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7.1K views · 4.2K comments | 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗡𝗘𝗥 𝗢𝗙 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗙𝗥𝗘𝗘 𝗖𝗔𝗡𝗢𝗡 𝗘𝗢𝗦 𝗥 𝗜𝗦... Join David and Rich live as they draw for the lucky winners of the Canon EOS-R and The Photo Mentorship yearly... | By David Molnar - Your Photography Mentor | Alrighty Rich Coleman, How you doing today, I'm doing a splendid sir Fantastic. It is giveaway Sunday. Wait. No. It's what day is it today is Monday Monday. giveaway Monday President's Day President's Day. When did President's Day start like I don't know the history behind President's Day and and it sounds incredibly incredibly naïve even made you know I was probably after George Washington If I had to guess it was somewhere after. After that, so it wasn't an honor of Queen Elizabeth probably not well welcome everyone. We got tons of people tuning in. let's see we got pretty deep saying high from Portland Dana If I can even like Tamika saying Howdy Lena Riches saying Great day so you guys are awesome. Sherri is saying hi from Saint Louis. We got tons and tons of you guys tuning in you guys are amazing. And Kimberly said after George Washington so that's so awesome, fantastic fantastic. yeah, let us let us know where you are tuning in from in the comments If you would mind Rich where you tuning in from I'm tuning in from the beautiful Outer Banks of North Carolina, my hometown. Yeah, like that's why I tell people. I'm like it's it's North Carolina at the islands in the hurricane. like that's right there exactly you know where the hurricanes plow over and destroy pretty much every year. not not. Destroy We rebuild we repel. Yeah. We just rebuild the same road over and over again Route 12 that's amazing. we have tons and tons of folks to excuse me. tune in live so awesome. so fantastic fantastic you guys are incredible. Hey, let me know what kind of camera brand you guys shoot type it in the comments right now. let me know if you all are a Nikon brand, I can income. It's just just write Nikon Canon Sony Fuji You know pin tax whatever it is let me know in the comments right now I wanna know what kind of cameras are shooting a lot of you guys know that. Today we're gonna be awarding the winner. The winner is already picked. the winner's name is just kidding. I'm not gonna say that yet I know I'm a total jerk. alright, we got a lot of people saying Cannon Cannon, Sony Dana is saying Sony Gina gosh people's comments are going by so fast. It's hard to keep track of the comments, Louisiana and Nikon said. I think it was Wilbert. I forget the comments are going by so fast so awesome. Hey, if you guys didn't know why we're doing this. Away and who the heck this guy with the beard is over here on your it's it's this side for me but I don't know what side is for you. you know if Y'all didn't know who this is this is Rich Coleman. It's one of my dear friends. from we grew up in the same place in the Outer Banks of North Carolina Rich is an amazing photographer and and if you guys didn't know Rich Coleman this guy right right he here right here is is the guy who shot my family photos. So if you wanna know who I trust to photograph me and my. It's this guy Rich Coleman, right here. Amazing photographer has been shooting professionally for over a decade and dear friend of mine and we are starting a what are we starting a brand New Weekly podcast podcast. It's called pod cast. It's called podcast. Yeah. It's called the Your Photography Mentor Podcast. We should call it your photography mentors. She's not rich as one of our mentors excuse. My coffee here, but it's okay with make sense. plus all the graphics are made so I'm done. Yeah exactly we don't wanna remake those again websites built not doing it. It's finished. Yup. Ramon is saying please I want that Cannon Hannah This is pretty awesome. You guys are awesome and Kalisha is saying hello from South Central Pennsylvania, Where is that near seven Springs. I used to always ski in seven Springs, Linda saying from Wilson, North Carolina and Rita, I hope you're the winner. She's saying she her seven D D, is not working so. That cast is saying hi from Alabama, so you guys are amazing. So here's the deal. We've got a bunch of extra giveaways. We're gonna talk about in a second because if you guys have ever been a part of one of our giveaways, I lie a lot and say that I'm giving away one thing or two things and instead we give away a bunch more and that so it's the good kind of lying where like we over over deliver so I'm Super excited about that. one cool thing about this podcast is that we are recording it live here on Facebook so same time. Tomorrow and we're gonna be doing a bunch of giveaways today. Alright, we're gonna be doing more than those two giveaways and I'll tell you about that in a second but like completely unrelated to the giveaways today, meaning like completely different thing tomorrow, we are going to be giving away something else. That's really exciting. What are we giving away tomorrow, which tomorrow will be giving away our essential photographers starting kit. So that is a camera that is a flash in the. Is a lens two lenses so camera two lenses and a flash tomorrow live on the podcast. The only thing you have to do is watch us live and win a camera. That's it. yeah form no Email just be on there and we'll pick whoever says the nicest thing about Rich Hoffman. That's how this works. so just talk about how beautiful his beard is and then you might win. you might win tomorrow. So yeah complete like so it's two days of camera giveaways. We're giving away a camera today and a bunch of other really cool. And then tomorrow, we're gonna do an entire other giveaway but plus two lenses and in a flash. so basically we want to have you guys show up to our podcast because we think it's gonna be awesome tomorrow on the podcast. We're gonna be talking about the essential gear that every photographer needs and then we're gonna be talking about the next level of gear two levels above that Central level of gear Okay and we're talking about why they're important which items we recommend and and it's gonna be amazing and. Showing up one of you guys are on live is gonna win that camera a lens another lens and a flash. You're gonna win a whole kit. You're gonna win like the essential camera kit tomorrow for one of you guys who are on live on the podcast live recording. so we're gonna record the podcast live. hopefully a lot of Tuesdays. We're gonna try it out tomorrow and see if we like it and then we're gonna Strip the audio after the fact and then put it on iTunes and other places. so you guys