Notice: If you intend to play the win/mac version, don't overwrite the Chapter 1 folder with the new files, or you might not be able to play Chapter 2. You need to dowload the specific win/mac version of Chapter 2, extract it in a new folder and execute the "game" file in that folder. This is a different project than Chapter 1.

TL;DR: don't overwrite the Chapter 1 folder with the files from Chapter 2. Download Chapter 2 (either win or mac) and play from the corresponding Chapter 2 folder. This obviously doesn't apply to the browser version (which is also the only way to play on your phone; directly from the browser)

Notice 2: chapter 1 is also included in case you want to replay it, but you can skip straight to Chapter 2.

Notice 3: Thank you for playing, you're awesome!

Art by NewmoniaCute

The story of Julia continues!
What could possibly be in the attic? Will Julia finally uncover the truth?

Notice: some sprites/images have been updated in comparison to Chapter 1

A game by A. V. Dossow and NewmoniaCute. Chapter 3 will be out next month.

Created with Rpg Maker MZ

Estimated playtime: 30 minutes


-Retro style with a limited color palette

-Beautiful portraits and art by NewmoniaCute

-Retro sprites by A. V. Dossow

-Original soundtrack by A. V. Dossow

-80's setting

-Different death animations


-Can be played on Windows, Mac, Browsers and Phones (phones --> from the browser)

-Available both in English and Spanish (more languages might be available in the future)

PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(48 total ratings)
AuthorA. V. Dossow
Made withRPG Maker
TagsAtmospheric, Creepy, Horror, Pixel Art, Post-apocalyptic, Retro, RPG Maker, RPG Maker MZ, Sci-fi, Short


Julia was Alone - Chapter 2 (WIN).rar 93 MB
Julia was Alone - Chapter 2 (MAC).zip 155 MB


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Really like the game and story telling but the chase scenes are so annoying. The censor doesn't work when I press on the doors, even if I do it a 100 times. So I die and try again only for that also to fail. Very annoying. I would enjoy it more if there were actual puzzles or something more to the chase then being blocked by doors that don't register when I click on them! (I know they're supposed to be jammed, even after clicking on them multiples times in a row they still don't work.)

VRNSIOFMOIFEMKLDS I've never played anything like this im aaaaa I'm so obsessed it's literally 4 am... 


I'm glad you like the game! : D

I'm gonna play chapter 4 tonight I'm super excited!

you saw the chance and fucking sprinted with it didn't you

Such a great follow up to chapter 1! 

Secrets of the Attic: Julia Was Never Truly Alone! - Chapter 2


GIRL IM LITERALLY OBSESSED STFU ITS SO UNDERTALESQUE (maybe cus its 8bit but still) i literally couldnt find any fanart i had to draw some MYSELFFFFFFFFFF LIKE IMAGINE???? im still working on it lwk but UGHT ts is so dear to me CUS ITS LIKE A GAME I DISCOVERED ON MY OWN WO ANYONE TELLING ME AB IT PLUS I FINISHED IT TOO!!!!! ughhgrhrghrh omg im in love marry me 🙁

my exact feelings as well this game is literally appearing in my dreams I'm so obsessed with itttt

Ahh!! I finally got some time to play this, I feel so behind haha. 

That was so creepy!! The slow exploration of the (mostly) empty facility was really well done. Multiple times I felt myself thinking about the title of the game and just how alone Julia was really feeling. 


I kept feeling increasingly bad for the scalpel guy and it was weirdly rewarding to find out there's good reason to feel sorry for him. The balance of him being truly scary and the empathy I was feeling for him was well done. He's still done horrible things, but you could tell in his actions how confused and befuddled he felt. 

The twists on your chases were really brilliant this game! They all felt unique, intense and fresh. Like hitting the door had me yelling out loud haha. The dodge and weaving, all of it. Really effective twists on an otherwise fairly simple mechanic. 

It was cool how things read as sinister without being over stated. Like, the security lights. It wasn't said what they were right away. But the second I saw them, I knew they weren't safe and were to be avoided. I did get got by one, but it was a cool confirmation that my instincts were correct. 

I loved the color block puzzle? Idk how to put it. Almost like a simon says game. SO CLEVER!!!! I found myself trying to work out how you did it, I think I have an idea and hats off to you for thinking of it! 

