1- WARNING! THIS WILL ERASE YOUR DISK >>> (sdb, 2TB) fdisk /dev/sdb first, you need to delete. press d. then, press n, select primary (press p), select space number (select 1), enter, +1.9T enter. press w 2- mkfs --type ext4 /dev/sdb1 if you get any error at this stage, you need to control file system file -s /dev/sdb1 if there is a filesystem for sdb1, you have to delete it. after deleting it, run the mkfs command wipefs -a /dev/sdb1 3- mkdir /media/2TB1 4-a (temp way, you will have to do this after your new logins) mount /dev/sdb1 /media/2TB1 5-b (perm way. do just once) sudo nano /etc/fstab add this line to the file, then press ctrl+O and ctrl+x /dev/sdb1 /media/2TB1 ext4 defaults 0 0 type mount -a now, you can use your 2TB disk in ubuntu. if your aim is not formatting your disk, please let me know. we may road another way for you.