Papers by Sutrisna Wibawa
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan
Nowadays, many people are attracted to almost extinct traditions, such as Ngaras and Siraman, in ... more Nowadays, many people are attracted to almost extinct traditions, such as Ngaras and Siraman, in Sundanese weddings. Prominent figures, celebrities, actresses/actors, and ordinary people have re-implemented these traditions, but only a few know the content and local wisdom of the practices. This study aimed to examine Ngaras and Siraman and explore the local wisdom values of the traditions used to build students' character through education. The research method used was descriptive-qualitative analysis. Data were collected through literature and documentation review. The analysis revealed thatt Ngaras and Siraman are rituals done before akad nikah (marriage covenant). There are values of Sundanese local wisdom presented by the traditions when viewed from the practice, meaning, and function. First, the values are Trisilas (Three Bases), Catur Jati Diri Insani (Superior Human), and Gapura Pancawaluya (the Gate of Five Pillars of Completeness). Second, these values serve as good mo...
SOSIOHUMANIORA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial Dan Humaniora
Film merupakan produk kebudayaan populer yang merepresentasikan dan mengonstruksikan kehidupan su... more Film merupakan produk kebudayaan populer yang merepresentasikan dan mengonstruksikan kehidupan suatu masyarakat. Pandangan mimetik ini mengimplikasikan kedudukan film sebagai rekaman atau cerminan atas realitas sosial kemasyarakatan. Film Ziarah (2017) adalah film bergenre drama yang mengisahkan tokoh Mbah Sri, seorang perempuan berusia 95 tahun, yang mencari suaminya karena tidak kunjung pulang dan/atau tidak berkabar setelah berpamitan mengikuti perang Agresi Militer II tahun 1948. Film ini sepenuhnya mendasarkan alur cerita pada Mbah Sri sebagai pewaris ingatan terhadap peristiwa kesejarahan yang dialami suaminya. Kecenderungan ini merepresentasikan pandangan Mbah Sri mengenai filsafat Jawa dan nilai pendidikan karakter yang diyakininya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif melalui teknik analisis hermeneutika Paul Ricoeur. Hasil penelitian dipaparkan sebagai berikut. Pertama, film Ziarah (2017) mengartikulasikan filsafat sangkan paran ning dumadi ...
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
While the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact, the new normal era becomes the lat... more While the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact, the new normal era becomes the latest universal issue to be discussed. Hence, most Arab countries are still categorized as developing countries, this stipulates the need to provide deep discussion on the typology of the types of responses currently undertaken by their higher education institutions. This can assess their agility in preparing for the intra-pandemic period and the unprecedented future disruption. This paper aims to give reflections on the adopted practices in Arab higher education institutions in response to COVID-19 disruption. It also aims to utilize the success indicators and challenges encountering these universities in a way to propose recommendations to shape the new normal era forward. In this study, a desktop analysis, leveraging six Arab universities websites and governments’ sources, was conducted wherein systematic literature, policy documents, as well as related procedures targeting COVID-19 and...
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2013
Journal of Education, 2021
This study aims to identify the extent of the Palestinian principals’ role in creating safe schoo... more This study aims to identify the extent of the Palestinian principals’ role in creating safe schools in the Gaza Strip as a war zone. A mixed-method research design was employed. The study indicates the school principals’ awareness in creating school safety. The study also concludes that there are no statistically significant differences between the average estimates of the principals’ role in creating a safe school in the Gaza Strip from their point of view according to the variables of gender and the educational provinces; however, there are statistically significant differences according to the variable of years of experience.
This research is related to the study of moral values and its contribution to the education of ch... more This research is related to the study of moral values and its contribution to the education of character. The purpose of research is: a) to conduct a critical analysis of the moral teachings of the Serat Centhini through the figure of Seh Amongraga, and b) to find its contribution to the moral teachings found in Serat Centhini through Seh Amongraga figure for character education.This study uses qualitative methods. The primary source is the Serat Centhini text, while secondary sources are literature and research results which discussed Serat Centhini. Research plan is to follow the steps of data collection, data reduction, data classification, data display, and conclusion. The analysis of the data uses two basic methods, which are methods of hermeneutics and heuristics. This study the first result is the moral values of Seh Amongraga in Serat Centhini, consisting of rights and obligations, justice, responsibility, conscience, honesty, moral courage, humility, and loyalty are good guides for human behavior. Moral values can be used as a reference norm for a person or a group of people to determine whether the attitudes and actions are good or not. Second, the contribution of moral philosophy in Serat Centhini can enrich the character-forming values in the education of character in Indonesia. Two moral consciences and the modesty can be used as supplementary material forming of the character values, complementing the existing ones.
