Papers by Ahmad Ghashmari
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 1, 2014

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2010
This paper examines the impact of simulation, hyperreality, and consumerism on Don DeLillo's nove... more This paper examines the impact of simulation, hyperreality, and consumerism on Don DeLillo's novel White Noise. It discusses how the novel pictures technology and mass media as an empire of signs and codes that erase or implode meaning. TV, radio reports and tidbits, and medical imaging devices are intertwined with many aspects of people's lives in this late capitalist culture. Furthermore, the paper will shed some light on the issue of hyperreality which is generated by simulations. We will see how this new type of reality becomes more real than reality itself. Then, the influence of the supermarket and the emergence of consumer culture will be discussed. We will see how production and consumption have gained a new different meaning in this new «superficial» society and how it reshapes people's understanding and interaction with reality.
This paper addresses the commodification of the human experience in late capitalism as depicted i... more This paper addresses the commodification of the human experience in late capitalism as depicted in William Gibson’s novel Pattern Recognition and the potential of technology in helping the human subject in evading commodification. The novel shows how the virtual world and the physical world can become mutually supportive in allowing the characters to search for meaning, pattern and wholeness by using technology as an empowering force for the human subject while managing to avoid being consumed by a powerful capitalist market. The novel’s protagonist’s success in using technology as a humanizing force proves that humans can thrive within its sphere without necessarily being absorbed or overwhelmed by it.
Literature, 2022
The article discusses Ghassan Chebaro’s novel 2022 and the importance of grassroots action in bat... more The article discusses Ghassan Chebaro’s novel 2022 and the importance of grassroots action in battling the impending climate disaster in the Middle East. The article contrasts the novel’s optimism with the disappointing reality of inaction that is exacerbating the climate crisis. It also addresses the interconnectedness of capitalism, the military industrial complex, and the climate crisis.
Artikulu honek simulazioak, hipererrealitateak eta kontsumismoak Don DeLilloren White Noise elebe... more Artikulu honek simulazioak, hipererrealitateak eta kontsumismoak Don DeLilloren White Noise eleberrian izan duten eragina aztertzen du. Egileak esanahia ezabatu edo deuseztatzen dituen inperiotzat ditu teknologia eta komunikabideak. Telebista eta irratiko berri eta zurrumurruek eta irudi medikoak sortzeko tresnek jendearen bizimoduarekin nahastu dira azkenaldiko kultura kapitalista honetan. Are gehiago, lan honek simulazioen bidez sortutako hipererrealitateari buruzko alderdi batzuk argituko ditu. Ikusiko dugun bezala, errealitate mota hau errealitatea bera baino errealagoa bihurtu da. Gero, supermerkatuen eragina eta kontsumo-kulturaren hedapena aztertuko ditugu. Ekoizpen eta kontsumoak esanahi berria hartu dute “azaleko” gizarte honetan, eta jendeak gauzak ulertzeko dituen moduan eta errealitatean eragina dutela ikusiko dugu.

Aquest article analitza l'impacte de la simulacio, la hiperrealitat i el consumisme en la nov... more Aquest article analitza l'impacte de la simulacio, la hiperrealitat i el consumisme en la novel•la de Don DeLillo White Noise. Tracta de com la novel•la retrata la tecnologia i els mitjans de comunicacio com un imperi de signes i codis que esborren o fan implosionar el significat. La televisio, els reportatges de la radio i les tafaneries i els dispositius d'imatge medica s'entrellacen amb molts aspectes de la vida de les persones a la cultura capitalista recent. Es mes, l'article esclarira la questio de la hiperrealitat generada mitjancant simulacions. Veurem com aquest nou tipus de realitat esdeve mes real que la propia realitat. Despres, es tractara la influencia del supermercat i l'emergencia de la cultura de consum. Veurem com la produccio i el consum han assolit un significat nou i diferent en aquesta nova societat "superficial" i com reformula la comprensio i la interaccio de la gent amb la realitat.

Resumen || Este articulo plantea el impacto de la simulacion, el hiperrealismo y el consumismo en... more Resumen || Este articulo plantea el impacto de la simulacion, el hiperrealismo y el consumismo en la novela de Don DeLillo White Noise . Se plantea como la novela presenta la tecnologia y los medios de comunicacion masivos como un imperio de signos y codigos que borran o destruyen el significado. La television, los boletines radiofonicos y chismes, y los dispositivos de imagen medicos estan imbricados con muchos aspectos de la vida de la personas en esta ultima cultura capitalista. Ademas, el articulo arrojara cierta luz sobre la cuestion de la hiperrealidad generada por las simulaciones; se vera como este nuevo tipo de realidad se convierte en algo mas real que la propia realidad. A continuacion, se estudiara la influencia de los supermercados y el nacimiento de la cultura de consumo. Se planteara en que medida la produccion y el consumo han adquirido un nuevo y distinto significado en esta nueva sociedad «superficial», y como esto moldea la comprension e interaccion de la gente co...
Recommended citation || GHASHMARI, Ahmad (2010): "Living in a simulacrum: how TV and the supermar... more Recommended citation || GHASHMARI, Ahmad (2010): "Living in a simulacrum: how TV and the supermarket redefines reality in Don DeLillo's White noise" [online article], 452ºF. Electronic journal of theory of literature and comparative literature, 3, 171-185, [Consulted on: dd / mm / yy], < 452ºF 172
the quint : an interdisciplinary quarterly from the north 1 2 Vol. 5.1 ( December 2012) the quint... more the quint : an interdisciplinary quarterly from the north 1 2 Vol. 5.1 ( December 2012) the quint : an interdisciplinary quarterly from the north 3
Papers by Ahmad Ghashmari