The mystery continues to unfold, leaving me with as many questions as I started with, haha. I loved going back to the house, it felt so nice to feel like I was in a familiar space again. It was cool to realize I still knew my way around even though it's been a minute since I played. 

Really looking forward to playing the third chapter, not sure when I will but I know I'm excited for it! Your stories are always entertaining and these are just so original and sincere. Really, really fun.

ok so mom why do you have so many copies of urself....


Hey, I want to report a mini issue: The 'Setings' should be 'Settings', when the Julia go to the AV-ROSS machine :)


these game series are my favorite) simple yet scary ! 

Ohhhh thank you so much! Your gameplays are really enjoyable!

 I'm glad you like the Julia games! : D


Ok, maybe go in the Attic.

(1 edit) (+2)













I had a few guesses about what could be in the attic but all of them was wrong lol Very interesting though ! I wonder where the story is going now :) Cant wait till chapter 3 !


Thank you so much for playing, I really enjoyed your gameplay and your commentary, and I love your parrot! : D

The story is about to get reaaaally crazy!

Thank you for taking the time to watch my gameplay ! If you would like to learn about Eureka , my parrot , I posted some small shorts about her. She had a hard first few weeks of life but she is so spoiled now .  :) 

I CANT wait till chapter 3 ! DO you have the release date figured out or is it to soon for that ?  :) Take your time 

Thanks again and hope you have a great day !

Ohhh I'll make sure to watch them, she's really cute and I'm glad she could overcome her hardships!

Chapter 3?

Release date?

I just released it! It's out now! : D

I hope you have a great day too! :  )

Oh wow ! Thats awesome ! Ill play it now :)

Awesome!! I hope you like it! : D



Thank you so much for playing! : D


Yeah this was awesome! I didn't see some of those twists coming! Fantastic job! I can't wait to see more!


Awesome gameplay swift3dge! : D Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad you've enjoyed the game so far!
Chapter 3 is almost finished, so it might be released sooner than expected!


LETSFREAKINGGOOOOOOO! I mean...sounds good! You're welcome and of course! It's been so awesome!

very epic


I've played Mauseleosus and now the first two chapters of Julia Was Alone, and I gotta say you really know how to create a spooky atmosphere. I had fun playing this game and there were some parts where my heart rate went crazy. I love the whole atmosphere of this game with the pixelation and the color palette as well as the puzzles and labyrinths that got me feeling so lost at times. Great game and I'm so excited for the third chapter. :)


Thank you so much for your feedback and for the compliments, I really appreciate it! : D One of my goals with Julia was Alone was to create an eerie/oppressive atmophere, and certainly it hasn't been an easy task, considering the limited palette and "cute" sprites. So I'm glad I've managed to achieve that atmosphere, at least for some players!
Hopefully, Chapter 3 won't be a let down! It'll be double the length of this one and there will be many surprises, new characters, new areas and grotesque imagery


Thanks for taking the time to reply! I can tell you care a lot about your work and it really shows! I'm excited to see what you have in store for the third chapter!


dont play house for alisa 1(original not remake)


Well that escalated. 😅 It was closer to 50 minutes for me which I was very happy with and it all plays really well, awesome use of RPG Maker - It's a great engine so I appreciate seeing people get creative/weird with it. Looking forward to Chapter 3! 🙌

Just finished watching the video, it was awesome! Thank you so much for playing and for the feedback Mana, much appreciated!

I always want to try new ideas when using Rpg Maker, specially with just variables instead of complex plugins. It's amazing how limited and yet flexible the software can be. I'll definitely try out new gameplay mechanics for the third chapter (already working on it; I hope it turns out to be the best one of the Julia series)

I REALLY REALLY like the direction this game is going keep up the good work!


Thanks for playing, awesome gameplay! : D
I'm currently working on Chapter 3 and I hope it turns out to be as enjoyable as chapters 1 and 2!

Chapter 2 is so crazy. I love this narrative, now I cant wait for part.

My buen trabajo me gusto mucho :D !!


Muchas gracias por jugarlo y por el gameplay! Me alegra que te haya gustado la historia hasta el momento! : D
El capítulo 3 se supone que va a ser todavía más loco!


