Papers by Igor Sladojevic
Medicinski Pregled, 2011
-Melanocytic nevi represent a benign neoplastic proliferation of melanocytes. The level of vascul... more -Melanocytic nevi represent a benign neoplastic proliferation of melanocytes. The level of vascular endothelial growth factor expression in these proliferations is low in most cases; whereas an increased expression of this factor may be an indicator of pre-neoplastic changes in melanocyte lesions. We performed a semi-quantitative assessment of the level of vascular endothelial growth factor expression (score 0 to 3) on samples taken from 34 patients with benign melanocyte alterations of the skin. Melanocytic nevi showed an expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in 79.41% of the cases. The low level of expression (score 1) was seen in 70.59% cases. The results showed no statistically significant difference in the presence and level of vascular endothelial growth factor expression in relation to the following morphological parameters: histological type, a defect in the surface, density of inflammation infiltrate, mitotic index, growth phase and cell type.
Medicinski pregled, 2011
Melanocytic nevi represent a benign neoplastic proliferation of melanocytes. The level of vascula... more Melanocytic nevi represent a benign neoplastic proliferation of melanocytes. The level of vascular endothelial growth factor expression in these proliferations is low in most cases; whereas an increased expression of this factor may be an indicator of pre-neoplastic changes in melanocyte lesions. We performed a semi-quantitative assessment of the level of vascular endothelial growth factor expression (score 0 to 3) on samples taken from 34 patients with benign melanocyte alterations of the skin. Melanocytic nevi showed an expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in 79.41% of the cases. The low level of expression (score 1) was seen in 70.59% cases. The results showed no statistically significant difference in the presence and level of vascular endothelial growth factor expression in relation to the following morphological parameters: histological type, a defect in the surface, density of inflammation infiltrate, mitotic index, growth phase and cell type.
Acta Medica Medianae, 2006
The analysis was done on 10 samples of general somatomotor nuclei (GSN) of cranial nerves located... more The analysis was done on 10 samples of general somatomotor nuclei (GSN) of cranial nerves located in the brain stem, which were colored by the Mallory method. The research was conducted by standard testing system A 100 with the use of the light microscope and 40 x zoom objective. We determined the volume density of vascular net and nerve cells of investigated structures. The obtained values were mutually compared. GSN located in mesencephalon were more significantly vascularized. A part of the oculomotorius nuclei, made of nerve cells, is significantly larger compared with other GSN. The oculomotorius nuclei have equal number of nerve cells and blood vessels, while the number of blood vessels in the other GSN is a significantly larger.
Vojnosanitetski Pregled, 2010
Background/Aim. Melanoma is a heterogeneous disease of skin and mucous membranes which shows sign... more Background/Aim. Melanoma is a heterogeneous disease of skin and mucous membranes which shows significant increase in incidence worldwide in the past decades. In the process of forming new blood vessels stimulators of angiogenesis participate. There is an increase production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-C and VEGF-D), which expression cause change of endothelial cells, and higher degree of tumor's aggressiveness. The aim of this research was to determine the level of VEGF expression in skin melanoma in different body regions and in different primary stages of the disease. Methods. The research was conducted on bioptic materials of skin in 39 patients. On excision-made materials a routine histological preparation was done and following parameters were determined: histological type, alteration thickness (according to Breslow), Clark level, TNM (Tumor Nodus Metastasis) stage (pT), alteration width, thickness of lymphocytic infiltration in the tumor, mitotic index, phase of the tumor growth, presence of ulcerations, cellular type of the tumor, localization and
Биомедицинска Истраживања, Dec 1, 2011
Kratak sadržaj Uvod. Kompresija nerava od strane krvnih sudova u pontocerebelarnom uglu može uzro... more Kratak sadržaj Uvod. Kompresija nerava od strane krvnih sudova u pontocerebelarnom uglu može uzrokovati funkcionalne promjene ovih nerava. Radikularni, cisternalni dio vestibulokohlearnog nerva (n.VIII) ishranjuju grančice a. cerebelli anterior inferior (AICA). Metode. Istraživanja su vršena na 40 mozgova odraslih lica, oba pola, dobi od 21 do 78 godina. Po završetku fiksiranja vršeno je fino preparisanje struktura pontocerebelarnog ugla, a zatim evidentiranje varijacija i odnosa krvnih sudova i nerava. Rezultati. AICA je u 17% desno i 6% lijevo bila dvostruka. Hipoplastična AICA je češće viđena na lijevoj strani (30 %). Odnos sa n. abducens-om (n.VI) je ostvarivala češće sa lijeve strane, a sa n. facialis-om (n.VII) i n.VIII češće desno. AICA je u 22% desno i u 30% lijevo pravila omču oko n.VIII. Kada je riječ o odnosu bočnih grana AICA i n.VIII, najčešće su druga desna (45 % slučajeva) i druga lijeva (35 % slučajeva) grana imale blizak odnos sa pomenutim nervom Zaključak. Iako postoji čest nalaz bliskog odnosa n.VIII i krvnih sudova, vrlo su oprečni stavovi o postojanju vaskularnog kompresivnog sindroma, dok jedni autori smatraju da je to normalan anatomski nalaz, drugi potvrđuju svojim radovima postojanje istog.
