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How to connect php-fpm with nginx?

I have a server that uses Nginx and PHP-FPM (PHP v7.4). It was working well and I executed the following command for some reasons: apt-get --purge remove php-common After that, I executed this: apt-...
Martin AJ's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Installing nginx-module-brotli on Ubuntu Errors

I have been trying to set up Brotli compression on Nginx, but am failing at the package installation step. In particular, when I run sudo apt install nginx-module-brotli, I get this The following ...
MadPhysicist's user avatar
0 votes
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Published .Net Core website not working with Systemd

I'm deploying a ASP .Net core app to my webserver. When I run the systemd service it binds to port 5000 and I get a nginx 502 error. When I run the service manually using "dotnet Activecalls.dll&...
Traceout's user avatar
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High Time to First Byte (TTFB) on file load

It takes about 3 seconds for my application (.NET Core) to load a 5 MB pdf file from the server in the local network. More than 2 seconds (78%) is the Time to First Byte (TTFB). Is this normal ...
Leeloo's user avatar
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Error on NGINX 1.18 after installing on Ubuntu 20.04

I've built a docker image by installing NGINX 1.18 on Ubuntu 20.04 base os. While running, we see this error message : nginx: [emerg] open() "/etc/nginx/modules-enabled/50-mod-http-image-filter....
Dev MK's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Nginx won't start after upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04

I have just upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04 and nginx is not starting. One of the lines from journalctl -xe is: nginx.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /usr/sbin/nginx: No such file or directory ......
Purvez's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I remove 'read' access over user home folders and all website folders under /var/www without breaking anything big?

If the permissions for all the webroot folders (under /var/www) is 754, can I make it to 750 without breaking my websites or any other thing? In other words, with background detail: I've 4-5 wordpress ...
Bathinda Helper's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I give access to a single wordpress folder to some 3rd person in Ubuntu?

The owner and group of 'www/website1' is root:www-data and I can tinker with its contents or configuration as root or sudo user. But now, I want to create another website named website2 (under 'www' ...
Bathinda Helper's user avatar
2 votes
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problem with config working in nginx 1.4/trusty and don't work in nginx 1.14/bionic

I have installed an application "load balancer", on a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server with nginx 1.4 (the version handled in this Ubuntu release). Now we are in the process of emergency update of ...
Yonsy Solis's user avatar
1 vote
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Giving owner permissions to www-data: is it a security risk?

I have a small website running on a VPS. I'm using Nginx as a web server (a simple LEMP configuration). But now i have a problem: i have a small php script that needs to be able to write a log every ...
emma's user avatar
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react-router not working with nginx and pm2 on ubuntu 18.04

I have build an app using react and deployed it on ubuntu using pm2 and nginx. I am using react-router for routing. This is how my project file configuration looks like i created a symbolic link to ...
Abdulmoiz Ahmer's user avatar
6 votes
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How to upgrade to latest stable nginx on Ubuntu 18

I have a linode server with virtualmin that hosts several of my domains. I am trying to find a guide on how to upgrade to latest stable nginx on Ubuntu 18 but the only article i found in medium said ...
Panos Zamanis's user avatar
2 votes
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Nginx server won't start on an Ubuntu machine on Digital Ocean

so i am new to this i am trying to host a website on Digital Ocean the website worked fine before they suspended it due to overdue payment and once that solved i couldn't configure it. i tried ...
Surafel's user avatar
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Crontab doens't have effects

I'm running the following command using crontab on Ubuntu 18.04. I can see inside /var/log/syslog that the command is performed, but it has not effect. The command is performed but it has not effect: ...
Clarencio's user avatar
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2 answers

PHP 7.2-FPM error

Honestly this is so frustrating . I don't know what am i doing wrong. I want to set up a virtual host/service block. When I browse, it should show me This is a test page www.example....
desh's user avatar
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nginx fails while the website somehow still works

Description I have built my Django3, gunicorn, nginx, Ubuntu 18.04, Digital Ocean project based on this guide. I only had 1 problem that it does not shows the CSS and all other static files like ...
sogu's user avatar
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Granting more rights to www-data

I've got a .NET Core 3.1 application running on my Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS box. Right now, it runs with the account www-data. Although this may be a group too, not sure. I understand this is a "...
Francis Ducharme's user avatar
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I got 502 Bad Gateway (nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)) after updating server from 16.04 to 18.04.4 LTS

Firstly, I ran nginx -t and it did not give me any error. I then tried to check error.log file I ran this command tail -30 /var/log/nginx/error.log, and after reading the error I discovered a wrong ...
yehia tarek's user avatar
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Site unreachable + URL check: timeout

During installation of a software in the PC I got problems with grub system in Ubuntu 18.04.4 Desktop, which I resolved copying, from an installation iso image, the /bin/bash folder: Missing operating ...
user2315094's user avatar
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nginx: Why is previous stable version showing after installing from sources?

