Dwarves VS Wall - Who will win? Hire dwarven units to break through a mysterious underground wall.
If you encounter lag in browser, consider downloading the desktop build. You can export your save from the browser and import into the desktop.
Inspired by (the) Gnorp Apologue
Base tileset:
Pixel Font:
CC0 sounds from freesound
My brother did the cannon sprite!
Download 27 MB
Development log
- Update 0.1.5Mar 28, 2024
- Notice about next updateMar 24, 2024
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score screen gave me completion time of 03:30:34 but I'm sure it can be under an hour
pretty nice incremental, would love to see it expanded
if you're wondering how to even beat it as some comments seem to, I just got a bunch of skill points, put them into anything that can buff canons and just made a canon focused build with everything else just applying elements for it, you can easily get like 20mln/min like this if you dont build any miners (they seem a waste of dwarfs in late game)
With wall 2, the fire resistant one, seems like it takes no damage at all. Resistance is at -80%, damage is at around 500k/min, but the health bar of the wall is not moving one single pixel
lel im at -300 and have baerely scratched the bar
is it just that it needs time or it's like a bug?
can I like give you money for these games? they are so fun
catapult build is the key! when set up, l got 24m/min dmg, after a few more miners more miners, its now up to 75m/min, the second wall is tearing down!!
You mean just catapult and miners with alchemy and upgrades? I got myself almost all cannons and baloons but I'm like at 400k/min with second wall
Can't seem to do any progress on the second wall (fire wall) even with negative resistance. Am I missing something?
the bar seems to move, just the number doesn't change. might be that the bar is bigger than the number displayed
Plasma reaction and skill points, most likely. Second wall (current endgame) is a Cannons + Balloons spam. I went with 4 arrow, 2 ballistas, and all cannons after that on each row. Might be better to bring 6 arrows and 1 ballista on each row for more bio stacks. Damage goes to hundreds of millions in the end, and the second wall melts.
Points in: row 1, skill 2; row 2, skill 1; row 4, skill 3; row 5, skill 1. This is a minimalistic setup. If you have more points, take row 4 skill 2 and row 5 skill 2. Everything else doesn't matter.
After filling each row, buy 10 balloons, and after filling 3rd go all balloons.
In Alchemy, 1-2 level in Root, the rest spread between Molten, Burn, Plasma and Breaker. In early stages, priority on Molten to make economy going. And don't forget to upgrade Cannons to max. :)
Games fun, but like all recent ones like this, it feels like itl run out of steam after 2 hours, hope im wrong and it can be expanded massively, but im doubtful.
From feedback perspective, where wallium per minute? Wheres the exact number of each unit I have and can place? Reactions are convoluted and no idea when they trigger or anything. I just know units apply something, not what a "reaction" is.
No dwarf would use elven arrow, fake news
If someone wants to try doing a pickaxe thrower build, lemme know how that goes lol
Ok, I absolutely LOVE this game. There's a bunch of different combonations you can do, a challenge in sight that you are actively pushing to accheive, unlike some games (cough cough cookie clicker cough cough) Im doing a big Breaker and Melt build for heavy damage from my cannons (which are dealing over 8k damage per shot) and lots of wallium. If you don't know what the Breaker alchemy upgrade is, its an upgrade you only unlock after you get 2 prestige points total and then prestige. Its 100% worth it, even if you have a good run going.
Doing a catapult+arrow launcher Root Reaction build. Lets see how it goes! Also, do you have a discord for the games you've made?
For some reason the 2nd wall health bar isn't going down, does the 2nd wall have really high health or is this a bug?
i think the 2nd wall health is 1000X the previous wall
Thank you for letting me know
holy moly
Pretty incredible and a bit underrated compared to your others tbh. the start makes it feel simpler than it is. beat it in 2 hours with a cannonball focused build and 0 miners
I made the health bar show up!!!
Will it be able to run in background in future?
it does for me
when I mouse over the wall's health bar it gives the health number of the first time I moused over it instead of the current health, for example if I moused over it at 989k hp and now its about half and I mouse over it again it still says 989k.
yep, same problem
Crash should be fixed - had to downgrade from Godot 4.3 to 4.2 however, so now certain operating systems may not work anymore.
was going to say this reminds me of my favorite idle game on itch but its also made by you which makes sense, make this mobile and add transactions and optional adds for bonus dwarves and this gets far.
keeps freezing after 5-45 minutes of gameplay, i play on a dell chromebook. i play games that take more power than this so i dont beleive that is the issue but you could prove me wrong
yea sorry, currently is built with an experimental version of the godot game engine, going to try to get a build with the official godot newest version soon
how long do you plan on working on this while it is still accesable to web play?
