole chiave: Censimento della popolazione, lingua materna, nomenclatura statistica, appartenenza nazionale, Serbia
Ključne besede: etnične značilnosti, popis prebivalstva, vitalna statistika, etnična mimikrija, flotantne etnične skupine, variabilnost populacijske dinamike
L’applicazione del criterio soggettivo in qualità di principio ufficiale di identifi cazione etnica della popolazione in Serbia nella statistica di censimento e quella vitale, ha consentito la comparsa della mimicry etnica e la nascita dei gruppi etnici fluttuanti. La caratteristica principale dei gruppi etnici fluttuanti è la labilità che riguarda soprattutto la dichiarazione degli emblemi etnici, il che infl uisce immediatamente sulla qualità dei dati etno-statistici ottenuti e, sulla variabilità delle tendenze della dinamica delle popolazioni e degli indicatori demografici che ne risultano. La parte quantitativa della ricerca è basata sui risultati dell’analisi statistica che riguarda le tendenze di crescita della popolazione secondo l’appartenenza nazionale nel periodo 1948-2011. Questi risultati costituiscono la base per la diversificazione tra i gruppi etnici secondo il livello di variazione e la somiglianza tra le variazioni delle tendenze. La parte qualitativa della ricerca è basata sulla differenziazione della variabilità delle tendenze tra i gruppi etnici secondo il campione e sulla costruzione della base per la tipologia di fluttuamento.
Parole chiave: emblemi etnici, censimento della popolazione, statistica vitale, mimicry etnica, gruppi etnici fluttuanti, variabilità della dinamica delle popolazioni
Demographic research of the floating ethnic groups in Serbia are directly connected to the methodological problems of ethno-statistical evidence, that affect the quality of the census data, vital statistics and derived demographic trends. The usage of subjective criteria, as a official principle in expression of ethnic identity in census and vital statistics, gave rise to ethnic mimicry and created a floating ethnic groups, characterized by varying trends in population dynamics due to frequent changes in ethnic declaration.According to the results of quantitative research of population growth indicators according to declared nationality at the period 1948–2011,the ethnic groups are clustered by variability trends, that don’t have a demographic explanation.The methodological changes of ethno-statistical evidence, changes of statistical nomenclature of ethnic characteristics, the interstate agreements of resettling and political instrumentalization of census may cause statistical variability characterized by predictability, and the possibility of reconstruction of demographic trends.On the other side, there are the floating ethnic groups whose ethno-national identification was directed by complex influences of historical-civilization, socio-cultural, economic and political factors. The basic characteristics of this ethnic groups are continuous variability of demographic indicators, unpredictability of trends, disparities of ethnic characteristics within the same ethnic group, and absence of correlation between the components of population dynamics and indicators of population growth, which hinders the formation of explicable demographic trends.
Keywords: ethnic characteristics, census, vital statistics, ethnic mimicry, the floating ethnic groups, the variability in population dynamics
about state of birth starts to appear. The main dilemma regarding relations between prevailing theoretical concepts of ethnic identity and the official statistic practice based on Serbian and French models, still remains. Therefore, this paper shows two-way influence of ethno-statistic categorization and the real ethnic structure, and opens a discussion whether the ethnic identities have been defined by statistics or the ethnic identity is the one which defines the official statistics. Keywords: ethnic identity, census, Serbia, France, ethnic categorization
marginalization of the Belgrade slum population, as well as on the measures of improving
the living conditions in them. The slums on the territory of Belgrade are numerous, dispersed,
heterogeneous in structure, size and type, and the common denominator that could
express the typical situation is poverty of their population. The paper also included an
analysis of the causes of the spatial concentration of slums, the increase in population,
exclusion of the population, poverty and the attitudes of the Belgrade population toward
these settlements and their inhabitants. A significant part of the paper refers to the main
life problems of the Roma, but of the Ashkali and Egyptians as well, who mostly inhabit
the slums (unemployment, illiteracy, begging, poor housing conditions, health problems
etc.). Measures for improving the living conditions in Belgrade slums, aiming at the
integration of their inhabitants into the spatial and social space of Belgrade are proposed in
the final part of the paper.