Medicinski pregled, 2016
Introduction. Knee osteoarthritis is a progressive degenerative disease which affects meniscal ti... more Introduction. Knee osteoarthritis is a progressive degenerative disease which affects meniscal tissue. The aim of this study was to determine the differences in collagen type I expression in macroscopically unaltered and osteoarthritic menisci, and correlate the expression with the grade of macroscopic damage, age and body mass index of patients, preoperative condition of anterior cruciate ligament, angulation and knee contracture. Material and Methods. The control group consisted of 10 macroscopically unaltered menisci, while the experimental group had 35 osteoarthritic menisci. Besides macroscopic grading of meniscal damage, the analysis of collagen type I expression was determined by immunohistochemical staining with the corresponding antibody using semiquantitative scale scores and quantitative parameters: intensity of expression and stained area size. Results. The results of semiquantitative evaluation showed a statistically significant decrease in collagen type I expression in...
Биомедицинска истраживања, 2013
Kratak sadržaj Uvod. Totalna endoproteza kuka uklanja veliki funkcionalni i estetski invaliditet ... more Kratak sadržaj Uvod. Totalna endoproteza kuka uklanja veliki funkcionalni i estetski invaliditet koji stvara degenerativna bolest kuka. Dobri funkcionalni rezultati ove intervencije zavise kako od hirurškog liječenja tako i od kvalitetno provedene rehabilitacije. Ciljevi rada su korelirati funkcionalni status pacijenata sa koksartrozom u tri vremenska perioda: preoperativno, po prijemu na stacionarnu fizikalnu terapiju i po otpustu sa iste, a potom ispitati postoji li razlika u odgovoru na provedenu rehabilitaciju kod pacijenata sa primarnom i sekundarnom koksartrozom, kao i uticaj komorbiditeta na ishod rehabilitacije. Metode. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćena 122 pacijenta (46 muškaraca i 76 žena) sa degenerativnim oboljenjima zgloba kuka: 80 primarnih, 42 sekundarne koksartroze. Svi pacijenti su hirurški liječeni implantacijom totalne bescementne endoproteze zgloba kuka u Zavodu za fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju "Dr Miroslav Zotović" u Banjaluci. Kod svih pacijenata je provedena rana rehabilitacija po protokolu ustanove, a zatim je u istoj ustanovi provedena stacionarna fizikalna terapija nakon prvog kontrolnog pregleda ortopeda i fizijatra. Instrument procjene funkcionalnog statusa je bio WOMAC indeks. Rezultati. Statistička analiza, urađena softverom SPSS, je pokazala visoko statistički značajnu razliku (p<0,001) pri poređenju vrijednosti WOMAC indeksa: preoperativno i na prijemu pacijenata na stacionarnu fizikalnu terapiju, preoperativno i pri otpustu pacijenta, kao i pri dolasku i pri otpustu sa stacionarne terapije. Statistički značajna razlika (p<0,05) je uočena samo preoperativno u korist pacijenata sa sekundarnom koksartrozom, dok nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između pacijenata sa i bez komorbiditeta. Zaključak. Dobro osmišljen i proveden rehabilitacioni program zasnovan na timskom radu daje i dobre rezultate bez obzira na prateći komorbiditet i životnu dob pacijenata.
