Papers by Abdullah al-Herbish
PubMed, Oct 1, 1999
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PubMed, Aug 1, 2000
This is a case report of 2 patients who were diagnosed to have autoimmune polyglandular disease t... more This is a case report of 2 patients who were diagnosed to have autoimmune polyglandular disease type 1. Both developed mucocutaneous candidiasis, hypoparathyroidism, vitiligo, and adrenocortical insufficiency. Both were noticed to have subnormal linear growth velocity and delayed bone age. Both showed subnormal stimulated serum growth hormone values indicating growth hormone deficiency. The first case showed favorable response to growth hormone therapy.

Pediatric Transplantation, Oct 6, 2020
ESRD in children is a devastating but relatively uncommon condition. Only around 1%-4% of patient... more ESRD in children is a devastating but relatively uncommon condition. Only around 1%-4% of patients on the waiting list are from the pediatric population. 1 Despite improvements in outcomes, the mortality in children with ESRD remains very high compared to children without ESRD. 2 Mortality is also higher for patients who remain on dialysis compared to those who receive KT. A previous study has shown that treatment with dialysis is associated with a four times higher risk of death compared to KT. 2 It has been shown that children with functioning KT suffer less social and functional impairment and fewer practical difficulties with treatment than children undergoing dialysis. 3 Hence, KT is a far better treatment modality for children with ESRD. Although only a small number of pediatric patients are on the waiting list, the waiting time is much longer. This is due to a

International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders : journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, 1996
OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity among male school children in Sau... more OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity among male school children in Saudi Arabia and provide a growth chart for males 6-18 y old. DESIGN Three stage stratified cluster sampling procedure. SUBJECTS The study population was 9061 male school children, attending public schools in Saudi Arabia. Their ages ranged from 6-18 y and covered all the 12 grade levels of school. Children with evidence of chronic or acute diseases were excluded from the study. MEASUREMENT Structured questionnaire, including: location of school, socio-demographic characteristics and age of the student. Anthropometric measurements of weight and height was done for all the study sample. Growth charts were designed through fitting the polynomial regression model of degree three. The percentage of body mass index (BMI) of expected BMI at the 50th percentile for each age group was computed. The 50th percentile of The National Center for Health Statistics/Center for Disease Control reference pop...

Endocrine Reviews, 2007
The syndrome of adult GH deficiency and the effects of GH replacement therapy provide a useful mo... more The syndrome of adult GH deficiency and the effects of GH replacement therapy provide a useful model with which to study the effects of the GH/IGF-I axis on exercise physiology. Measures of exercise performance including maximal oxygen uptake and ventilatory threshold are impaired in adult GH deficiency and improved by GH replacement, probably through some combination of increased oxygen delivery to exercising muscle, increased fatty acid availability with glycogen sparing, increased muscle strength, improved body composition, and improved thermoregulation. In normal subjects, in addition to the long-term effects of GH/IGF-I status, there is evidence that the acute GH response to exercise is important in regulating substrate metabolism after exercise. Administration of supraphysiologi-cal doses of GH to athletes increases fatty acid availability and reduces oxidative protein loss, particularly during exercise, and increases lean body mass. Despite a lack of evidence that these metabolic effects translate to improved performance, GH abuse by athletes is widespread. Tests to detect GH abuse have been developed based on measurement in serum of 1) indirect markers of GH action, and 2) the relative proportions of the two major naturally occurring isoforms (20 and 22kDa) of GH. There is evidence that exercise performance and strength are improved by administration of GH and testosterone in combination to elderly subjects. The potential benefits of GH in these situations must be weighed against potential adverse effects. (Endocrine Reviews 28: 603-624, 2007) I. Introduction II. Lessons from GH-Deficient (GHD) Subjects and Their Response to GH Replacement A. The effects of GH deficiency and replacement on exercise performance B. Mechanisms by which GH improves exercise performance in GHD adults C. Limitations of using GHD adults to study the physiological effects of GH III. The GH-IGF-I Axis and Exercise in Normal Subjects A. The acute and long-term effects of exercise on the GH/ IGF-I axis B. The relevance to exercise performance of the GH-IGF-I axis in normal subjects C. A potential role for GH in adaptation to training IV. Supraphysiological GH and Exercise Performance A. Effects of supraphysiological GH administration on the metabolic response to exercise B. Effects of supraphysiological GH administration on protein metabolism and muscle mass C.
Endocrine Reviews, Jan 13, 2023
This International Consensus Guideline was developed by experts in the field of small for gestati... more This International Consensus Guideline was developed by experts in the field of small for gestational age (SGA) of 10 pediatric endocrine societies worldwide. A consensus meeting was held and 1300 articles formed the basis for discussions. All experts voted about the strengths of the recommendations. The guideline gives new and clinically relevant insights into the etiology of short stature after SGA birth, including novel