can listen to the podcast. While you're driving or whatever so Super excited about that, we've got a ton of folks on live and it's gonna be awesome and yeah. so Don and asked the question is the podcast gonna be on the page. It will be live here on this page. In fact, I think we've scheduled it or are about to schedule it in fact, I think it's there. It's it's a pitch. Not that one yeah, we'll have a link for you guys soon. I think we're we're scheduling the process of scheduling it as well so you guys are awesome. Okay. So I think it's time to start doing the giveaway. What do you think Rich? Let's give away some free stuff. I mean I did the. I did the calculations for this week by the way. so we're doing three separate things this week and we're giving away over 10 things this week isn't that nuts. I love it so we'll be giving away. Giving me stuff today on this free on this Facebook Live will begin always stuff tomorrow on the Facebook live for the podcast and then on Wednesday, we always go live for our photo mentorship students and do private trainings like exclusive trainings for them and we're gonna give away stuff live again, then on Wednesday, right, so is there any other ones that I'm missing? That's three days. I must have been like decide to give something away on Thursday, which I'm game for so let's just keep going. Awesome at this point, let's just roll with it. Yeah. that's awesome. Alright. so you gotta let me know if you guys can see my screen here in a second. what I'm gonna do is alright are you guys seeing my my screen. It's like the sand dunes and stuff. Hopefully y'all are seeing that seeing the sand the sand dunes and it's gonna come up. It's gonna take a second they're they're about 20 or 30 seconds to lay there. It is yeah, I got you. you're there. I got your screen perfect perfect and so rich let me know in a second if if you guys can see the thing that says tomorrow. Is episode one You should see that and it should say tomorrow is episode one. So hopefully you guys see that and like I was talking about. we have you know episode one of the your photography Mentor podcast going live tomorrow at noon Eastern time and we'll be giving away a free camera, two lenses, a flash and flash tomorrow. It's all part of the essential camera starter kit and that is tomorrow. So Super excited about that so lots and lots of crazy giveaways, but today the prizes are Rich. Can you see my screen? Are you good bud? Yeah. You're all good to go. Brother Fantastic. Okay, sweet alright. so the prizes are you know for this giveaway that you guys have all registered for that. So many of you guys are tuning in live and thank you all so much cuz y'all are amazing. the second place giveaway is gonna be a free year subscription to the photo mentorship, which is our amazing exclusive mentorship. Where you get access to all of our courses and get all of your questions answered and get access to live trainings presets all sorts of amazing stuff inside the photo mentorship. We're gonna be giving you a free year subscription to the photo mentorship which comes with unlimited access stuff and our Grand prize today is gonna be the Cannon R, which is like an $1800 camera. It's the camera that Rich loves the most, and in fact we should rich. Can you show them that camera real quick for me? we got. Canon RF It's amazing. What do you love about this? What do you love about this camera? Rich? This is a mirrorless full-frame camera by Cannon and I love I mean I've been shooting professionally for 12 years like full time like jumped in and this is the only camera I've ever owned where I nail focus every time. so it's just Super responsive. It's actually Super lightweight and it just rugged. It's fast to focus. the tracking is great. I'm tracking with you. It's it's probably the best camera Cannon's made in my opinion. I love it. We're just excited to see where Cannon's going with their stuff and Nikon's doing great with their mirrorless stuff too. So last time you gave away your camera couple of weeks ago. So when we decided a couple months ago, yeah, you were like let's give away richest camera this time. so we'll give away somebody else's camera next time. Yeah. No I well. Yeah I give away the five D Mark four last time and this time I was like Rich, you can pick which camera and he's like well. I love the Canon are and so hey how many of you guys saw our giveaway Our cheesy giveaway video that we made where we're doing like the selfie conversations and Rich was topless and nude a few times. you couldn't tell you. You're welcome, You're welcome ladies. that's awesome. I didn't. I didn't say ladies like whoever whoever you want to be thankful. Oh, I love it. I love it. that's amazing. Karine Swagger said. You gosh, I can't I'm trying to try to add it, she said. You've mastered the slide link So are the slide wink. So that's awesome. So we're giving away riches favorite camera this time and who knows what you guys can vote on which comic kinda camera and stuff that we that we give away next time. but I like that. Yeah, man. yeah. Can be awesome but what you guys don't know about or you don't even know what about what they are is. We're gonna do some extra giveaways as well cuz we just like to make it more fun since so many of you guys registered you know we have so many of you guys that have registered for this free free camera giveaway and free year of the photo mentorship that we wanted to give away some extra stuff as well because it's awesome. Mark Butler asked if that was Jackie's Ridge State Park Mark I love Jackie's Ridge State Park. It's only a few minutes from Rich's House, but that picture was like a stock image that came with Apple sorry, but we're gonna be giving. A free reflector the reflectors are awesome. That's what we used to bounce some light back in for portraits or potentially even block light and also has a diffusion panel. This is a five in one reflector kit and it's really amazing. It's what I use personally. I have like four or five of these for my assistance to hold and it's pretty awesome and you know I can just reflect all the time on how amazing it is. We're gonna be giving away this in just a minute we're also gonna give away a free hundred and 20 - eight gigabyte Sanders memory card we'll give it SD card, which is awesome that way you can shoot ton this fast card too, so you guys can shoot tons and tons of images. this is richest favorite flash. The young new flash. What do you love about this flash rich? It works every time and it's it's just ridiculous to me that Canon and Nikon and Sony can't they should be embarrassed by the NGO Flash. I have nine of them. Yeah true story. It works every time it's you know full. Flash that has a slave mode and it's just a great tough durable flash in a flash. I love it. It's a great flash. Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash flash. It's awesome and we're also gonna be giving away one of my favorite lenses for starting out the 50 millimeter one point eight Nifty 50 lens, and there's a version of this lens for a Canon camera icon of Sony and probably all the other camera brands as well. So whoever wins this will make sure and find out which camera you have so that we have a the lens that fits. For your camera, okay and now the first camera give hey, do you have do you have the the the winners in front of you? Rich? Don't read them all like yeah, but you can you get in the main winner is so the first giveaway first extra giveaway is the free reflector. We're just gonna get started off right away. You guys ready for that. you you actually let me get that from Betsy. you sent the defense. Oh, I think it's in the it's in our group chat, but I can. I can find it here in a second. if you don't have it. This is suspense is killing me. I know and I just I can just keep like letting and the winner is hold on a second. I got it. I got it okay, the winner. The winner of the Reflector is someone asked us to give away an eight hundred millimeter lens by the way. I'm like. Yeah. yeah, it's 1212 12 or 13 Grand or something like that for an eight hundred millimeter lets but they're free reflector goes to her name is Carrie. I don't see her last name, but we have your email cuz he registered for the giveaway. so it's CAR T I E. Sorry and I don't wanna read your email address out loud so that everyone knows it, but we have your email address and and we will Email you and make sure we get your address so we can send you the free reflector Okay so awesome Renee saying the suspense is killing me too. Alright alright so second place is a free year subscription to the photo mentorship, which is our amazing membership community and one of you guys is about to win this. Alright. We got a bunch more giveaways to that. We're gonna do extra in a minute but let me ask you guys a question. Have you all ever been jealous of other photographers? photos you've ever been jealous? I sure know that I have Rich. have you ever been jealous of other photographers? photos all the time. Yep. Yep me too. Maybe it was their landscape photos cuz you guys love landscape photography or you love sunsets or you love the long exposure images or their travel photos or double rainbows. Oh my gosh. It's so beautiful or images of solitude and peace and serenity or traveler vineyards or Italy or Switzerland. Maybe it was their portraits. Maybe they got a photograph, you know gorgeous golden hour images that you are just jealous of right. A lot of you guys are saying all the time I'm sure we've all been jealous, always jealous so maybe it's a family portraits. Maybe it's their wedding photos. Maybe it's their destination wedding photos. Maybe it's the photos they got featured in magazines. Maybe it's the celebrities that they've shot or the you know the the the industry leaders, or maybe it was just photos of their loved ones. Maybe they can't do a great job of capturing their own story. Okay, like this moment when my kids found out that it was a girl or when the little girl came along when she turned one whatever it is you know this if you guys have ever been jealous of other photographers right, this is exactly why I founded the photo mentorship why I'm bringing amazing photographers like Rich Coleman on board to help teach you guys because the photo mentorship is exactly what I wished I had had when I started my photography career. I wish that someone could have come beside me and told me what it is that I ended know. And got right to the heart of it, you know so that's why we made this photo mentorship where you can get unlimited access to all of our courses access to our experts. You can follow specific learning tracks. it's just truly an amazing community of photographers who are growing and learning together all while they get unlimited access to all of our courses, okay and they can just stream you know their courses and tutorials like whenever they want. so if they wanna learn about how to shoot and edit stunning waterfalls. Well, we show you step-by-step how to shoot compose how to edit how to Photoshop how to Lightroom all that stuff that you can get. Is this striking in this amazing by the way this was so much fun to create these images for you guys and create tutorials like this. I'm Super excited because in the photo mentorship our students get unlimited access to all of our courses, which means I have to go and travel to cool places like Norway and Iceland and Europe to go. you know, create more landscape photography tutorials so real real bummer there, but you get access to our landscape photography courses Our courses like from Brandon Chesbro who photographs wildlife all over the the country in the world. So we may have a course on Yellowstone. We have master camera course naturally pose your subjects. A pro you can even talk to so many courses shoot something natural like portraits Lightroom Classic one on 121 Photoshop studio lighting 10121. We have advanced compositing tutorials for doing really cool artwork inside of Photoshop. We have a ton of courses and we just are making more and more courses all the time. so one of you guys about to win a free year membership to get access to all of this stuff and by the way if you win this, you get unlimited questions answered by photography experts beyond just me. Coleman the guy with the beard there just to the left of me. you get him and you get married and get Brandon you get crystal and we answer you know unlimited questions from you guys from with professional photography experience. Alright. So the photo mentorship is is 90 - nine bucks a month alright, but one of you guys about to win a free year to the photo mentorship, Alright someone's asking about a course in the smoky mountains. that sounds great to me Patty. that sounds awesome. so it is giving giveaway time and one. Is going to win a free year to the photo mentorship and I am just so excited about this. alright. One of you guys is about to win a free year to the photo mentorship and it's just amazing because we have all of our stuff. Don Latour saying I love love love this mentorship for this membership. That's right. We love having you Don you're awesome but only one of you guys is gonna win this membership so have a question for all of you guys who are not gonna win right now. So I mean I wish I wish all you are gonna win, but only one of you is gonna. Free