Key words: slums, poverty, Roma, exclusion, integration, Belgrade, Serbia
DOI: 10.3176/tr.2013.1.03
економских, социјалних и других карактеристика ромске популације допринесе бољем сагледавању и разумевању друштвеног положаја ове и даље маргинализоване етничке заједнице. С обзиром на то да је ова студија намењена широкој друштвеној јавности као целовита, стручна и научна информација, аутори су у приступу, анализи и закључивању настојали да прикажу стање, промене и тенденције у оквиру ромске популације од XIX до првих деценија XXI века, те су у те сврхе размотрени резултати свих релевантних пописа становништва, с посебним освртом на резултате Пописа становништва, домаћинстава и станова 2011. године.
The purpose of this study is better perception and understanding of the social position of Roma population in Republic of Serbia by analzing the demographic, economic, social and other characteristics of these still marginalized ethnic community. Although this study as a whole, technical and scientific information intended for the general social usage, in accessing, analyzing and reasoning authors were sought to present the current situation reffering on changes and trends within the Roma population from the begining of XIX to the present, with special emphasis on results Census of population, Households and Dwellings in 2011.
material with administrative-territorial changes in the case of Eastern Serbia, and presents some suggestions for overcoming of problem which directly affects the quality of demographic analysis.
Демографска анализа одређених популација директно зависи од доступне статистичке грађе која је дистрибуирана према адмистартивно-територијалним јединицама различитих рангова које се често не подударају са географски детерминисаним просторним целинама. Иако статистичка евиденција становништва у Србији има дугу
традицију, уочљиво је да на њену употребну вредност при демографској анализи снажно утиче неколико фактора од којих се посебно издвајају: честе административно-територијалне промене, неједнаки интервали пописивања становништва, промене методолошких решења статистичке евиденције, као и неуједначеност обележја становништва и њихових дистрибуција у коначним резултатима. Честе административно-територијалние промене у Србији током XIX и ХХ века знатно отежавају континуирано праћење демографских промена у дужим временским интервалима што нарушава критеријум упоредивости. Зато су у овом раду посебно назначени методолошки проблеми усаглашавања доступне статистичке грађе сa административно-територијалним променама на примеру Источне Србије, а представљени су и предлози за превазила
жење овог проблема који директно утиче на квалитет демографске анализе.
KEYWORDS: Slovenians, Vojvodina, biological depopulation, demographic ageing, migrations.
There is no reliable data on the number of Slovenians in the Principality of Serbia, but it is known that Slovenian
miners were interested in mining in Majdanpek. Direct statistical data regarding Slovenians in Serbia which would
enable a continuous ethno-demographic study are available from the census statistics from 1948, and the vital (demographic) statistics from 1957. According to the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings 2002, the total
number of Slovenians in Serbia (excluding Kosovo) was 5104, which makes a proportion of about 0.07% of the total
population. Of the total number of Slovenians in Serbia, 60.7% of them live in the territory of Central Serbia, and
39.3% in Vojvodina. The highest concentrations of the total number of Slovenians in Serbia are in Belgrade (40.8%),
and Novi Sad (8.7%). Changes in the trend of Slovenians in Serbia during the period between 1948 and 2002 show
a linear decrease without oscillations. During this period, the number of Slovenes in Serbia fell to nearly a quarter
of the original number from 1948, the most signiicant drop occurring during the period between 1961 and 1971.
It is also clear that during this period there were no considerable variations in the descending trend of Slovenes in Serbia, which indicates that the cause of this decline in population has a clear demographic explanation, and that
the impact of subjective criteria to the Slovenians at the national declaration in the censuses was not of signiicant
importance. This means that the Slovenians in Serbia do not, to a statistically observable extent, are not tend to cover up their ethnicity, because otherwise noted extreme luctuations in the movement of their number from one census to another as a result of ethnic transfer to other, usually the majority ethnic group, and instability of the national declaration in the registration of vital events (birth, death, etc.). The decrease in the number of Slovenes in Serbia is the result of the movement of components of population dynamics, especially the negative natural increase, which was present in more than half of the 1960s, as well as being due to the inluence of negative migration balance over the previous few decades. The natural increase of Slovenes in Serbia shows a negative trend from the 1960s, resulting in very negative values of indicators of demographic aging on the basis of which we can conclude that the Slovenian population in Serbia is faced with signiicant biological depopulation and profound demographic age which threatens their survival. Unfavourable indicators of natural movements in interaction with a negative migration balance in the period since 1948 give a clear explanation of today’s demographic picture of Slovenians in Serbia which is
most easily described through data on their average age that was, as of 2002 reported as 54.9 years of age and for
which they were irst in the ranking of all national and ethnic communities in Serbia. In the period since 1948, there has not been a signiicant immigration of Slovenians in Serbia recorded, but their emigration from Serbia during the same period (especially from the 1950s), is evidence; emigrations mainly determined demographic development of Slovenians in Serbia, especially because of the selectivity of emigrants by age (young reproductive and economy
active population).
