Papers by Urìa M Guevara-lópez
Deleted Journal, 2024
Empleo empírico de cannabis para control del dolor crónico de origen musculoesquelético Empirical... more Empleo empírico de cannabis para control del dolor crónico de origen musculoesquelético Empirical use of cannabis to control chronic pain of musculoskeletal origin
Cirugia Y Cirujanos, 2011
Revista Mexicana de Anestesiología, 2021
Revista Mexicana de Anestesiología, 2013
Este artículo puede ser consultado en versión completa en www.medi... more Este artículo puede ser consultado en versión completa en Terapia analgésica en el dolor oncológico Dr. Uria Guevara López* * Médico anestesiólogo, algólogo. Medicina del dolor y paliativa (CIETD-CP).
Este artículo puede ser consultado en versión completa en www.medi... more Este artículo puede ser consultado en versión completa en Las guías de práctica clínica. ¿Futuro y perspectivas? Dr. Uria Guevara López* * Médico anestesiólogo y algólogo. Medicina del dolor y paliativa (CIETD-CP).
Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 2021
Revista Mexicana de Anestesiología, 2020
Medidas de protección para el personal de salud durante la pandemia por COVID-19 Measures for the... more Medidas de protección para el personal de salud durante la pandemia por COVID-19 Measures for the protection of health personnel in the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19
Revista Mexicana de Anestesiología, 2020
Aceptado para publicación: 16-07-2020 RESUMEN. Los equipos de salud, intensivistas e internistas ... more Aceptado para publicación: 16-07-2020 RESUMEN. Los equipos de salud, intensivistas e internistas han trabajado codo a codo en la actual pandemia. En este entorno, los paliativistas pueden contribuir sustancialmente en esta crisis, tratando con su enfoque transdisciplinario e integral la carga de síntomas de los enfermos con COVID-19 y establecer comunicación clara y abierta con pacientes y familias al brindar, inclusive, apoyo espiritual. Pese a que la atención de estos enfermos se centró en la ventilación mecánica, por un lado, un número creciente de personas no recibirá este apoyo, debido a las condiciones de salud subyacentes y a que estos pacientes requerirán un manejo conservador. Por otro lado, al ocupar la emergencia toda la atención y recursos, pasó a un segundo plano el cuidado de grupos vulnerables, marginados y de numerosos pacientes con enfermedades crónicas, progresivas, complejas, oncológicas o multimórbidas, las cuales ameritan atención paliativa. Durante la atención de pacientes con COVID-19, el personal de salud puede experimentar complejos dilemas éticos por la escasez de recursos, el rápido deterioro de los enfermos, la toma de decisiones urgentes y la falta de a la mejor toma de decisiones para brindar una atención multidimensional (biológica, psicoafectiva, socioeconómica y espiritual), tanto a pacientes como a familias, para atemperar este tsunami de sufrimiento.
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2008
The purpose of this work was to evaluate the antinociceptive efficacy of an optimal morphine and ... more The purpose of this work was to evaluate the antinociceptive efficacy of an optimal morphine and metamizol combination on different levels of nociception (levels I, II, and III) using the "Pain-induced functional impairment model in the rat". The effect of acetylsalicylic acid was examined as a reference drug at the same levels of nociception. The antinociceptive effects produced by morphine (3.2 mg/kg s.c.) and metamizol (177.8 mg/kg s.c.) were studied either individually or in combination. The antinociceptive efficacies were expressed as either areas under the curve (AUCs), maximum effects as functionality index in percent of the time course, or the antinociceptive effects produced at 2 h after administration. Unlike morphine, the antinociceptive effects of acetylsalicylic acid decreased with increasing intensity of nociception. In summary, the analysis of antinociceptive efficacies produced by the co-administration of these drugs for different levels of nociception revealed that co-administration provided potentiated and better antinociceptive coverage throughout our observation time than did the individual drugs or the expected theoretical sum (using AUC or effects after 2 h). This is the first study to demonstrate that an optimal morphine and metamizol combination is able to produce potentiation of antinociceptive effects during intense pain.
