Home Birth Research

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Having a Vaginal Birth
As soon as the baby comes out, it’s all, “So long. Farewell. And may the odds be ever in your favor.” True, those first days postpartum aren’t the most pleasant to talk about. Here’s what I wish I’d had at home the first time around. #postbaby #whattoexpect | whattoexpect.com
10 Reasons to Consider Water Birth
Had my first in a water birth, no pain meds and had my son two hours later! The water gave me instantaneous relief from the contractions and was very relaxing. Hospitals are over-rated for normal births (unless you know you have a special case)
22 Benefits of Home Birth
22 Benefits of Homebirth - After giving birth at home twice, these are a few of the many things I loved about having a home birth. If you're making choices about your upcoming birth experience, I hope these will be a helpful resource!
Giving Birth at Home: Pros and Cons of our Homebirth Decision
Do You Want a Homebirth? Here's the pros and cons for an informed decision.
20 Questions To Ask A Home Birth Midwife Before You Hire Her
Mama Birth: 20 Questions To Ask A Home Birth Midwife Before You Hire Her - In case we want a home birth one day
Birth Balls and Labor - How To Use Infographic
We think birth balls are a must for mamas, doulas and childbirth educators. Pack your hospital bag or doula bag and grab one of these and you'll be ready.
The Business of Being Born (2008) ⭐ 7.3 | Documentary
The Business of Being Born - documentary exploring the contemporary experience of childbirth in the United States