Congrats, great little game, I was very happy I could play it on my phone, I defeated that tyrannical wall
this game just started to hang, I play it there, pump the gun and it freezes. The game is very interesting, I wish there were more such games
Pretty cool!! Love the minimalist style you have, the sprites are really neat. The colour-coded damage numbers are pretty helpful as well.
I did encounter a couple of bugs though. (I'm using Chrome for reference! Version 10.14)
Also some of the descriptions I found confusing. I can't remember exactly what it said, but the second upgrade on row 1 of the prestige menu had a very confusing description that I didn't understand. I also don't really understand Burn or Root Reaction.
It would also be helpful to have a little list at the top of the screen with a count of each type of unit you have. Throwers especially are hard to count when they keep running around :P
Please know I did enjoy the game though despite the hiccups!! I'll have to come back at some point and finish the war I started with that wall.. >:D
Thanks for playing! Can i ask how much memory you have? Recently updated to a newer version of the godot engine, and seems like some people have been encountering this suddenly
It froze for me when I was pretty fat in the game.
like it stopped, or the screen went blank or what exactly happened?
Like I said, it froze. Animations stopped and I couldn't click anyting.
gerate game!!!
Updated to Godot 4.3 beta, which should allow some more restrictive browser, macos and some linux users to play now. Let me know if there are any issues!
game wont load :( this message just keeps poping up
The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
health bar on second wall doesnt go past 989k l
Edit: it just updated the second wall health bar to 999 million hp nevermind
skill point bar is not filling
can you give more details? how many skills points do you have? Can you export your save?
it finally started to fill but it was well after breaking the first wall
and for some reason i started with 7
did you have a save from a previous playthrough?
yea but every thing else was reset
interesting, i will look into it - thanks
Update 0.1.7
- Improved some tooltips to display stats based on level
- Changed artstyle
- Improved skill preview
- Added bonus skills, which are skills that you automatically get after reaching a certain amount of skill points
- Option to change how reactions are displayed
Let me know if there are any issues!
how does one get out of the prestige screen?
Like I clicked prestige, confirm. then screen changes to blak and I can distribute the 1 skill point. then "commit skills".
but now what?
I dont see where I get back to the game screen.
(double) clicking prestige just does prestige again, this time obviously with zero points gained.
i dont see how to get back to the actual game.
also wall, according to top left bar, didnt repair.
the point before you double clicked should be the game, do you have a screenshot
what does charge do?
Why does it cost 1.5M wallium to buy recruits
The cost doubles for every purchase and starts at 40 wallium.
amazing game man, hope it turns into a full game on steam!
good job
Thanks! Steam is an interesting idea - perhaps i will find some time to extend it!
Nice incremental with some obvious inspirations from Gnorp, which is good. The pixel art is pleasant and cute. It would be nice to be able to view the amount of an upgrade that you bought, for instance I don't know my total critical chance. The upgrade description does not update. In addition I'd like to view the current and available prestige upgrade effects without having to prestige.
Thanks for the feedback!
you should implement a system where you can hover over the prestige upgrades you have active and see what they do for us very forgetful folk
You should see any active skills on the center left, and be able to hover over them. is that what you are looking for?
Yeah i can see the skills on the left but my little ape brain cant remember shapes, it would be really helpful to just let us hover over it and remember what we just picked
hmm you should be able to hover over and it will have the full description... if it is not, would be curious what your browser is
using chrome right now, maybe i missaw something, let me grind back to the level and check it again
I also don't get a description on hover. Using the latest Firefox.
Just to check, are you stopping the mouse over it? It will appear if the mouse hovers without moving for 0.5 seconds. Maybe i should make it shorter tho
Working for web on mac m1 silicon. Great game!
Thanks, glad it worked for you!
a way to check potential skills before prestiging would be nice
you mean a way to check what skills will be available?
Took a bit but i have added this feature - let me know if u see any issues
I have added a prestige mechanic and some more content. As mentioned previously, saves from before won't carry over. Let me know what you think!
sorry engine i am using does not support macos on web
Fun little time-waster game, and I enjoyed it.
My only complaint is that the ending is a bit anti-climactic. I was looking forward to seeing what was on the other side of the wall, considering it was the entire point of the game. But instead, the game just fades to black once the wall’s health is depleted. We don’t even get to see the wall collapse, it just glows and shakes a bit.
It's not a deal breaker, and I still had fun, but I do wish we got a bit more in terms of a reward for beating the game.
I hope it's another wall
that is fair, it is kind of a placeholder for now as i have plans :)