Asian journal of social sciences and humanities, 2013
This research is related to the study of moral values and its contribution to the education of ch... more This research is related to the study of moral values and its contribution to the education of character. The purpose of research is: a) to conduct a critical analysis of the moral teachings of the Serat Centhini through the figure of Seh Amongraga, and b) to find its contribution to the moral teachings found in Serat Centhini through Seh Amongraga figure for character education.This study uses qualitative methods. The primary source is the Serat Centhini text, while secondary sources are literature and research results which discussed Serat Centhini. Research plan is to follow the steps of data collection, data reduction, data classification, data display, and conclusion. The analysis of the data uses two basic methods, which are methods of hermeneutics and heuristics. This study the first result is the moral values of Seh Amongraga in Serat Centhini, consisting of rights and obligations, justice, responsibility, conscience, honesty, moral courage, humility, and loyalty are good gu...
Tujuan utama kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah mengembangkan dan menerapkan bahasa... more Tujuan utama kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah mengembangkan dan menerapkan bahasa Jawa bahasa Jawa, idiom-idiom bahasa Jawa, dan seni budaya Jawa guna memenuhi kebutuhan penyuluhan pembangun para juru penerang di DIY Oleh karena bentuk kegiatannya berupa pelatihan dan lokakarya keterampilan berbahasa, maka metode yang dig adalah ceramah, diskusi, laboratori, dan praktik lapangan. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah khalayak sasaran telah meningkat kemampuan berbaha untuk komunikasi Iisan. Peserta telah dapat menyusun naskah penyuluhan pembangunan dalam bahasa Jawa. Peser dapat mengembangkandan menerapkanragam bahasa Jawa, yaitu ragam bahasa krama alus. Peserta telah dapat mengemb dan menerapkan idiom-idiom bahasa Jawa yang berfungsi sebagai penjelas, alat pendidikan, dan pengawas norma masyarakat agar selalu dipatuhi. Peserta telah dapat mengembangkan unsur seni dan budaya Jawa untuk men penyuluhan pembangunan, dengan menggunakan karya sastra dan b...
Tujuan pengajaran bahasa Jawa agarsiswa dapat berbahasa Jawa &esuai dengan tata krama, secara lis... more Tujuan pengajaran bahasa Jawa agarsiswa dapat berbahasa Jawa &esuai dengan tata krama, secara lisan atau tulisan, melalui b~rbagai ,rungsi bahasa. Untuk mencapai tujuan itu, maka siswa diberikan pelajaran ragam bahasa. .Ragam babasa yang berkaitan dengan. tata krama disebut unggah-ungguh berbahasa~ . Penggunaan unggah-ungguh babasa Jawa .terikat oleh faktor-faJ:ttor 50510linguistik, .yaitu pemeran serta. audien. tujua.h, tempat dan waktu, .konteks kebudayaan dan psikologis, jalur, dan peristiwa berbahasa. Dalam .pengajaranoya, faktor-faktor in1 kurang mendapat perhatian. Padahal, faktor-faktor .itu ikut menentukan dalam kegiatan berbahasa. OIeh karena itu, faktor-faktor sosiolinguistik seharusnya mendapat perhatian dalampengajaran unggah-ungguh bahasa Jawa.
This study aims to reveal and formulate Javanese philosophical values and philosophical foundatio... more This study aims to reveal and formulate Javanese philosophical values and philosophical foundations in Serat Centhini. It was a qualitative descriptive study. The data source was the Serat Centhini text. The research steps included data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The data were analyzed using the hermeneutic and heuristic techniques. The findings are as follows. First, Javanese philosophical values in Serat Centhini are reflected in Javanese cultural contents and philosophy reflecting the Javanese society when Serat Centhini was written. The Javanese philosophy in Serat Centhiniis reflected by the life perfection value (ngudi kasampurnan) and the philosophy of origin and destination (sangkan paraning dumadi). Second, the philosophy in Serat Centhini is reflected in the ontological, epistemological, and axiological foundations.
Journal on English Language Teaching, 2020
The grammatical competence is a capacity that is considered necessary to organize words and sente... more The grammatical competence is a capacity that is considered necessary to organize words and sentences accurately. Since the teaching of grammar means training the students to improve their communicative competence as well, thus it requires a great deal of time. Although the adequate grammar learning classrooms have been managed, yet the additional grammar practice class is considered necessary to carry out. A number of studies related to traditional and modern grammar learning activities have been conducted. However, there are only a few interests on the classroom management approaches utilized in the grammar practice class. Hence, this study is conducted to analyze the systems, structures, and expectations of the grammar practice class conducted by the English Department at a university in Indonesia. The four primary approaches of classroom management are selected as the main framework in this study. The case study research is chosen to portray the structure of grammar practice cla...