Rev Mex …, 2004
Objetivos: (1) Valorar la eficacia del modelo PIFIR en dolor neuropático. (2) Comparar el efecto ... more Objetivos: (1) Valorar la eficacia del modelo PIFIR en dolor neuropático. (2) Comparar el efecto antinociceptivo de tres analgésicos para controlar el dolor inducido. Material y métodos: Se distribuyeron las ratas en cinco grupos de seis ratas cada uno. Se determinó que uno de los grupos (el Grupo A) actuara como control y, por tanto, no se produjo lesión a ninguno de sus miembros. Al resto de las ratas se les ligó el nervio ciático. Igualmente se decidió que otro grupo (el Grupo B) funcionara como control sin fármacos. A las ratas de otro grupo (el Grupo C) se le administró parecoxib; a las del grupo D, ketorolaco más tramadol y a las del grupo E, ketamina. Se evaluó la funcionalidad de las patas mediante el método PIFIR. Los valores obtenidos se analizaron con las pruebas T de Student y de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: Se pudo observar que en los grupos C y D no hubo diferencias significativas en la mejoría de la funcionalidad con respecto al grupo control (p = 0.129 y 0.13 respectivamente); simplemente asomó una tendencia hacia la mejoría. En el grupo E, se apreció una mejoría significativa en términos estadísticos (p = 0.043). Conclusiones: (1) El modelo PIFIR es útil para evaluar la funcionalidad en ratas con dolor neuropático inducido. (2) No se observó mejoría con la aplicación de parecoxib. (3) Con el tramadol + ketorolaco se presentó una tendencia hacia la mejoría nada significativa. (4) Por lo contrario, con la ketamina se apreció una mejoría significativa.
BMC Medical Ethics, 2015
Background: In our time there is growing interest in developing a systematic approach to oncologi... more Background: In our time there is growing interest in developing a systematic approach to oncologic patients and end-of-life care. An important goal within this domain is to identify the values and ethical norms that guide physicians' decisions and their recourse to technological aids to preserve life. Though crucial, this objective is not easy to achieve. The purpose of this study is to evaluate empirically the real-life bioethical dilemmas with which palliative physicians are confronted when treating terminal cancer patients. Methods: A quasi-experimental, observational, comparative, prospective and mixed (qualitative and quantitative) study was conducted in order to analyse the correlation between the palliative doctor-patient relationship and ethical judgments regarding everyday bioethical dilemmas that arise in palliative clinical practice. The values at stake in decision-making on a daily basis were also explored. From February 2012 to march 2014, palliative healthcare personnel were invited to participate in a research project on axiology of clinical practice in palliative medicine. Each participant answered to a set of survey instruments focusing on ethical dilemmas, views, and representations of clinical practice. For this analysis we selected a convenience sample of 30 physicians specialized in pain medicine and palliative care (algologists and palliativists), with two or more years of experience with oncologic patients and end-of-life care. Results: 113 dilemmas were obtained, the most frequent of which were those regarding sedation, home administration of opioids, and institutional regulations. We observed that the ethical nucleus of palliative medicine is truth-telling, implying bidirectional trust between patients and healthcare providers. The two most prominent virtues among the participants in our study were justice and professional humility. The outstanding roles of the physician in palliative medicine are as educator and as adviser, followed by that of provider of medical assistance. Conclusions: This investigation opens up new horizons in a career path where professional wearing is rampant. The rediscovery of values and virtues in palliative clinical practice will renew and replenish the motivation of healthcare providers who carry out these duties, giving them a new professional and personal perspective of growth.
Cirugia y cirujanos
Background: Neuropathic pain is associated with disease or injury to the peripheral or central ne... more Background: Neuropathic pain is associated with disease or injury to the peripheral or central nervous system, which is considered particularly difficult to treat due to its diverse etiology and underlying physiopathological mechanisms. Recent experimental and clinical data support the potential of pharmacotherapy using a combination of drugs for neuropathic pain. Methods: In order to assess a possible synergistic anti-hyperalgesic interaction, the anti-hyperalgesic effects of morphine and gabapentin, single-dose administered either separately or in combination, were determined using the von Frey test in a rat model of neuropathic pain (Bennett model). Results: Time course analysis showed that morphine (3.2 mg/kg SC) and gabapentin (17.8 mg/kg SC) individually reached their maximum effect at 60 min after treatment, producing an antihyperalgesic effect of 51.7 ± 10.5 % and 55.0 ± 11.7 %, respectively, whereas the combination morphine + gabapentin (3.2 + 17.8 mg/kg SC) produced an alm...
Cirugía y cirujanos
It has been documented that pain in its diverse modalities is the most common cause of medical at... more It has been documented that pain in its diverse modalities is the most common cause of medical attention. In Mexico, an increase in its frequency has promoted its consideration in several health programs. On the other hand, inadequate pain management will cause severe physical, psychoaffective, and socioeconomic repercussions for patients, families, and public health services. Despite this panorama, there has not been an agreement to establish better diagnostic and therapeutic methods for the management of chronic pain. A consensus group was reunited and was integrated by medical experts from private and public institutions and from various states of the Mexican Republic. To assure the development of these practice guidelines, these experts had experience in the assessment and treatment of conditions causing pain. With the guidelines used by other consensus groups, meetings were held to analyze and discuss published literary evidence for the management of low back pain. The recommen...