I'm working to install nginx version 1.17.7 from sources. I am using a vanilla instance running Ubuntu 18.04 that does not have nginx installed. Why do I see version 1.14.0 installed? I would expect ...
Gregg's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy only accessible from one device

Following this guide, I've set up Nginx reverse proxy for transmission, but for some reason it's only accessible through my laptop. On my laptop (Windows 10), I can access it with Chrome or Firefox, ...
Anonymous Mouse's user avatar
0 votes
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PHP curl module not recognised

I am installing On a virgin Ubuntu 18.04 server. I am going by this guide Nginx, php 7.3 (Maria DB). It all went well, the installation script ...
Monkeybus's user avatar
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4 votes
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Failed to create symbolic link: File exist

This is sort of recurring question in here, but I read all the answers I could found and it did not made it clearer to me what should I do, please help me since I am completely new to Ubuntu and VPS ...
Gexas's user avatar
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How can I change the owner of VirtualBox shared folders on Ubuntu 18.04 guest VM?

I am using a VM with Ubuntu 18.04 with GUI, and I am working on a Wordpress project with Nginx. I installed VBox guest additions, but I cannot change the owner of the shared folder, which I have set ...
AviG's user avatar
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Tpmfs /run 100% used

I have a VPS with Nginx for a wordpress blog and I have a problem I don't know for what reason. Whenever tmpfs 99M 20M 79M 21% / run gets 100% of used my database drops and I need to reboot the ...
Bruno Andrade's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to really install PHP with NGINX?

After all basic steps of apt install NGINX and PHP on my local (not a server) fresh UBUNTU 18 LTS, localhost is good but basic phpinfo.php script not works: "502 Bad Gateway" I need all simple and ...
Peter Krauss's user avatar
2 votes
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Will Ubuntu 18.04 get an nginx version compiled with OpenSSL 1.1.1?

I run multiple servers with Ubuntu 18.04 and nginx. Updating to 18.10/19.04 is not an option. I'd like to activate TLS 1.3 support for my webserver. I know I need an nginx version built with OpenSSL ...
cis's user avatar
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nginx dont start after clean install

I have just bought a new droplet from digitalocean, and i installed nginx with sudo apt install nginx tried to see if it ran, and it gave me following error: root@school:~# systemctl status nginx....
Jonas Grønbek's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is the difference for installing Nginx with the official repository and Ubuntu repository?

I need to install Nginx on my server. I see that it is possible to install it with : sudo apt install nginx or with : sudo apt-add-repository ppa:hda-me/nginx-stable sudo apt update sudo apt ...
tropcool's user avatar
2 votes
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How to unmount RAM partition from tmpfs?

Some months ago I had installed FastCGI on ubuntu 18.04 nginx server. After that, I served FastCGI cache from RAM. For that, I mount the Ram partition using tmpfs. # first - I used this command: $ ...
5 votes
1 answer

Failed to upgrade certbot on Ubuntu Bionic

I have installed previously Certbot on Ubuntu, but I believe the package wasn't yet available for this distribution yet, so I believe I installed it from a pre-built package (maybe, I'm really not ...
Lippai Zoltan's user avatar
0 votes
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Webhook server: readv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer)

I installed the webhook server by adnanh/webhook and configured it the proper way I think - Github gives me a 200 response, the webhook-url is accessible and another execution is already working. I ...
user avatar
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2 answers

Error installing NGINX package on ubuntu 18.04

I am new to Ubuntu. I need to enable brotli compression on nginx server. I am trying to install NGINX with BROTLI from the below link.
sachin makwana's user avatar
2 votes
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Failing to Start gunicorn.service using systemd

gunicorn.socket [Unit] Description=gunicorn socket [Socket] ListenStream=/run/gunicorn.sock [Install] gunicorn.service [Unit] Description=gunicorn daemon ...
Srinivas Nani's user avatar
3 votes
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Configuring zz_overrides.ini in Apache versus in Nginx

If you work with Nginx and you want to override your PHP settings from an external file that won't get deleted or changed in updates, you can create a /etc/php/*/fpm/zz_overrides.ini and put your PHP ...
user avatar
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Cannot telnet port 80 remotely, nginx

MY problem is: I can telnet to port 80 locally, but not from another computer. The following is what I did: Disable firewall. $ufw disable Execute the following command: $netstat -tlpn |grep ...
Yong's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

How Can I stop Apache2 on Ubuntu 18.04?

I Can't stop apache2. I want to use nginx, therefore,I want to remove/stop apache2 but I can't. I've tried all the methods on this Link , but when I refresh i still see the apache2 ...
Kiana's user avatar
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How to install PHP-FPM on Clean Install of Ubuntu 18.04 Server

I am trying to install a LEMP stack on a clean install of Ubuntu Server 18.04. I was able to get through installing everything except php-fpm. It does not appear to be in the package repository even ...
Don R.'s user avatar
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Unable to access Docker NGINX on 18.04 LTS

I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. > docker-version Docker version 18.06.0-ce, build 0ffa825 I run: > docker run --name my-nginx-1 -P -d nginx > docker port my-nginx-1 80/tcp ->
James Fremen's user avatar
4 votes
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UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xfc in position 17: invalid start byte

I want to install Nginx together with Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 18.04 and already installed this package: software-properties-common When I try to use the command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/...
Roland Frühauf's user avatar
2 votes
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How to configure docker registry with nginx

I configure a private docker registry server to store images. I am Ubuntu 18.04. I have a problem in the interaction between the nginx container and the registry container. Very slow speed when ...
vstas78's user avatar
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Apache and Nginx Crashing, Port 80 Being Used, Can't Get Either to Start/Stop/Uninstall

I've been trying to set up a dev environment on a new Ubuntu 18.04 installation, and I'm running into an issue with Nginx and Apache. First, I installed Apache2. