Nature Group studies & adventures

52 Pins
8 Sections
27 Leaves Every Camper Should Know How to Identify
Whether you're a curious hiker or nervous camper, leaf identification is a useful skill to have. Learn how to identify different types of non-poisonous and poisonous leaves, like poison sumac, sugar maple, poison oak, gingko, and poison ivy. 27 Leaves Every Camper Should Know How to Identify | Red Rover Camping
Herbstdeko selber machen - 15 DIY Bastelideen für die dritte Jahreszeit
Herbstdeko selber machen - 15 DIY Bastelideen - Tierchen aus Blättern
Fun and easy leaf people craft
This leaf art project can be used along with a lesson about leaves. This craft great for kids in preschool, kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade.
Tree Identification Scavenger Hunt Game for Kids
Super fun tree identification project for kids! Includes free printable tree tags & leaf/seed identification sheets too!