Carpinus betulus (Common Hornbeam, European Hornbeam) | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
Carpinus betulus (Common Hornbeam, European Hornbeam) | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple - 3 Gallon Pot
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple is a superb low-branching, dwarf Japanese Maple with a delicate weeping effect. It is deciduous, meaning it will shed its leaves in fall but its foliage holds a beautiful red color throughout summer. Japanese Maples such as the Crimson Queen are well-suited for use as a specimen plant around water features, or on patios and entryways in containers. It is easy to see why this iconic tree has been revered around the world for centuries. Its delicate and lacy cut-leaf f
River Birch Clump
River Birch Clump Trees (Betula nigra) | McKay Nursery
Saucer Magnolia Tree (Magnolia Soulangeana) Seeds
The Saucer Magnolia (Magnolia Soulangeana) is a small deciduous tree with gorgeous blooms in the spring. The blossoms are large and also fragrant. They make for excellent shade trees and have pretty green foliage for most the year. They grow quickly and in most soils. Saucer magnolias do well as bonsai specimens. Each pack comes with basic instructions for germination. I'm a USA seller which means faster shipping times as well as higher quality seeds. A vast majority of my seeds either come from
Dwarf Mugo Pine - 3 Gallon
Evergreen Versatility for Warm and Cold Climates Give your garden beds an edge with the Dwarf Mugo Pine. This popular dwarf conifer is a slow-growing and broad-spreading evergreen that's perfect for rock gardens, foundation plantings, mixed groupings and more. With a compact footprint, it also makes a great specimen for growing in containers. The Dwarf Mugo Pine can reach up to 3-5 feet tall and 6-10 feet wide, but this slow grower remains smaller in most landscapes. Its dark green needles grow