PubMed, Jul 1, 2009
Objective: To evaluate the resting heart rate to define reference values for healthy Saudi childr... more Objective: To evaluate the resting heart rate to define reference values for healthy Saudi children and adolescents. Methods: To establish representative heart rate (HR) reference values for Saudi Arabian children and adolescents, a sample of children, and adolescents was selected by multi-stage probability sampling of the Saudi population from birth to 20 years of age. The selected sample represents Saudi children from the whole country. Data were collected by a house-to-house survey of all selected households in all the 13 regions in the country. A total of 10,458 Saudi children were included in the study. The HR was measured by oscillometric-automated devices. Upper and lower reference values of the HR in boys and girls were calculated as mean +/= 2 SD. The study is cross-sectional, community based, and conducted over 2 years (2004-2005). Data management and analysis were performed in the College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Results: Determination of the HR values in a sample representing healthy Saudi children and adolescents from birth to 20 years of age. Conclusion: The present study provides age-specific reference values for heart rate (HR) of Saudi children and adolescents based on a large study sample. The use of these standards should aid the identification of children with abnormal HR.

Saudi Medical Journal, Mar 1, 2010
Objectives: To explore the effect of the educational level of the head of household on the preval... more Objectives: To explore the effect of the educational level of the head of household on the prevalence of malnutrition in Saudi children. Methods: The study was conducted over 2 years in 2004 and 2005 in all regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)KSA(. The design consisted of a stratified multistage probability random sampling of the population of the KSA. The educational level of the heads of the household, and measurements of weight and height of the children were obtained during house visits. Nutritional indicators in the form of weight for age, height for age, and weight for height for children below 5 years of age were determined, and the prevalence of each indicator below-2 standard deviations)SD(was calculated for each level of education. Results: The sample size was 7390 in the weight for age, 7275 height for age, and 7335 for weight for height. The prevalence of underweight)weight for age below-2 SD(increased from 7.4% for the university level to 15.2% in the children of illiterate heads of household. Similar patterns were found for the prevalence of stunting)height for age below-2 SD(and wasting)weight for height below-2 SD(. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that the higher the education level of the heads of the household, the lower the prevalence of malnutrition in their children, suggesting that completing at least 9-12 years of education)intermediate and secondary school(is needed for better improvement in the nutritional status of the children.

Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2022
ObjectiveThis study aimed to assess patient perceptions of the use of the EasyPod™ growth hormone... more ObjectiveThis study aimed to assess patient perceptions of the use of the EasyPod™ growth hormone delivery device and its association with compliance.MethodsThis cross-sectional, multicenter study was conducted in six centers from three countries (United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Saudi Arabia,) between March 2020 and June 2020. Children and adolescents aged 3–18 years, diagnosed with growth disorders and receiving rhGH through the EasyPod™ device were enrolled. Patients and caregivers were given a pre-set questionnaire that evaluated patient satisfaction, preference for technical and personalized features, and device drawbacks. The results were analyzed using independent measures of analysis of variance to evaluate the association of higher satisfaction with device features and better compliance.ResultsA total of 186 patients were enrolled in the study. Of these, 45.7% had GH deficiency. The mean age (±SD) of patients was 11.8 (±2.76) years; 117 (62.90%) were males. Average complianc...

Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Journal, 2020
Abnormal pituitary function was linked to excessive height and acromegaly in the late 19th centur... more Abnormal pituitary function was linked to excessive height and acromegaly in the late 19th century. Harvey Cushing proposed a pituitary substance that regulated human linear growth. Chemical characterization of the Growth Hormone (GH) molecule by Li led to a demonstration of its species specificity with only Human GH (hGH) stimulating growth in children. Extraction of hGH from cadaver pituitaries and its purification led to therapy by Raben in the 1950s, demonstrating growth acceleration in children with hypopituitarism. From the 1960s until 1985, pituitary-extracted hGH was used as therapy in GH-deficient children. In 1985, an epidemic of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, caused by contamination of pituitary-derived hGH with the prion protein, caused the deaths of more than 200 children worldwide. Cadaveric hGH was discontinued and replaced by Recombinant hGH (rhGH), which was licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency for GH Deficiency (GHD), followed by non-GHD disorders, Turner syndrome, small for gestational age short stature, and idiopathic short stature. A mathematical model predicted human growth responses, but despite rhGH's wide use and availability and good safety record, long-term responses remain variable. Poor adherence to rhGH has led to development of weekly or fortnightly hGH administration using different techniques to prolong activity. Data on tolerability, efficacy, and long-term safety of long-acting rhGH preparations will make up the next stage of the development of this important hormone therapy.
Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016
International Journal of Clinical Practice
Over a 10-year period, 28 Arab children with autosomal recessive osteopetrosis were seen in two h... more Over a 10-year period, 28 Arab children with autosomal recessive osteopetrosis were seen in two hospitals in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Eighteen (64%) had osteopetrosis associated with metabolic acidosis probably due to a renal tubular defect; nine (32%) had a malignant infantile form of osteopetrosis and one had a mild form with delayed onset. Parental consanguinity was 56% and 40% among patients with and without acidosis respectively. Somatic and psychomotor retardation and recurrent bone fractures were common in both groups. Dental caries, cerebral calcification and optic atrophy were more frequent in patients with acidosis, while anaemia, hepatosplenomegaly and deafness were more common in patients without acidosis. To guarantee optimal rehabilitation, children with this progressive disease require an early multiteam approach.

Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation, 2020
The prevalence of hypertension (HTN) in children is increasing. Early detection of HTN in childho... more The prevalence of hypertension (HTN) in children is increasing. Early detection of HTN in childhood may prevent the occurrence of complications in adult age. Blood pressure (BP) varies between populations according to ethnic and environmental factors. Based on these variations, reference norms developed for one particular population may not be applicable to others. Thus, this study aimed to provide age-, gender-, and height-related BP reference standards using oscillometric techniques for pre-school children in Saudi Arabia. A sub-sample of preschool children aged from 2 to 6 years was selected by multi-stage probability sampling of Saudi population. The samples represented Saudi children from the whole country. Data were collected through a house-to-house survey of all selected households in all 13 regions in the country. Oscillometric devices were used to measure the BP. Data were analyzed to study the distribution pattern of systolic (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP) and to develop reference values based on age, gender, and height. The values for each age and height percentile were compared with the recent (2017) values of the North American children. A total of 2553 Saudi Arabian children (1299 boys and 1254 girls) aged 2–6 years with complete data on age, gender, height, SBP, and DBP were considered for analysis. Values for SBP and DBP were significantly higher in Saudi children than in the North American children. This study adds evidence to the BP variations between populations with influences such as genetic and environmental factors. The need of every population to define its normal BP standards is essential to avoid unnecessary investigations and anxiety in patients and their parents.
Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2015
W orldwide surveys have shown that the frequency of congenital anomalies varies greatly from coun... more W orldwide surveys have shown that the frequency of congenital anomalies varies greatly from country to country. The frequency depends on the time of observations after birth, the types of malformations included, and the differences in reporting, and statistical procedure. 1 Prevalence studies of congenital anomalies are useful to establish baseline rates, document changes over time, and identify clues to etiology. They are also important for health services planning and evaluating antenatal screening for congenital anomalies, particularly in high-risk populations. 2 Despite the fact that the prevalence of some types of congenital anomalies has been declining during the past decade in some countries, they are still a major cause of perinatal mortality and childhood disability. 2,3 With the