Cirugía y cirujanos
The antinociceptive effects of metamizol and morphine administered either separately or in combin... more The antinociceptive effects of metamizol and morphine administered either separately or in combination were determined in the "Pain-Induced Functional Impairment Model in the Rat" (PIFIR antinociceptive model). Intense nociception (or intense pain) was induced by the intra-articular injection of uric acid (50%) in the right hind limb inducing its dysfunction. Animals then received analgesic agents, and the recovery of functionality over time was assessed as an expression of antinociception. Metamizol (177.8 mg/kg s.c.) or morphine (3.2 mg/kg s.c.) separately resulted in a lower antinociceptive effect (22.1+/-5.4 area units [au] and 31.8+/-9.4 au, respectively). Moreover, the combination of metamizol (177.8 mg/kg) with morphine (3.2 mg/kg) resulted in a potentiation (293.7+/-16.6 au). The antinociceptive effect observed using the combination was significantly greater than expected on the basis of addition of the individual effects. The percent change in antinociceptive effe...
Cirugía y cirujanos
Neuropathic pain is associated with disease or injury to the peripheral or central nervous system... more Neuropathic pain is associated with disease or injury to the peripheral or central nervous system, which is considered particularly difficult to treat due to its diverse etiology and underlying physiopathological mechanisms. Recent experimental and clinical data support the potential of pharmacotherapy using a combination of drugs for neuropathic pain. In order to assess a possible synergistic anti-hyperalgesic interaction, the anti-hyperalgesic effects of morphine and gabapentin, single-dose administered either separately or in combination, were determined using the von Frey test in a rat model of neuropathic pain (Bennett model). Time course analysis showed that morphine (3.2 mg/kg s.c.) and gabapentin (17.8 mg/kg s.c.) individually reached their maximum effect at 60 min after treatment, producing an anti-hyperalgesic effect of 51.7+/-10.5% and 55.0+/-11.7%, respectively, whereas the combination morphine + gabapentin (3.2+17.8 mg/kg s.c.) produced an almost total anti-hyperalgesic...
Pain Practice, 2009
Background: The administration of epidural and spinal clonidine has demonstrated an antinocicepti... more Background: The administration of epidural and spinal clonidine has demonstrated an antinociceptive effect in animals and humans. For that reason, its spinal administration has been proposed as an adjuvant in chronic pain management. However, there is limited information about its possible neurotoxic effect after its continuous neuraxial administration. Method: Twelve male Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups. Using an osmotic mini-pump a continuous infusion of intrathecal clonidine, (21.4 micrograms/day, Group A) or saline solution (Group B), was administered for 14 consecutive days. For evaluating the neurological damage a neuropathological analysis of the spinal cord was performed by light microscopy. Results: Neurohistopathologic examination of the spinal cord specimens failed to show evidence of neurotoxic damage in either group. Conclusions: These findings showed that continuous intrathecal administration of clonidine did not produce evidence of histological neurotoxicity; therefore it is possible that continuous administration of intrathecal clonidine might be a safe option for treatment of chronic intractable pain; however, further investigations are necessary for evaluating diverse doses and periods of time, and to define its possible behavioral effects.
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2007
Over the decades, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and opioids are the most commonly... more Over the decades, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and opioids are the most commonly used analgesics in the management of acute and chronic pain. In order to assess a possible antinociceptive interactions, the antinociceptive effects of rofecoxib p.o., a preferential inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2, and tramadol-hydrochloride p.o., an atypical opioid analgesic, administered either separately or in combination, were determined using a rat model of arthritic pain. The data were interpreted using the surface of synergistic interaction (SSI) analysis and an isobolographic analysis to establish the nature of the interaction. The SSI was calculated from the total antinociceptive effect produced by the combination after subtraction of the antinociceptive effect produced by each individual drug. Female rats received orally rofecoxib alone (1.0, 1.8, 3.2, 5.6, 10.0, 17.8, 31.6 and 56.2 mg/kg), tramadol alone (1.8, 3.2, 5.6, 10.0, 17.8, 31.6 and 56.2 mg/kg) or 12 different combinations of rofecoxib plus tramadol. Five combinations exhibited various degrees of sub-additive (i.e. less than the sum of the effects produced by the each drug alone) antinociceptive effects (3.2 mg/kg tramadol with 7.8 mg/kg rofecoxib; 5.6 mg/kg tramadol with either 10.0 or 17.8 mg/kg rofecoxib; 10.0 mg/kg tramadol with either 10.0 or 17.8 mg/kg rofecoxib), whereas the other 7 combinations showed additive antinociceptive effects (i.e. the sum of the effects produced by each agent alone). Three combination of rofecoxib+tramadol (10.0+5.6, 10.0+10.0, and 17.8+5.6 mg/kg respectively) presented high sub-additive interactions (P<0.002: Q=9.5). The combination rofecoxib (17.8 mg/kg)+tramadol (10.0 mg/kg) caused gastric injuries less severe than those observed with indomethacin, but more severe than those obtained with rofecoxib or tramadol in single administration. The antinociceptive interaction of rofecoxib and tramadol suggests that combinations with these drugs may have no clinical utility in pain therapy.
