Papers by carlos daniel rossi
Educare, 2012
Se realizo un diseno multimetodo con el proposito de generar una aproximacion a la creatividad do... more Se realizo un diseno multimetodo con el proposito de generar una aproximacion a la creatividad docente en un contexto de masificacion estudiantil. En el momento cuantitativo se identificaron las variables utilizadas por los docentes: originalidad, flexibilidad, fluidez, divergencia, motivacion e innovacion; estableciendose un muestreo intencionado de seis sujetos, con base en el indice de respuestas positivas. Posteriormente en un momento cualitativo utilizando una entrevista apreciativa y observacion directa desde una postura hermeneutica-fenomenologica se exploro en detalle dichas variables. Emergieron categorias que generaron una aproximacion a un modelo teorico de creatividad docente; que en cuanto al accionar contempla: universalidad en las clases, identificacion del lider, trabajo compartido; y en aspectos a desarrollar: escuchar, usos de analogias-metaforas y libertad en clase. Las categorias y reflexiones generadas proporcionan al docente estrategias y herramientas para el espacio universitario masificado.
Materials Research, 2012
Red mud (RM) is a mineral waste, residue of the Bayer process used to obtain alumina from bauxite... more Red mud (RM) is a mineral waste, residue of the Bayer process used to obtain alumina from bauxite. While the exploration of rolled pebble damages the environment and is much more controlled by the government, the huge RM disposal areas do not stop increasing and polluting soil, rivers and groundwater sources in Amazon. In this work, the material mixtures used to produce coarse aggregates presented up to 80% of RM, 30% of metakaolin and 30% of active silica as recycled waste. Several tests were carried out to determine the aggregates physical properties and to evaluate the mechanical performance of the concretes with the new aggregates, including hydraulic abrasion strength, and the results were compared to the reference ones, i.e. rolled pebble concretes. Additionally, the sintering process neutralizes any toxic substance as occur in some RM products like tiles and bricks, and these results have encouraged an industrial or semi-industrial production of RM aggregates for concretes.
Journal of Services Marketing, 2009
Home > Journal of Services Marketing > Volume 23 issue 7 > Consumer reaction to service ... more Home > Journal of Services Marketing > Volume 23 issue 7 > Consumer reaction to service failure and... ... Previous article. Icon: Print. Table of Contents. Next article. Icon: . ... Icon: Abstract. Icon: Backfiles. Icon: Print. Icon: Reprints & permissions. ... The authors are thankful for ...
Papers by carlos daniel rossi