Monday, December 30, 2019

First Day of School 2019

Since we left on our cross country trip at the end of April, we had the longest summer ever! We were all ready for school to start at the beginning of September. It's a year of big transitions. 
Aubree started high school and is back in public school. That was always our plan, and Aubree was nothing but excited. The high school is close enough for her to walk, so every morning she, Lily, and our neighbor, Brandt, leave at 7am to walk to school. Getting up early has probably been her hardest transition. She has 8 classes (4 per day): Pre-AP Literature, Biology, AP Human Geography, Seminary (we have release time seminary here!), Freshman Success (a required semester long class for all freshmen), Orchestra, Geometry, and PE.
Bryce started 6th grade and took Aubree's spot in the Homes United Co-op. It's been a little bit of a hard transition for him to switch from thinking of it as "Aubree's co-op" to his own, but he is really enjoying it. His classes this year include: PE, Speech & Debate, Health, Writing, Literature, Geology & Astronomy (each are semester classes), Art, Coding & Sewing (each are semester classes), and Ancient History. He's doing Math U See Zeta at home.
Thane started 4th grade. He wasn't happy with how his 1st Day of School picture turned out, so he was grumpy and uncooperative when I went to take pictures. I will write another post a little later detailing curriculum choices for this year for Thane, Graham, and Nellie.
Graham is in 1st/2nd grade. Basically, I still can't decide if it's better to push him ahead a little or hold him back a little, so I decided to put off making a final decision until he's a little older. In the meantime, he's a grade straddler.
This is Nellie's last year before starting official school. How crazy is that? She's been eager to "do my own work!"
On the first day of school, we sent Aubree off to high school, then the rest of us went to a first day of school HuCo party. We opted to do it at Jamie's house this year instead of the lake for myriad reasons. We spent the morning playing get-to-know-you-games and letting the teachers introduce themselves and their classes.
This is a great group of kids!
And a really great group of moms too!
In the afternoon, we pulled out the giant slip and slide and the kids played outside. It was a great time, but we missed the lake.
So, the following Friday, we reconvened at the lake!
Everyone else was back in school, so we had it to ourselves!
It was glorious.

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