European Journal of Pharmacology, 2006
Combination therapies have long been used to treat inflammation while reducing side effects. The ... more Combination therapies have long been used to treat inflammation while reducing side effects. The present study was designed to evaluate the therapeutic potential of combination treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and previously undescribed soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitors (sEHIs) in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-challenged mice. NSAIDs inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes and thereby decrease production of metabolites that lead to pain and inflammation. The sEHIs, such as 12-(3-adamantan-1-yl-ureido)-dodecanoic acid butyl ester (AUDA-BE), stabilize anti-inflammatory epoxy-eicosatrienoic acids, which indirectly reduce the expression of COX-2 protein. Here we demonstrate that the combination therapy of NSAIDs and sEHIs produces significantly beneficial effects that are additive for alleviating pain and enhanced effects in reducing COX-2 protein expression and shifting oxylipin metabolomic profiles. When administered alone, AUDA-BE decreased protein expression of COX-2 to 73 ؎ 6% of control mice treated with LPS only without altering COX-1 expression and decreased PGE 2 levels to 52 ؎ 8% compared with LPS-treated mice not receiving any therapeutic intervention. When AUDA-BE was used in combination with low doses of indomethacin, celecoxib, or rofecoxib, PGE 2 concentrations dropped to 51 ؎ 7, 84 ؎ 9, and 91 ؎ 8%, respectively, versus LPS control, without disrupting prostacyclin and thromboxane levels. These data suggest that these drug combinations (NSAIDs and sEHIs) produce a valuable beneficial analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect while prospectively decreasing side effects such as cardiovascular toxicity. arachidonic acid ͉ cyclooxygenase ͉ epoxygenase ͉ pain ͉ linoleic acid Conflict of interest statement: K.R.S., B.I., I.-H.K, and B.D.H. have filed patents for the University of California for sEH chemistry and inflammation and pain therapy. B.D.H. founded Arê te Therapeutics to move sEH inhibitors into clinical trials.
European Journal of Pain, 2009
It has been demonstrated that the interrelation between pain and sleep produces changes in sleep ... more It has been demonstrated that the interrelation between pain and sleep produces changes in sleep patterns and pain perception. Although some evidences suggest that sleep and pain may interact in a complex way, polysomnographic studies in animals with acute nociception are limited in number. This study was carried out in order to evaluate the effect of intra-articular knee injection of uric acid on sleep-wake patterns. Surgical electrode implantation was performed in seven anesthetized Wistar rats to carry out 10 h polysomnographic recordings. Acute nociception was induced by the intra-articular administration of 30% uric acid crystals into the knee joint of the right hind limb. Two recordings before and after intra-articular drug administration were obtained. Sleep-wake parameters were classified as (i) wakefulness (W), (ii) slow wave sleep (SWS), and (iii) rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Frequency and duration from each parameter were evaluated under the two above-mentioned conditions. Intra-articular administration of uric acid induced: (i) an increased duration of wakefulness (p=0.014), (ii) a decrement in the duration (p=0.001) and number of events (p=0.027) in REM sleep, and (iii) a decrement in the total sleep time (p=0.001). SWS did not present statistical differences between groups. These data suggest that a nociceptive stimulus, induced by the intra-articular administration of uric acid, alters the sleep-wake equilibrium with REM sleep being particularly altered. However, further research concerning pain-sleep interaction is needed.
Cir Ciruj, 2007
Los efectos antinociceptivos del metamizol y la morfina administrados individualmente o en combin... more Los efectos antinociceptivos del metamizol y la morfina administrados individualmente o en combinación fueron determinados en Pain-induced functional impairment model in the rat (PIFIR). La nocicepción intensa (o dolor intenso) fue provocada por la inyección intraarticular de ácido úrico a 50% en la extremidad posterior derecha. Después los animales recibieron tratamiento farmacológico y fue evaluada la recuperación de la funcionalidad a través del tiempo, como una expresión de antinocicepción. El metamizol (177.8 mg/kg vía subcutánea) y la morfina (3.2 mg/kg vía subcutánea) por separado presentaron un efecto antinociceptivo bajo: 22.1 ± 5.4 y 31.8 ± 9.4 unidades de área, respectivamente. El efecto antinociceptivo con la combinación (293.7 ± 16.6 unidades de área) fue significativamente mayor que el esperado con la suma de los efectos individuales: el cambio fue de 444.9 %. Éste representa el primer estudio que demuestra que la combinación metamizol + morfina potencia los efectos antinociceptivos de los fármacos.
Papers by Urìa M Guevara-lópez