Maaaaaas?! Pues entonces si que dare una voltera hacia atrás ajajj

This was amazing! I am so invested in this storyline. Again amazing artstyle and atmosphere! 

Fr. Barbathiel's sprite is bad-ss by the way.

Thank you so much! : D
Father Barbathiel is one of my favorites, so I'm glad you like him! He'll have an important role in Chapter 3

I LOVE this game.

I was really interested in Chapter 1, and eager to see where the story would go. Chapter 2 provides us with an incredibly lore dense experience, and put a lot of pieces together in this world, whilst simultaneously creating new questions to be answered.

Excited for chapter 3! I'm hooked :)

I watched your gameplay, it was really fun, great commentary!
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! : D Chapter 3 is already in progress!

Oh wow thanks so much! Keep up the great work!


I feel bad for that annormal kid. He is trapped by mom, has mental problems, and given a scalpel to kill his dad. Mom is the real maniac.



Cool gameplay! Thank you so much for playing! 

thank you!!

That was great ! I need chapter 3 !!

Thank you! : D

I like this eerie art and story! Wait for more)


Nice game! The story is getting more interesting & makes me curious. Looking forward to chapter 3... :)

Awesome! : D Thank you so much for playing!
Hopefully, Chapter 3 will be even better!

Look Av isn't complaining anymore I liked your games more when you released the game and the characters had big breasts and big butts that was the fun of the game but were you trying to change the style of your games maybe? the 2 games you launched are great, thanks Av I admire you =[ awesome ♥️

Thank you for your support!

I don't know what to be shocked about first. a lot of things make me surprised.

Ohhh, awesome video! Thank you for playing! : D
There'll be even more surprises in the next chapter!

Omg I didn't expect all this lore when I played the first chapter 🤩

It will get even crazier next chapter!

As per usual of an A. V. Dossow game, this absolutely slaps, really really loved it. Wasn't expecting the twist at the end with the mother. Can't wait for your future games! All our love <3


Ohhh thank you so much for your words and your support, I really appreciate it! : D
I'm glad that most players were shocked by that revelation!

Simplemente increíble, no esperaba para nada los giros que esta dando la historia, espero con ansias el capítulo 3

Muchas gracias por jugar Kaba! : D
El 3 va a tener todavía más giros y van a responderse muchas preguntas y habrá nuevas mecánicas de juego (no algo drástico, pero la idea es que los capítulos vayan agregando cosas nuevas)


I really love the story so far! I'm sure chapter 3 will be an absolute blast!


Thank you so much! : D I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far! In Chapter 3, things will get even crazier!

(1 edit)


to the soundtrack to the style itself i love this kind of phycological horror game this game has alot of potential it deserves to be popular 

i cant wait for chapter three!!:3


Thank you so much for the compliments, I really appreciate it! : D

A decir verdad me ví el primer capitulo por NicoCore, pero me enganchó tanto que cuando ví que habia salido el segundo cap no me pude resistir a jugarlo, estoy esperando con muchisimas ansias en tercero!!


Un grande Nico!
Gracias por jugar! Ya estoy trabajando en el tercero

Another Amazing Chapter. Can't Wait to play chapter 3! :D


I watched your gameplay Llama! Thank you so much! : D


por fin salió el cap 2!!!

tuve mucho miedo en la parte donde está la otra julia y cuando nos damos la vuelta levanta la manita, pero me preparó mentalmente para cuando sí se levantó a perseguir AKAKAKJ.

sufrí bastante en la parte donde se tiene que huir un minuto del loquito pero no me rendí.

y el final me dejó súper picada! espero con ansias el próximo capítulo<3.


Muchas gracias por jugarlo! : D
Y está muy bueno saber de tu experiencia con el juego en esos momentos que se supone son los más tensos y que deberían generar miedo en los jugadores!
Me alegra mucho que te haya gustado! Ya mismo estoy trabajando en el capítulo 3 jajjaja

(1 edit) (+1)

I was throughly traumatized by the end- this chapter was so good!!


Thank you! : D I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and it managed to freak you out a bit hahaha


Good game


Awesome! Thank you Bis! : D


Scalpel :)

Very good followup chapter I loved it! 

Clock! I was actually watching your stream last night, hidden in the shadows hahahhaa
It was really fun! Thank you so much for having played it! : D

OMG I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!

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