Creative Curriculum Studies

336 Pins
9 Sections
Bread Category Sorting Activity for Preschool, Pre-K, & Kindergarten
These bread themed manipulatives are a great resource to expand vocabulary and sort based on given categories. Students will love this engaging activity by sorting these picture cards by type of bread or not a type of bread. Through sorting, students are able to learn and compare the properties of bread. Ways to use in your classroom:Center ActivityMorning Meeting ActivityCircle Time ActivityTable Time/Small GroupI recommend laminating or printing the building manipulatives on cardstock for extended use. Use the category headings cut and pasted on cardstock or on chart paper. Have fun!DOWNLOAD THE PREVIEW FILE TO SEE THE ACTIVITY IN DETAIL.This product is a PDF file and includes color printable pages.Key words: fall, autumn, morning work, early finishers, worksheets, activities, leaf, leav
Moldy Bread Experiment - What Makes Mold Grow?
Want to explore what makes mold grow with your curious preschool kids? Do the Moldy Bread Experiment at home with this step-by-step tutorial. This fun and educational moldy bread experiment will show you what factors influence mold growth and how to prevent it. It’s a perfect project for science fairs! #preschoolmoldybreadexperiment #moldybreadexperimentforkids
Preschool: Community - Mrs. Plemons' Kindergarten
Buildings Study Question of the Day Cards | Creative Curriculum | EZ Write Font
Use these question of the day cards on a pocket chart when you teach Creative Curriculum's Buildings Study.