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Making video Using Still Images [duplicate]

I am using avconv to convert images into video, but i am facing some issue in it that is. I have thousands of images in a directory and named as video_clip_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_09_0_102.jpeg and images did ...
Atul Sharma's user avatar
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1 answer

Error opening file using avconv conversion from mp4 to mov

I'm trying to convert an .mp4 file to .mov file. The command is as below. avconv -i test1.mp4 .mov file is created but there is an error opening the file. Below is the error. "Stream ...
KiranD's user avatar
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8 votes
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How can I convert my mp4 files to avi using avconv?

I need to convert some mp4 files to another format (I chose avi: there may be a better one, suggestions welcome). I tried using ffmpeg but got the deprecated message so I am using avconv, but again ...
microbug's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Converting images into video

I found a method on internet to use avconv to make a video from images, but the quality is very poor. I set the resolution but it didn't help. avconv -i "franc%04d.jpg" -r 30 -s:v 1280x720 a.mkv How ...
L.V.A's user avatar
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5 answers

How to change the framerate of a video without reencoding

I'm trying to change the framerate of an MP4 video (it's a 120fps GoPro video, I want to play it back at 30fps for a slow-motion effect). I'm using avconv for this: avconv -i SourceMovie.mp4 -vf ...
EboMike's user avatar
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