in statistical sources, which may not always coincide with ethnic origin. This indicates at the influence of various factors on the national determination, such as socio-cultural, political, integration, economic, and religious factors. The strictly usage of subjective criteria had the negative impact on the accuracy of census results, because it had enabled oscillations in the number of certain ethnic communities. Inconsistency of native language and nationality declared population in Serbia often occurs as a result unpredictable behavior of certain ethnic groups in census declaration, but also due the assimilation processes – in cases that some ethnic groups are accepted other language. Vital statistics at this period, as the censuses, was under the influence of methodological changes too, especially at the period 1965-1970; probably because of ideological reasons, it was stopped recording and publication of vital events by ethnicity, which makes more difficult all ethno-demographic researches. The main disadvantage of the current methodology for registration and publication of vital events by ethnicity is the fact that existing data is distributed only by the nationality of the mother.
Key words: declare Gypsies, ethnic disguise, census, oscillations in number of Gypsies, ethnic destination.
Keywords: nationality, demographic development, census, natural increase, migrations
znači da se u istoj grupi nalaze podaci o etničkoj pripadnosti stanovništva na osnovu dva različita teorijska shvatanja etničkog identiteta, dok se obeležje „državljanstva“ u popisu stanovništva Srbije tretira kao pravna, a ne etnička kategorija. Prateći intenzitet i raznolikost migracionih trendova u poslednjem međupopisnom periodu, a prema usvojenim kriterijumima definicije stalnog stanovništva, realno je očekivati da je aktuelnim popisom obuhvaćen i određeni broj imigranata iz država u kojima se etnička obeležja tumače na različite načine što će dodatno otvoriti nova pitanjaetničke kategorizacije u popisima stanovništva.
different ethnic backgrounds. Ethnodemographic trends are mostly observed through the lens of official ethnic statistics. The most important factor regarding data quality is the approach towards subjective criteria in
the self-declaration of ethnic affiliation in censuses and vital statistical surveys. This paper presents examples of statistical deviations of demographic indicators based on official data on ethnicity and introduces a proposal for research into their quality and use value. Our research
proposal is based on previous demographic analyses of ethnicity data and focuses on the demographic framework of statistics of ethnicity in Serbia through data quality analysis. We contend that the results presented in
the paper constitute a sufficient argument for a broader methodological discussion regarding the necessity of demographic research into ethnicity data to create a “more objective” demographic picture of minorities.
Examining the quality of ethnicity data is very important for analysing indicators of statistically variable minority ethnic groups. The results of the research can form the basis for reviewing the data sources on which policies towards ethnic minorities are formulated.
tongue, but also that members of the same ethnic group can declare different mother tongues. The oscillations that occur in changes in the size of the population of certain ethnolinguistic modalities are milder than the variability of ethnonational modalities. The most expressive statistical imbalances were recorded in ethnic groups which were introduced into statistical nomenclature due to the targeted ethnonational stratification of the existing nations.
Ethnic dissolution of the existing people simultaneously caused the process of linguistic stratification, by the principle of joining »affiliated« mother tongue, most often of dialectical diversity of existing languages. Changes in the statistical nomenclature of languages that were adjusted with the initiation of new ethnonational modalities during the XX and the beginning of the XXI century serve as a statistical verification of the linguistic stratification of existing languages according to the principle of domination of the subjective understanding of the national identity. In terms of census statistics, this means that the processes of national homogenization, which were based on the language as a factor of integration during the nineteenth century, were replaced by modern processes of linguistic (primarily dialectical) homogenization based on an unstable and statistically unreliable trait of ethnicity, which makes it a peculiar absurdity, both in theory and in practice.
Keywords: census, mother tongue, statistical nomenclature, ethnicity, Serbia
(SI ) Abstract/IZVLEČEK: Prispevek prikazuje kronološke spremembe statističnih nomenklatur jezikovne pripadnosti v popisih prebivalstva Srbije, prav tako pa preučuje vpliv uvedbe novih etnonacionalnih opredelitev na kategorizacijo jezikov.
