La vérité sur le post partum, des conseils sur la vie après avoir accouché et qu'on devient maman et papa.
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What to Expect AFTER BABY - Yikes!
Post partum care recovery is a SHOCKING time, if we're honest. Especially for new moms - first time moms - the days after baby can be downright hard! These are the things that surprised me after childbirth, and what I wish I had known sooner! #postpartum #postpartumcare #afterbaby #newmoms #baby #newborn
Postpartum recovery: tips to heal up your postpartum body quick (& feel human again)
What to expect from your body after delivery and how to care for yourself postpartum so you can feel human again. Postpartum care tips and how to prepare for your postpartum recovery so you can heal up quick and enjoy your newborn. A must-read for new moms – third trimester preparation and everything you need to know for a quick postpartum recovery. Post partum recovery | tips for post partum recovery| post partum checklist