Annals of Saudi medicine
Information on LMS parameters and percentiles reference for Saudi children and adolescents is not... more Information on LMS parameters and percentiles reference for Saudi children and adolescents is not available. To report the L, M, and S parameters and percentile reference graphs for growth. Field survey of a population-based sample of Saudi school-age children and adolescents (5-18 years of age). A stratified listing of the Saudi population. Data from the national study of healthy children were reanalyzed using the Lamba-Mu-Sigma (LMS) methodology. The LMS parameters of percentiles for weight, height, and body mass index for age were calculated for children and adolescents from 5 to 18 years of age. The main outcomes were the LMS parameters and percentiles of growth. There were 19299 and 9827 (50.9%) were boys. The data for weight, height, and BMI for age for boys and girls are reported for the 3rd, 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, 95th, and 97th percentiles including LMS parameters for each percentile and age. Figures corresponding to each table are color coded (blue for boys and...

Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2021
Digitalization of healthcare delivery is rapidly fostering development of precision medicine. Mul... more Digitalization of healthcare delivery is rapidly fostering development of precision medicine. Multiple digital technologies, known as telehealth or eHealth tools, are guiding individualized diagnosis and treatment for patients, and can contribute significantly to the objectives of precision medicine. From a basis of “one-size-fits-all” healthcare, precision medicine provides a paradigm shift to deliver a more nuanced and personalized approach. Genomic medicine utilizing new technologies can provide precision analysis of causative mutations, with personalized understanding of mechanisms and effective therapy. Education is fundamental to the telehealth process, with artificial intelligence (AI) enhancing learning for healthcare professionals and empowering patients to contribute to their care. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region is rapidly implementing telehealth strategies at all levels and a workshop was convened to discuss aspirations of precision medicine in the context of p...
Annals of Saudi Medicine
Primary' hyperparathyroidism is rare in children under the age of 16 and uncommon in adolesce... more Primary' hyperparathyroidism is rare in children under the age of 16 and uncommon in adolescents1 While most cases of primary hyperparathyroidism in neonates and infants are caused by parathyroid hyperplasia, the majority of case* appearing during childhood and adolescence arc caused by a parathyroid adenoma. 2 A female Sudanese infani who has primary hyperparathyroidism due to parathyroid hyperplasia is presented Results of workup, possible .etiologies and review of the literature on primary hyperparathyroidism arc presented. To our knowledge, litis is the first case reported at this age in the Arab world.

Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2017
G rowth charts are one of the most important tools available for the assessment of growth and nut... more G rowth charts are one of the most important tools available for the assessment of growth and nutritional status of children. Although the history of growth charts dates to more than 100 years ago, 1 two growth charts are commonly used worldwide at the present time. The first is the Center for Disease Control (CDC) 2000 growth charts for United States, a reference describing the growth of American children and adolescents. 2 The second is the 2006 Child Growth Standards published by the World Health Organization (WHO) and used exclusively for preschool children. 3 However, in view of the ethnic and environmental variations of growth between populations, 4,5 many developed, 6-8 and developing countries, 9-11 have developed and still use at least in part their own local growth charts. In Saudi Arabia, the first national growth charts for preschool children were published in 2004. 12 This was followed by another more comprehensive study published
Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Journal
International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 2016
Papers by Abdullah al-Herbish