Uporaba koncepta maternega jezika je bila raziskana s primerjalnimi analizami števila prebivalcev posamezne nacionalne opredelitve in pripadajočega maternega jezika. Z namenom odkrivanja diverzifikacije maternega jezika znotraj istih etničnih skupin je bila uporabljena tudi metoda prečenja etnostatističnih podatkov. Rezultati raziskave kažejo različne stopnje neskladja med številom nacionalno opredeljenih prebivalcev in številom prebivalcev s pripadajočim maternim jezikom. Visoko odstopanje pri skladnosti nacionalne in jezikovne pripadnosti je še posebej očitno v novo uvedenih etnonacionalnih modalitetah. Po drugi strani pa rezultati kvantitativnega raziskovanja kažejo, da je kazalnik maternega jezika kljub izrazitemu procesu etnolingvističnega razslojevanja, še vedno bolj objektiven v primerjavi z nacionalno pripadnostjo, kar mu daje položaj metodološkega korektiva, ne zgolj v etnodemografskem, temveč tudi v drugem sociometričnem raziskovanju.
Ključne besede: popis prebivalstva, materni jezik, statistična nomenklatura, nacionalna pripadnost, Srbija
(IT) Abstract/SINTESI: In questo contributo vengono presentati in senso cronologico i cambiamenti delle nomenclature statistiche relative all'appartenenza linguistica nei censimenti della popolazione in Serbia. Inoltre, è stata analizzata l’influenza dell’introduzione di nuove modalità etnonazionali sulle categorizzazioni linguistiche. Abbiamo esaminato l’uso del concetto di lingua materna attraverso le analisi comparative del numero degli abitanti caratterizzati da una certa dichiarazione nazionale e della relativa lingua materna. Nell’analisi abbiamo anche impiegato un
approccio di intersezione dei dati etnostatistici con l’obbiettivo di individuare le diversificazioni della lingua materna all’interno degli stessi gruppi etnici. I risultati della ricerca implicano vari livelli di disparità tra il numero degli abitanti dichiaratisi in senso nazionale e il numero degli abitanti delle lingue relative. Le deviazioni rilevanti dalla compatibilità tra all'appartenenza nazionale e quella linguistica sono soprattutto visibili nelle modalità etnonazional recentemente introdotte. D’altra parte i risultati delle ricerche quantitative dimostrano che, nonostante il marcato processo di stratificazione etnolinguistica, gli attributi della lingua materna sono più obiettivi rispetto all'appartenenza nazionale, il che li rende un correttivo metodologico non solo nelle ricerche etnodemografiche,ma anche in tutte le altr e ricerche sociometriche.
Parole chiave: Censimento della popolazione, lingua materna, nomenclatura statistica, appartenenza nazionale, Serbia
Ključne besede: etnične značilnosti, popis prebivalstva, vitalna statistika, etnična mimikrija, flotantne etnične skupine, variabilnost populacijske dinamike
L’applicazione del criterio soggettivo in qualità di principio ufficiale di identifi cazione etnica della popolazione in Serbia nella statistica di censimento e quella vitale, ha consentito la comparsa della mimicry etnica e la nascita dei gruppi etnici fluttuanti. La caratteristica principale dei gruppi etnici fluttuanti è la labilità che riguarda soprattutto la dichiarazione degli emblemi etnici, il che infl uisce immediatamente sulla qualità dei dati etno-statistici ottenuti e, sulla variabilità delle tendenze della dinamica delle popolazioni e degli indicatori demografici che ne risultano. La parte quantitativa della ricerca è basata sui risultati dell’analisi statistica che riguarda le tendenze di crescita della popolazione secondo l’appartenenza nazionale nel periodo 1948-2011. Questi risultati costituiscono la base per la diversificazione tra i gruppi etnici secondo il livello di variazione e la somiglianza tra le variazioni delle tendenze. La parte qualitativa della ricerca è basata sulla differenziazione della variabilità delle tendenze tra i gruppi etnici secondo il campione e sulla costruzione della base per la tipologia di fluttuamento.