year to the membership. Alright, If all this photo mentorship did for you was teach you how to confidently shooting at your images like a pro. would it be worth it to you? If all this did was teach you how to create stunning portraits or landscapes, the portraits and landscapes that are so stunning so beautiful that you know that you see in your head, but you're just not quite achieving yet. Would it be worth it to you to pay 90 - $9 per month to get access to unlimited training and questions answered. Would it be worth it to you? A lot of you guys are saying yes, you're saying. Heck. yes, you guys are awesome. a lot of you guys are saying you've been part of the photo mentorship you're seeing. absolutely you guys are you guys are incredible Why I have really fantastic news for you guys because I know One of you guys was gonna win this, but the reality is is that all of you guys are a winner today. Alright every single one of you all who are here live on this Facebook Live announcement for the giveaway winner. All of you all are about to get access to the photo mentorship for free. Okay. You are all about to get free acts. I know it's awesome. I'm like I'm like I'm like trembling over here like shaking because I just love giving away stuff. It's so much fun and and there's love that this. you know the photo mentorship has the power to really transform you you know your photography and your confidence to be able to finally take those images. That you see in your head so today only this is a today only thing guys. Everyone of you guys are gonna get access to the photo mentorship for free. so you get access to all of these courses to get unlimited questions answered and all that stuff for free Ms give you guys a link to sign up for that in just a minute and get free access to it. but I haven't even told you about all the amazing bonuses that we have going on inside the photo mentorship that you also get for free. Yeah. it's alright you guys can like those you can give it hard so you can say whoo. That's awesome. You guys are amazing but we have how I. A shot episodes that come out each month where we show you behind the scenes and talk you through exactly how we get amazing images step by step So these are different in the course is because these are showing you in real time. How we achieve professional quality images you also get free presets. Alright as another bonus where you can in one, click transform your photos from block to amazing All you have to do is is add the presets to your light room catalog, which is Super quick and easy. We have two tutorials on how to do that, and in one, click you can transform your photo. From you know, dark or blah or whatever you know kind of low contrast to having that pop and look really beautiful, regardless of whether it's portraits or landscapes or you know, food photography or whatever. and today you guys are gonna get two free preset packs just for just for getting access to the photo mentorship and now these are yours to keep by the way so we can't take this back so you can you'll get two free preset packs of your choice. We have like 40 something packs. It's crazy in each pack is about 10 presets in them and. Get to keep them Alright. You're also gonna get exclusive access to our amazing private Facebook group where answers come from experts for all of your questions were rich and I are doing Facebook live trainings and along with Brandon and Crystal and Mary and where we do. you know these weekly Facebook lives. It's absolutely truly amazing. so you get unlimited access to all of our courses and all those different things and all of you guys are gonna get this for free. Alright all of you. Are gonna get a free seven day trial to the photo mentorship and I'm only making this trial today available for today. So all of you guys get access to a free seven day trial and instead of 90 - $9 a month. we're gonna let you guys get locked in at half off at 40 - $7 per month. Alright. so so all of you guys are gonna get access to the free trial. Now we need to put up a link and now this is a today only thing to be able to get access to the free trial. Alright, so we're gonna put up a link to the Dot com forward slash free rich or crystal or Betsy. One of you guys put up a link to that David Mueller dot com forward slash free and pin it to the to the comments so that way all of you guys can get access to that. you can download presets that are yours to keep you can access these courses and guys you can cancel this at any time. once you you know, sign up for your free trial now, I don't think you're gonna want to. I think you're gonna love it and wanna hopefully stick around for a long time. You guys are awesome, you're saying yeah, I can afford the 40 - seven and and remember you get it for free for seven days. so that's awesome and and that's amazing alright. so here's the thing 10 minutes now. This number is important. okay 10 minutes because here's the thing. I'm gonna let you guys have the whole day to decide whether or not you want the free trial or not okay, but I'm gonna do something special for members of the photo mentorship today. Okay. So regardless of whether you're not you're signing up for a free trial right now or you're already a photo mentorship member Okay. So you don't need to sign up for another free trial if you're already a Camera winner is already drawn alright, so I know the name of the camera winner. we actually have it written down. We we close registration for the giveaway a little while ago, so we've already picked out Okay. So this is a non factor. We already know that name. Alright. We already drew that but all the other prizes. Okay. So the free year subscription and the memory card and the lens and the flash all of those other prizes. We're gonna pick a winner for each of those prizes from someone that's in the photo Mentorship Okay. So if. Already an existing member, you don't need to sign up again but if you're not a member, you need to sign up for the free trial in order to be eligible to win one of those other prizes, Okay and in 10 minutes for an hour, a little less than 10 minutes from now, we're gonna announce who those winners are okay and a little less than 10 minutes from now. it's cuz all the other winners are gonna be drawn from members of the photo mentorship. Alright. so so whether you're starting a free trial or you've already an active member of the community, we'll be picking names from the other. you know the other free trials so. So we have a few minutes left on that and then we're gonna do all the the rest of the winners and we're gonna award of course the big Grand prize at the end as well. so it's gonna be it's