Arus modernitas saat ini tidak bisa dibendung, terutama dalam bidang teknologi informasi yang ber... more Arus modernitas saat ini tidak bisa dibendung, terutama dalam bidang teknologi informasi yang berdampak pada segala aspek kehidupan, tidak terkecuali interaksi sosial. Oleh sebab itu, kini semakin banyak alat penunjang untuk berkomuniasi dan berinteraksi sosial, seperti whatsapp, line, dan tentunya media sosial (medsos). Medsos tidak hanya sebagai wahana komunikasi dan silaturahim, tetapi juga sebagai sarana informasi. Sebelumnya, informasi mengenai budaya tradisional diaggap sebagai sesuatu yang kolot, tidak disukai dan banyak ditinggalkan. Padahal jika dikemas dan disajikan infromasinya secara menarik, maka akan banyak yang ingin mempelajarinya. Media sosial di sini berperan sebagai media penyampai informasi. Melalui media sosial generasi muda bisa belajar literasi kebudayaan. Kini mulai banyak akun-akun di media sosial, khususnya Instagram yang melakukan hal tersebut. Oleh sebab itu kajian ini diadakan untuk melihat sejauh mana literasi kebudayaan di media sosial dilakukan. Mel...
AbstrakNaskah Tashrihah Al-Muhtaaj merupakan salah satu cerminan kebudayaan masyarakat Jawa pada ... more AbstrakNaskah Tashrihah Al-Muhtaaj merupakan salah satu cerminan kebudayaan masyarakat Jawa pada masa lampau yang berisi nilai-nilai sebagai sumber kedamaian dalam bermasyarakat. Pengkajian terhadap naskah tersebut dianggap penting, mengingat adanya krisis moral di kalangan siswa-siswi di sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap nilai-nilai moral Jawa dalam naskah Tashrihah Al-Muhtaaj dan relevansi nilai-nilai tersebut dalam pendidikan karakter di sekolah. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis konten dengan pendekatan hermeneutik. Sumber data penelitian adalah naskah Tashrihah Al-Muhtaaj yang berisi 25 teks, tetapi hanya 8 teks yang dapat mewakili nilai-nilai moral Jawa dalam naskah. Adapun pengesahan data dengan cara validitas semantik dan reliabilitas intrarater. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya relevansi nilai-nilai moral dalam naskah dengan nilai pendidikan budaya dan karakter bangsa. Nilai moral dalam naskah berupa nilai kejujuran, tanggung jawab, k...
Penelitian ini berjudul Ajaran Moral dalam Serat Centhini melalui Tokoh Seh Amongraga Sumbanganny... more Penelitian ini berjudul Ajaran Moral dalam Serat Centhini melalui Tokoh Seh Amongraga Sumbangannya bagi Pendidikan Karakter. Seh Amongraga merupakan tokoh utama dalam Serat Centhini, yang digambarkan sebagai manusia unggul, aulia, atau wali. Sebagai seorang wali, ajaran-ajaran Seh Amongraga mengandung nilai moral yang tinggi, sehingga perlu diketahui oleh masyarakat luas. Penelitian ini terkait dengan kajian nilainilai moral dan sumbangannya bagi pendidikan karakter, karena itu objek formal yang digunakan adalah filsafat moral. Tujuan penelitian adalah, (1) menggali dan merumuskan landasan filosofi Serat Centhini, (2) melakukan analisis kritis atas ajaran moral dalam Serat Centhini melalui tokoh Seh Amongraga, dan (3) menemukan sumbangan ajaran moral dalam Serat Centhini melalui tokoh Seh Amongraga bagi pendidikan karakter. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Sumber primer adalah naskah Serat Centhini, sedangkan sumber sekunder adalah pustaka dan hasil penelitian yang memb...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen pendidik yang meliputi perencanaan, pengorgan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen pendidik yang meliputi perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, pengawasan, dan evaluasi tenaga pendidik di SDIT Anak Soleh 2 Mataram. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Subyek penelitian terdiri dari kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, dan guru SDIT Anak Soleh 2 Mataram. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik dokumentasi dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data meliputi editing, kategori, mendisplay dan menafsirkan data. Hasil penelitian ini, yakni (1) Tahap perencanaan; perekrutan tenaga pendidik di SDIT Anak Soleh 2 Mataram telah cukup baik yakni sejak pengajuan kebutuhan pendidik baru kepada yayasan, seleksi administrasi, tes tulis 1 berupa uji komitmen, tes tulis 2 berupa tes akademis, tes bacaan dan hafalan Quran, wawancara, hingga tes micro teaching. (2) Tahap pengorganisasian; pengorganisasian tenaga pendidik dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, dan pembentuka...