Parole chiave: emblemi etnici, censimento della popolazione, statistica vitale, mimicry etnica, gruppi etnici fluttuanti, variabilità della dinamica delle popolazioni
Demographic research of the floating ethnic groups in Serbia are directly connected to the methodological problems of ethno-statistical evidence, that affect the quality of the census data, vital statistics and derived demographic trends. The usage of subjective criteria, as a official principle in expression of ethnic identity in census and vital statistics, gave rise to ethnic mimicry and created a floating ethnic groups, characterized by varying trends in population dynamics due to frequent changes in ethnic declaration.According to the results of quantitative research of population growth indicators according to declared nationality at the period 1948–2011,the ethnic groups are clustered by variability trends, that don’t have a demographic explanation.The methodological changes of ethno-statistical evidence, changes of statistical nomenclature of ethnic characteristics, the interstate agreements of resettling and political instrumentalization of census may cause statistical variability characterized by predictability, and the possibility of reconstruction of demographic trends.On the other side, there are the floating ethnic groups whose ethno-national identification was directed by complex influences of historical-civilization, socio-cultural, economic and political factors. The basic characteristics of this ethnic groups are continuous variability of demographic indicators, unpredictability of trends, disparities of ethnic characteristics within the same ethnic group, and absence of correlation between the components of population dynamics and indicators of population growth, which hinders the formation of explicable demographic trends.
Keywords: ethnic characteristics, census, vital statistics, ethnic mimicry, the floating ethnic groups, the variability in population dynamics
about state of birth starts to appear. The main dilemma regarding relations between prevailing theoretical concepts of ethnic identity and the official statistic practice based on Serbian and French models, still remains. Therefore, this paper shows two-way influence of ethno-statistic categorization and the real ethnic structure, and opens a discussion whether the ethnic identities have been defined by statistics or the ethnic identity is the one which defines the official statistics. Keywords: ethnic identity, census, Serbia, France, ethnic categorization
marginalization of the Belgrade slum population, as well as on the measures of improving
the living conditions in them. The slums on the territory of Belgrade are numerous, dispersed,
heterogeneous in structure, size and type, and the common denominator that could
express the typical situation is poverty of their population. The paper also included an
analysis of the causes of the spatial concentration of slums, the increase in population,
exclusion of the population, poverty and the attitudes of the Belgrade population toward
these settlements and their inhabitants. A significant part of the paper refers to the main
life problems of the Roma, but of the Ashkali and Egyptians as well, who mostly inhabit
the slums (unemployment, illiteracy, begging, poor housing conditions, health problems
etc.). Measures for improving the living conditions in Belgrade slums, aiming at the
integration of their inhabitants into the spatial and social space of Belgrade are proposed in
the final part of the paper.
Key words: slums, poverty, Roma, exclusion, integration, Belgrade, Serbia
DOI: 10.3176/tr.2013.1.03
економских, социјалних и других карактеристика ромске популације допринесе бољем сагледавању и разумевању друштвеног положаја ове и даље маргинализоване етничке заједнице. С обзиром на то да је ова студија намењена широкој друштвеној јавности као целовита, стручна и научна информација, аутори су у приступу, анализи и закључивању настојали да прикажу стање, промене и тенденције у оквиру ромске популације од XIX до првих деценија XXI века, те су у те сврхе размотрени резултати свих релевантних пописа становништва, с посебним освртом на резултате Пописа становништва, домаћинстава и станова 2011. године.
The purpose of this study is better perception and understanding of the social position of Roma population in Republic of Serbia by analzing the demographic, economic, social and other characteristics of these still marginalized ethnic community. Although this study as a whole, technical and scientific information intended for the general social usage, in accessing, analyzing and reasoning authors were sought to present the current situation reffering on changes and trends within the Roma population from the begining of XIX to the present, with special emphasis on results Census of population, Households and Dwellings in 2011.
material with administrative-territorial changes in the case of Eastern Serbia, and presents some suggestions for overcoming of problem which directly affects the quality of demographic analysis.
Демографска анализа одређених популација директно зависи од доступне статистичке грађе која је дистрибуирана према адмистартивно-територијалним јединицама различитих рангова које се често не подударају са географски детерминисаним просторним целинама. Иако статистичка евиденција становништва у Србији има дугу
традицију, уочљиво је да на њену употребну вредност при демографској анализи снажно утиче неколико фактора од којих се посебно издвајају: честе административно-територијалне промене, неједнаки интервали пописивања становништва, промене методолошких решења статистичке евиденције, као и неуједначеност обележја становништва и њихових дистрибуција у коначним резултатима. Честе административно-територијалние промене у Србији током XIX и ХХ века знатно отежавају континуирано праћење демографских промена у дужим временским интервалима што нарушава критеријум упоредивости. Зато су у овом раду посебно назначени методолошки проблеми усаглашавања доступне статистичке грађе сa административно-територијалним променама на примеру Источне Србије, а представљени су и предлози за превазила
жење овог проблема који директно утиче на квалитет демографске анализе.
KEYWORDS: Slovenians, Vojvodina, biological depopulation, demographic ageing, migrations.
There is no reliable data on the number of Slovenians in the Principality of Serbia, but it is known that Slovenian
miners were interested in mining in Majdanpek. Direct statistical data regarding Slovenians in Serbia which would
enable a continuous ethno-demographic study are available from the census statistics from 1948, and the vital (demographic) statistics from 1957. According to the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings 2002, the total
number of Slovenians in Serbia (excluding Kosovo) was 5104, which makes a proportion of about 0.07% of the total
population. Of the total number of Slovenians in Serbia, 60.7% of them live in the territory of Central Serbia, and
39.3% in Vojvodina. The highest concentrations of the total number of Slovenians in Serbia are in Belgrade (40.8%),
and Novi Sad (8.7%). Changes in the trend of Slovenians in Serbia during the period between 1948 and 2002 show
a linear decrease without oscillations. During this period, the number of Slovenes in Serbia fell to nearly a quarter
of the original number from 1948, the most signiicant drop occurring during the period between 1961 and 1971.
It is also clear that during this period there were no considerable variations in the descending trend of Slovenes in Serbia, which indicates that the cause of this decline in population has a clear demographic explanation, and that
the impact of subjective criteria to the Slovenians at the national declaration in the censuses was not of signiicant
importance. This means that the Slovenians in Serbia do not, to a statistically observable extent, are not tend to cover up their ethnicity, because otherwise noted extreme luctuations in the movement of their number from one census to another as a result of ethnic transfer to other, usually the majority ethnic group, and instability of the national declaration in the registration of vital events (birth, death, etc.). The decrease in the number of Slovenes in Serbia is the result of the movement of components of population dynamics, especially the negative natural increase, which was present in more than half of the 1960s, as well as being due to the inluence of negative migration balance over the previous few decades. The natural increase of Slovenes in Serbia shows a negative trend from the 1960s, resulting in very negative values of indicators of demographic aging on the basis of which we can conclude that the Slovenian population in Serbia is faced with signiicant biological depopulation and profound demographic age which threatens their survival. Unfavourable indicators of natural movements in interaction with a negative migration balance in the period since 1948 give a clear explanation of today’s demographic picture of Slovenians in Serbia which is
most easily described through data on their average age that was, as of 2002 reported as 54.9 years of age and for
which they were irst in the ranking of all national and ethnic communities in Serbia. In the period since 1948, there has not been a signiicant immigration of Slovenians in Serbia recorded, but their emigration from Serbia during the same period (especially from the 1950s), is evidence; emigrations mainly determined demographic development of Slovenians in Serbia, especially because of the selectivity of emigrants by age (young reproductive and economy
active population).
in statistical sources, which may not always coincide with ethnic origin. This indicates at the influence of various factors on the national determination, such as socio-cultural, political, integration, economic, and religious factors. The strictly usage of subjective criteria had the negative impact on the accuracy of census results, because it had enabled oscillations in the number of certain ethnic communities. Inconsistency of native language and nationality declared population in Serbia often occurs as a result unpredictable behavior of certain ethnic groups in census declaration, but also due the assimilation processes – in cases that some ethnic groups are accepted other language. Vital statistics at this period, as the censuses, was under the influence of methodological changes too, especially at the period 1965-1970; probably because of ideological reasons, it was stopped recording and publication of vital events by ethnicity, which makes more difficult all ethno-demographic researches. The main disadvantage of the current methodology for registration and publication of vital events by ethnicity is the fact that existing data is distributed only by the nationality of the mother.
Key words: declare Gypsies, ethnic disguise, census, oscillations in number of Gypsies, ethnic destination.
Keywords: nationality, demographic development, census, natural increase, migrations