gonna be awesome. so so yeah it's gonna be absolutely amazing. Rich. What do you? what do you know what something Super excited that exciting that you're excited about an April coming up? Coming I mean, like I feel like this is the revealing moment where we can't take it back. so I'm pretty excited. Yeah. that's awesome. That's awesome and in April David and I are gonna be going to Norway and filming a course and how I got the shot episodes for landscape photography in Norway. Yeah. So this is something that we've been talking about and trying to figure out logistically and when our wives will let us go and every to find finally the stars and the moons have aligned to where the boat said yes. Same time and we are gonna be. The past live going to Norway doing a podcast live doing Facebook live and just answering and shooting amazing pictures and just honestly we're going there to make content for you guys. So we're just like Super excited because we get really excited doing fun things and it's just gonna be an adventure that we get to take you guys on with us where we get to show you exactly how we get these pictures that should be on our computer background instead of the stock desert Picture. Yup. Yeah. No. I love it. I love it so we're gonna get to we're gonna be filming a brand new landscape course, hopefully a couple of them in Norway so a lot of you guys love landscape photography and so I'm excited because we get to film some more tutorials for landscape photography. We already have a landscape course we have landscape how I got the shot episodes from Yellowstone with Brandon Chesbro. We already have a waterfall course in very soon. We're gonna have the courses from Norway as as well. so Super excited about that. It's gonna be so much fun and all that stuff. Is hopefully that link is working for you guys keep in mind that link is David Mueller dot com. I'm gonna type it in real quick. I'm doing it in real time so spare motor dot com forward slash free. That is the link the the link. Alright. I'll post that hopefully hopefully you guys got that. so it's amazing. so make sure y'all get access to the free trial because we'll be picking winners of those. Prizes in just a second, these these extra prizes will be picking those in just a second from those of you guys who are in the photo mentorship. so regardless of whether you're getting a free trial today or you're already existing member if you sign up for the giveaway, we'll be we'll be picking winners from members of the photo mentorship for that and just about five minutes from now so awesome and we'll be giving away. We'll be announcing the Cannon USSR in just a few minutes. so it's Super exciting. Hey if you. Signed up Cammie said done that's awesome. if you just signed up then let us know in the comments that'd be awesome. Cami is saying she signed up and I know Aubrey saying she signed up so you guys are awesome. Let us know in the comments. If you guys just in the same pick me pick me pick me for the Canon USSR. That's that's awesome. so so that's awesome. A lot of you guys are saying you have all signed up. so that's fantastic. fantastic. Did you David Did you? To see the picture that our students took with the USSR, the Moto picture on the photo mentorship. Yes, it blew me away. That would tell me that was an awesome picture taken with the camera. We're giving away. I know so cool so cool. that's fantastic. so and then this week. I'm really excited because we are going on on Wednesday, we get to go live inside the group and talk about part three. We've been doing a live training on flash photography and it's called the flash photography. Camp alright and and we'll be doing our third installment. This is week three coming up correct. I think correct we get to talk about taking that flash off the camera. Yup. we'll be talking about some more advanced stuff with flash photography inside the group and there's a live trainings that we do on Wednesday. If you can't show up live inside the photo mentorship group no problem, we record it for you guys. so you can watch it at your own leisure, but the cool thing is we also do giveaways each week inside of that. Group as well and so we have you know Week three of flash coming up this week. We have week four coming up next week of the flash photography bootcamp and then in March, we're gonna be doing the family portrait boot camp as well. We'll be getting you guys up to speed on all sorts of family portraits and we're gonna bring in Brandon Chesbro another one of our amazing mentors to teach you guys family portraiture and we also have a brand new course on family portraits that's gonna come out as well in in. So we'll be doing live training on family portrait and we have a course that you can watch at your own leisure as well. So really excited. I'm excited about that. We've got a ton of stuff you know coming up here shortly so we got a couple more minutes for the giveaway. A lot of you guys are saying you're signing up. That's awesome. Sometimes it'll take a second for the sign up to work. I think there's a ton of you guys signing up for the for the things so it might the site might be running a little. At the moment, just cuz y'all are bombarding so that's awesome. what's that no? It's good. It's like it's like it's like everybody checking out at the same time. Yeah exactly in the Express Lane. Yup and Jackie Speier Ly asked a great question she asked if if those will be posted on the membership site, Yep, all of the courses and all of the Facebook lives. We archive them so that you guys can watch them at your leisure. So if you can't show up live it's fun if you show up live. Can answer your questions in real time and have a fun conversation and make sure we you know it make sure address anything that you have questions about right but we also keep those in the membership area so that when you log in you always will have access to those so Sandra is saying awesome. That's exciting. you guys are amazing. a remote is saying he's excited signing up. I love that Laura Sing amazing. The mentorship is honestly amazing so glad that I joined a while back you guys are awesome. Fantastic. Lena is think she signed up. In so it's awesome and Janice is saying that we should give away a trip to Norway. That's awesome. We should do that. Maybe we should maybe we need to do a workshop in Norway. What do you think Rich? Yeah or I said, you know I sent some of my favorite places I've ever shot. so I'm all I'm game for anything fun and of interest. Yeah, I haven't there's a water. There's a there's a waterfall every 10 feet nicely. It's the most ridiculous thing. That's awesome. That's awesome. fantastic. Diana I