Title: Lily Pendant Necklace Story: Elevate your style with our captivating Lily Pendant, a true masterpiece inspired by the beauty of nature. Created through the intricate process of 3D printing, this pendant showcases the delicate and graceful form of a lily flower in stunning detail. Crafted with love and attention to detail, this nature-inspired jewelry piece is perfect for those who appreciate the elegance and charm of the natural world. Material:   Solid 14k Yellow Gold, Solid 14k Rose Gold, Solid 14k White, Solid 925 Silver, Vermeil (3 Micron 14k Gold Plating over Silver), and 14k Gold Plate over Brass.  Timeline:  Ships right away! Size: 15mm in diameter. Choose from adjustable 16-18" or a custom length. Click the personalization button to enter your desired chain length. Message m Gold Ring Necklace, A Lily Flower, Lily Jewelry, Lily Necklace, Delicate Pendant, Gold Pendants, Headband Jewelry, Nail Jewelry, Nature Inspired Jewelry

Lily Pendant Necklace in 14k Solid Gold, Sterling Silver, Vermeil, of 14K Gold Plate

Title: Lily Pendant Necklace Story: Elevate your style with our captivating Lily Pendant, a true masterpiece inspired by the beauty of nature. Created through the intricate process of 3D printing, this pendant showcases the delicate and graceful form of a lily flower in stunning detail. Crafted with love and attention to detail, this nature-inspired jewelry piece is perfect for those who appreciate the elegance and charm of the natural world. Material: Solid 14k Yellow Gold, Solid 14k Rose…


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