Биомедицинска истраживања, 2013
Kratak sadržaj Uvod. Totalna endoproteza kuka uklanja veliki funkcionalni i estetski invaliditet ... more Kratak sadržaj Uvod. Totalna endoproteza kuka uklanja veliki funkcionalni i estetski invaliditet koji stvara degenerativna bolest kuka. Dobri funkcionalni rezultati ove intervencije zavise kako od hirurškog liječenja tako i od kvalitetno provedene rehabilitacije. Ciljevi rada su korelirati funkcionalni status pacijenata sa koksartrozom u tri vremenska perioda: preoperativno, po prijemu na stacionarnu fizikalnu terapiju i po otpustu sa iste, a potom ispitati postoji li razlika u odgovoru na provedenu rehabilitaciju kod pacijenata sa primarnom i sekundarnom koksartrozom, kao i uticaj komorbiditeta na ishod rehabilitacije. Metode. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćena 122 pacijenta (46 muškaraca i 76 žena) sa degenerativnim oboljenjima zgloba kuka: 80 primarnih, 42 sekundarne koksartroze. Svi pacijenti su hirurški liječeni implantacijom totalne bescementne endoproteze zgloba kuka u Zavodu za fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju "Dr Miroslav Zotović" u Banjaluci. Kod svih pacijenata je provedena rana rehabilitacija po protokolu ustanove, a zatim je u istoj ustanovi provedena stacionarna fizikalna terapija nakon prvog kontrolnog pregleda ortopeda i fizijatra. Instrument procjene funkcionalnog statusa je bio WOMAC indeks. Rezultati. Statistička analiza, urađena softverom SPSS, je pokazala visoko statistički značajnu razliku (p<0,001) pri poređenju vrijednosti WOMAC indeksa: preoperativno i na prijemu pacijenata na stacionarnu fizikalnu terapiju, preoperativno i pri otpustu pacijenta, kao i pri dolasku i pri otpustu sa stacionarne terapije. Statistički značajna razlika (p<0,05) je uočena samo preoperativno u korist pacijenata sa sekundarnom koksartrozom, dok nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između pacijenata sa i bez komorbiditeta. Zaključak. Dobro osmišljen i proveden rehabilitacioni program zasnovan na timskom radu daje i dobre rezultate bez obzira na prateći komorbiditet i životnu dob pacijenata.
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2016
Background/Aim. Lateral branches of basilar artery mostly supply pons and cerebellum. The aim of ... more Background/Aim. Lateral branches of basilar artery mostly supply pons and cerebellum. The aim of this study was to determine the morphological characteristics of lateral branches and side branches of the individual lateral branches of human basilar artery. Methods. The research was done on 25 anatomical specimens of adult brainstems, both sexes, previously fixed by immersion in a 10% formalin. Microdissection and precise measurements of caliber and length of the basilar artery were done under the stereolupe MBS-9 by the ocular micrometer. Results. A number of lateral branches was 9 on both sides, and the number of side branches of the individual lateral branch of basilar artery ranged from 0 to 4. The average diameter of side branches on both sides was 0.15 mm while the average length on the left side was 4.31 mm and 4.06 mm on the right. Side braches on the left side of the basilar artery most commonly penetrated pons and postpontine fossa (29.82% each) and rarely the area of middl...
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
Introduction. The occurrence of synchronous or metachronous malignant epithelial and mesenchymal ... more Introduction. The occurrence of synchronous or metachronous malignant epithelial and mesenchymal tumors is rare. Infiltrating ductal breast cancer rarely produces metastasis in the gastrointestinal tract, and when it does, it represents a significant differential diagnostic problem. Morphologically, they can mimic primary cancers localized in the gastrointestinal tract or peritoneum. Case outline. In this paper, we present a female patient with primary, synchronous bilateral breast cancer, which after five years of follow-up had given metastases to the lungs, bones, peritoneum and mesentery, and in a node localized in the small intestine. The node was composed of two malignant components ? a mesenchymal one and an epithelial one. The mesenchymal component had histologic and immunophenotypic characteristics of a gastrointestinal stromal tumor and the epithelial component was morphologically and immunohistochemically identical to the diagnosed primary breast cancer. Because of all thi...
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2010
Medicinski pregled, 2011
Nuclei of oculogyric nerves (principal oculomotor nucleus, trochlear nucleus and abducens nucleus... more Nuclei of oculogyric nerves (principal oculomotor nucleus, trochlear nucleus and abducens nucleus) are densely vascularized brainstem structures. The aim of this study was to determine quantitative characteristics of the vascular network of these nuclei. The study was done on 30 adult brainstems, both male and female, without diagnosed neurological disturbances. Three-millimetre-thick stratums were taken in transversal plane and cut in 0.3 micrometer semi-serial sections stained with Mallory method. The images of studied nuclei were taken with &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;Leica&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot; DM 1000 microscope and &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;Leica&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot; EC3 digital camera under 400x magnification, and analyzed by ImageJ software with A 100 grid. The statistical analysis was performed by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software with 5% level of significance. A statistically significant difference was found in the volume and surface density between principal oculomotor nucleus and trochlear nucleus, and between trochlear nucleus and abducens nucleus. No difference was found in the length density. The results of this research match the results of studies on characteristics of vascular network of oculogyric nerve nuclei, while the comparison of vascular networks of these nuclei, substantia nigra, vestibulocochlear nuclei and precentral gyrus illustrates differences in quantitative characteristics of blood vessels in these structures. Blood vessels of principal oculomotor nucleus and abducens nucleus have similar dimensions and approximately the same arborization pattern, while vessels of trochlear nucleus have significantly smaller dimensions and density.
Биомедицинска истраживања, 2014
Papers by Igor Sladojevic