think she's already a member of the fundamental ship awesome. that's awesome and then me ask the question. Current members don't have to sign up again correct that is correct. Do not worry about signing up a second time. That means you're already registered for this and so we'll be picking the winners of this extra things with the lens and the memory card and the flash and just a minute and the free year to the photo mentorship. I'm still gonna give that away to one of you guys who signs up or is a member of the. Mentorship Ramona saying so excited so that's awesome. that's fantastic. hottest thing finally registered sorry if there's any slowness to the site today, there's a bunch of people trying to get a a thing at the same time. So I apologize about that Laura Sing workshop in Hawaii. You know what that sounds good to me. I've never been I've never been to Hawaii. I know you talked about it. love it. Yeah. We have to take our wives up my wife would literally kill me If I went to Hawaii without her done, it sounds good. Couples retreat Boom. Yeah. Amy was saying, giveaway workshop and trip to Norway. That's awesome. That's awesome and northern lights. I know I'm excited to check out the northern lights so that's awesome. Becky is saying you've been a member to and it's awesome. Thanks so much. Becky. you guys are awesome fantastic. Well, it is about time to do all the rest of the giveaways here so and I know that our team is is frantically trying to make sure that we all the stuff Christie is. She wants Yellowstone National Park Trip. It sounds like that's awesome fantastic. Saying please come to seven Springs in Pennsylvania for workshop. That's I grew. I literally learned to ski and snowboard at seven Springs in Pennsylvania. so that's awesome and I know Teresa was saying it's still processing so sorry about that. There's a bunch of you guys trying to get in the side at the same time just be patient. It should work so hopefully it's hopefully it is working and if for some reason it's not working right now at this moment. I do apologize but the free trial is gonna be available for you guys. for the rest of the day, it is gonna automatically close down tonight at midnight. I had that technology in place to where it will literally not let you sign. Midnight tonight to get a free trial and Renee is saying she's so excited to the membership to try the membership with landscapes. That's awesome. Ramon Thanks so much you guys are awesome. You guys are incredible. fantastic. Kansas is saying she wants to be an intern for noise. That's amazing and share listing wildlife workshop in Africa so fantastic alright. Well folks. you know what our 10 minutes is up. I'm so sorry. if there's any trouble trying to sign up, We had a bunch of you guys trying to hit hit the site at the same time you guys. Debbie saying the trips could be tax deductible. sounds good and fantastic so share last question. Give a workshop on learning your lens. Absolutely you can take the master your camera course. that's included inside the photo mentorship so you guys can all take the master camera course. Learn all about lenses inside there and yeah, it's absolutely amazing. It's absolutely amazing. Suzanne Collins saying she's gonna give us a tour of a wise. That's fantastic. Alright folks it is. Time Y'all ready For this it is this dashboard is beautiful since Megan Greene. Thank you. Megan appreciate that we worked hard so it is giveaway time. Alright. so what we're gonna do is I'm sorry. I'm trying to look at my things real quick. so we're gonna do the giveaways member for TTPM members TTPM stands for the. Mentorship Maria I I believe that Spanish Becky saying let's go promote and saying yes, so we're gonna do giveaways for TTPM members so regardless of whether or not you've been a longtime member of the photo mentorship. Thank you very much you guys are awesome. We love hanging out with you all each week inside the fundamental ship and making new trainings and tutorials for you. so regardless of whether you're a you know, legacy member or a longtime member or if you're a brand new member, you guys, the ones that are eligible. These giveaways and then, of course we you know, pick the giveaway Camera winner the camera giveaway winner earlier before we even started this so that was already picked and done and now we're gonna be awarding these extra giveaways now, alright alright. so the winner of the free hundred and 20 gigabyte memory card is rich. Do you have the winners names in front of you and the winner is I I sent them to you too the okay for them yet we gotta do drum roll cuz it's pretty fun that way. Alright you you wanna announce this one. The memory card winner. Yes. Okay. Please the winner is the winner is Angela Armstrong, Angela Armstrong. You are the winner so congratulate memory come yup. I'm gonna make sure I'm gonna make sure our faces come back up cuz that's fun to have our faces here. Alright sweet in that way I can we can see what's going on Richard Face is crazy. fantastic fantastic. Alright. so Indiana theory we got our faces up as well. Let's just face it. It's a good. It's a pretty face when you got you know when you get Rich Coleman in there, alright so the one over there. so pretty like I mean it's just hard. It's hard to be on the sheriff screen with you honestly, alright. So what was your name? Angela Armstrong won the yard. Angela Armstrong Okay. Next up. We got the flash alright and this is Richard's favorite flash. so I'm gonna let him award this winter as well. Alright flash in the flash. Let's let's do it. Let's let's do another drum roll. It's the bible behind me. Add that flat. Yeah. there's a box, but it's an empty box. Here's the flash and I still haven't put. This one okay, the young news flash. It's the young YPN 560 -, four speed light and the winner is drum roll. Please you got this one Rich yes and the I'm just kidding. it's time I'm Andrew. I was like wait. wait what is the winner of the whole team was like. Oh my God. The audio went out. Tom. you won the flash. Yup Flash and you also want it now just getting my shirt off Whoo. I just gotta do it. It's like every time I gotta do that joke. It's just kinda funny. Alright. so the young flash winner is Tom Andrew Andrew Andrew Plural or possessive. I don't know there's there's more than one of him. I'm just kidding. Alright and then the winner. So now this is the 50 millimeter lens the one point eight. so the winner of this lens will buy. we'll make sure and buy you a matching camera brand lens and send it to you. Okay. Excuse me. Yeah. that'd be an awful gift. Here's a lens. you can use have a great day. Here's a Canon lens for your Nikon