The purposes of this program are (1) to motivate student becoming entrepeneurs at the Javanesse w... more The purposes of this program are (1) to motivate student becoming entrepeneurs at the Javanesse wedding traditional ceremony package, (2) to increase the students’ entrepeneurship knowledge at the Javanesse wedding traditional ceremony, (3) to create connection between higher education, especially Javanesse Study Program of the Yogyakarta State Universty, and business partners of the Javanesse wedding traditional ceremony package, and (4) to increase the students’ and the lectures’ capabilities, skills, and practical experiences at conducting of the Javanesse wedding traditional ceremony package. This program has carried out at three stages, those are (1) an upgrading of the development of Javanesse wedding tradisional ceremony package, including MC materials, Javanesse speakers, the Javanesse cultural knowlege, the experiences of conducting wedding package, discussion and practice of determining of the package and suplying clothing, and the knowladge of the ent...
The disruption era is inevitable even by the education systems and institutions. It is not just ... more The disruption era is inevitable even by the education systems and institutions. It is not just a today’s phenomenon, but also tomorrow’s. Universities and schools must prepare themselves and be competitive in entering this era. They have to make fundamental changes by shifting from the status quo they have enjoyed so far and changing their mindset. In terms of the learning approach, universities and schools need to leave the monodisciplinary methods and turn into the multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary ones. Learning in universities and schools should encourage lecturers and teachers as facilitators, not the mere learning sources. Students should be the center of learning. Massive Open Online Course learning systems (MOOCs) and blended learning are believed to be the learning strategies in this era. The Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach, involving seven main components of learning, such as constructivism, questioning, inquiry, learning communi...
This study aims to reveal and formulate Javanese philosophical values and philosophical foundatio... more This study aims to reveal and formulate Javanese philosophical values and philosophical foundations in Serat Centhini. It was a qualitative descriptive study. The data source was the Serat Centhini text. The research steps included data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The data were analyzed using the hermeneutic and heuristic techniques. The findings are as follows. First, Javanese philosophical values in Serat Centhini are reflected in Javanese cultural contents and philosophy reflecting the Javanese society when Serat Centhini was written. The Javanese philosophy in Serat Centhiniis reflected by the life perfection value (ngudi kasampurnan) and the philosophy of origin and destination (sangkan paraning dumadi). Second, the philosophy in Serat Centhini is reflected in the ontological, epistemological, and axiological foundations.
Abstrak: Moral Values in Serat Wedhatama and Moral Education. Moral values are the highest values... more Abstrak: Moral Values in Serat Wedhatama and Moral Education. Moral values are the highest values with four main characteristics: responsibility, conscience, absolute obligation, and formality. They are also related to what should not be done due to the values that have to be highly praised. The moral values in Serat Wedhatama include, among others, simple life, affection, responsibility, conscience development, love to others, humbleness, not being proud, religious obedience by conforming to the religious rules and avoiding what is prohibited, good positions through sincere work everywhere, wealth through hardwork, and knowledge that other people can benefit from. Such values are absolute moral values that are fixed and formal in nature. Serat Wedhatama can be a main reference for the learning of local contents of the Javanese Language, Literature, and Culture because it contains moral values that can be used a basis for moral education. Keywords: Serat Wedhatama, moral values
Seh Amongraga is a main character in Serat Centhini who is a wali . As wali , his teachings conta... more Seh Amongraga is a main character in Serat Centhini who is a wali . As wali , his teachings contain high moral values so that they need to be known by society at large. Therefore, the moral teachings need to be further studied. Those discussed in the study concerned in this writing are limited to those about rights and obligations in the family. The purpose of the study is to unearth and formulate Seh Amongraga’s moral teachings about the family rights and obligations as seen from the viewpoint of moral philosophy. Serving as primary source in the study is the text in Serat Centhini while literature and research result discussing Serat Centhini serve as secondary source. The research procedure goes through the steps of data compilation, data reduction, data classification, data display, and the drawing of conclusion. The data are analyzed by means of hermeneutic and heuristic methods. The result of the study is that Seh Amongraga’s moral teachings about family rights and obligations...
Papers by Sutrisna Wibawa