camera. You know you're like. Thanks. I appreciate that so we'll make sure and check with you cuz we the winner. we have all the email addresses for these winners. Okay and the. I'm gonna announce this one since it's my favorite lens. Do you like did you ever have this lens rich You have the 50 I have well. I've had every 50 they can't it's made so yes. at some point I have two except for unless there was like an F one point. Oh, I never bought that one, but I have like that the one point two. the one point two. The one point 81 point four had over the years and the one point eight is just like the best. It's like the must deal well actually, yeah cuz we're gonna talk about some stuff tomorrow and I know I know but I'm gonna give this away. Alright. So the winner of I wonder I wonder what lens we're giving away tomorrow too. oh what's. It's just one of the two lenses will be giving one of these away in tomorrow, Great and the winner is Cathy Addis Cathy Cathy Adams. You're gonna add lands to your to your quiver. Did you get that you're gonna add this Lynch and I'm happy. I'm not sure ADDICKS Cathy Adams and we have your email as well. so congrats Cathy Bum Mona asked the question is it impossible to win when you're living in Europe? We're not this is an international giveaway, so there's no we're not like picking US people or anything so you know these are these names are just randomly drawn. Alright. Well we will pick to visit you in in England. Yes, where she's in England okay, sweet. So now we get to give away the second place prize. Alright. so the second place the second place prize to the photo mentorship and you're gonna get a free year to the photo mentorship. Alright. And you know so you know you're gonna get an entire free year. you'll get unlimited access to all my courses. all the rich courses. All Brandon scores Mary's course of the crystals courses. You're gonna of course, get access to all of them. Okay. You're gonna get unlimited photography questions answered for an entire year and you're getting all the bonuses Associated with the photo mentorship in any new courses that we come out with. Of course, you'll just get access to that cuz the photo mentorship members get the latest greatest newest even before it comes out anywhere. And, of course, it's all included inside the membership. all the courses all the tutorials and the second place winner for a free year whole free year of the photo mentorship is we have it. yeah I sent to you. I just can't say her last name. Yeah. Okay. Well you just you just gave it away that it was a girl. It's a woman. Okay. So sorry all the guys. We'll leave it right there just sign off. It's a girl. Yeah. It's a girl. And there is down right, Alright and the winner of the second, the second place winner. so for a free year of the photo mentorship is. Joy cynical cynical and I'm not I'm kinda cynical if I pronounced that right there you go. Ah huh. Joyce Senegal S E N E C A L Santa Cal so Joy I hope you I hope this is a joyous occasion for you. Sorry, dad jokes all day long. expect more on the podcast Joyce and you have won a free year of the photo mentorship Congrats Jordan but what she gets to see my face. I hope you're jumping for joy right now for joy jumping for joy for joy jumping for joy for joy. joyful. Let your joyous voice beaten there. Okay. Alright, Grand Prize Grand Prize Grand Prize Time The Grand Prize. I mean, so it's hard to say the photo mentorship is a is a banging prize. In my opinion. It's like Netflix that doesn't suck for photography tutorials. Yeah, you know what I mean like is that fair to say, yeah. it's kinda like you get on and it will suck like you'll get like stuck on a movie. That's bad right. It's like Netflix for. Great When I get to see hashtag, you're welcome hashtag Tacos Rich. We're trending. We are shrinking and we're trending. We're turning towards the top left side of things Berman Firm yeah, I mean the photo mentorship is awesome. You know arguably it's better than this camera because you know it's not only about the gear. It's about up here. It's about between your ears is about you know that those eight inches behind your camera and the photo mentorship can help you with confidence. It can help you with you know the skill levels and also just with. Inspiration Of course, getting your questions answered. so the photo mentorship arguably is better than just getting a new camera cuz the photo getting a camera. They're awesome. Yeah. it's it's awesome too. so we should probably get this camera wet. What do you think you're ready to do it? Our are you serious. The Cannon are you love it love it. This is Richard's favorite camera so Rich do you have the the name of the winner in front of you for this one since it's your first time to to to do the giveaway. I'm gonna I'm gonna allow you the the honor and the privilege of a. the final the final Grand Prize giveaway for today because we're giving away more cameras and stuff tomorrow live on our podcast, but today the final giveaway of the day for a free Canon USSR, which is richest favorite camera right. I'm holding it right now it's they can see you in the reflection of me. Yup favorite camera that is you know amazing it focusing on all sorts of things. The winner of that is you got this. You got the name you got it. I have it. okay the winner. Jerry Brag Jerry Brag Whoo. Congrats Jerry Bragg that is Jerry with a G G E R I G R I brag so I hope hopefully you can brag to your friends that sorry, I'm making buns and all your names. Hopefully I can brag to your friends that you have won a almost $2000 camera from New York to our podcast guys. brand new great review from BBC NHS. That's right. We'll be buying it from B and H, which is our favorite camera store will be shipping it straight to you. so we're not actually gonna give away rich. Physical copy of the camera right, we'll be I would cry. Yeah. Yeah. No. no. yeah exactly so Super excited. Thank you guys. So much for tuning in Y'all are incredible for all of you guys who just signed up for the photo mentorship today you guys are amazing. Go get access. go. Explore go. Take some courses. Go. Download those presets cuz they're yours to keep and and then we also have our live podcast episode tomorrow is episode one of the podcast and I'm so excited about that. We're gonna be recording it as a. TV show right here Same time same place but tomorrow at 11 AM so that your photography mentor Podcast Episode One is tomorrow at 11 AM Central Time or noon Eastern Time here tomorrow on the same place. you know on the same Facebook page and remember tomorrow, we're gonna be giving away a free camera. All you have to do is show up live. Okay. That's that's your registration is be on live. so one of you all who are on live on our free podcast. Episode We wanna kick it off with the bang. That's what we're gonna give away a camera. Alright but we're gonna be talking about the essential gear that every photographer needs. we'll be talking about that tomorrow on podcast episode one it's gonna be amazing. We're gonna give away a free camera, two lenses and a flash tomorrow live to one of you guys. We're on live on that podcast tomorrow. so I am just jazzed up rich. Are you jazzed? I'm pumped man. I love. I love a long form conversation where we can like just talk about. Frustrations fears I have like things that I get nervous about still, it's really fun to like just give out like real knowledge that is just me being real and you being real like I I love the the form of a podcast because it's it's long form and we can get to like the nitty gritty like not so pretty side of things like you are like Rich Coleman's best photographer in the world and he shot my pictures and I was like I was nervous as crap doing that. you know, I was like whatever shooting my pictures. Oh, yeah man I think I said. The first day I can you do it Tuesday. I was like no. I'm sick that day. You're like it's two weeks from now. Huh. So yes, I get to talk about all the insecurities that I have is a photographer and just help out our students, which is all I care about. I just want I want you guys to get. I want you guys to achieve your photography dreams a lot quicker than I did. I did it, but as like a bumbling 20 - one -year-old idiot. So if I can help you guys get to that photo, that's in your mind to on the Quicker That's all I wanna do. I want you to be able to be proud of your pictures every time even like in a tougher tricky situation cuz it's obtainable you just need to know right here. How to make this right here. Do what you want you need to show your camera. Who's the boss who's boss? That's what we're gonna do. We're gonna do that together and it's gonna be fun. It's gonna be it's gonna be a lot of fun. You know like selfishly like this. The podcast is gonna be a lot of fun cuz the other thing we get to do is we're gonna be bringing on. Photography heroes of ours to the show and and we're gonna be interviewing them and hearing their stories and and I wanna ask them like the hard questions of like how did you get started and what was the secrets for your you know early success cuz there's so many of our photographers that are following along that are part of our tribe. They need to know like how to get pass that fear and that initial like that that initial friction just to get started to be able to feel confident enough to go out and to start. For your images and even if you've already, you know if you're already, you know making some money on the weekends or whatever it is we want to help empower you and equip you to go full time if that's a desire or quit that full-time job that you hate or just be able to pursue your Dream of taking amazing photographers just for yourself whether you're on vacation. So the podcast really is is for those of you guys who have a Dream of taking better photos and you know. Dream a photography Dream. We're going to help you guys achieve your photography dreams. So thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart. I can't speak for rich but I think I think rich as well and we're excited to excited to see you guys tomorrow live on the podcast. we'll be giving away another camera, two lenses and flash and you guys are amazing to all of you guys you just sign up for the photo mentorship today you guys are awesome. We're gonna be doing a free live course free cuz it's all included but a live training exclusively for the photo mentorship members on Wednesday as. And just Super excited and we have a bunch of new content coming out on Friday cuz we have new content Fridays inside the fundamental ship and and we have a new episode of the Yellowstone Wildlife Course dropping on Friday, as well as some other secrets that I'm you know that I don't wanna reveal right here until photo mentorship students alone. So you guys are awesome all done. Thanks so much she loves us. Janetta Saint Daniel. you guys are awesome. Tony and Donna's think she'd love to stay in business. That's awesome. Oh, Michelle said. It's easy to do if I can do it. I promise you you can do it. Oh that's awesome. Michelle If I could if I could have paid somebody 40 - $7 a month to teach me anything like helpful in business. I mean, like me not knowing what I was doing, I I would be charging 200 bucks an hour and I shouldn't have been charging people. so like just the return on investment, attentional S just amazing. Oh, yeah That's just the presets alone like oh my gosh, I did it like as soon as I can learn, I can edit like a lot of people say precepts are like cheating. No every shoot. I do I use presets because it gives my pictures like a flare and a style for that shoes. So the the one -click presets are just such an easy way to like feel Super confident in your editing and then you can take a lightroom course within the mentorship and learn how to kill it. This is Jerry right here. Sorry. It's like Jerry just comment with my heart. This is the This is the Grand prize winner right here. Jerry Your newborn stuff looked amazing. I look I stopped you for a minute so Jerry Congrats on the camera. You are awesome and I'm excited to mail you this camera today. Yeah. When I say I I mean Betsy. Exactly so congrats Cherry this is the Jerry Bragg who can be friends now that she won the camera so congrats again. Jerry you guys are awesome. that's awesome. Linda your your sweetheart. That's awesome. You guys are amazing. fantastic. Becky's thing she's presets in our London photos. They turn it awesome. Yeah you guys all you guys who got access to the fundamental ship today. You got two credits to trade in your credits for free preset packs Super easy. You can download the preset packs and we have you know tutorials on how to install them inside of Lightroom and in one, click you can edit. Preset your photos with presets and and get that consistency. So I'm excited you guys can go. Download this preset so yours to keep I love you guys have a fantastic day Rich. I love you guys. Yeah. Well. it's past lunch time here for me. So thanks. Oh yeah. I'm sorry. Sorry guys. you're like you're like starving. for me. it's almost noon. so alright love you guys have a fantastic day. We will chat with you soon tomorrow tomorrow. 11 AM tomorrow Central time tomorrow 11 AM noon Eastern time. Time Yeah. it's gonna be awesome. Toodles.
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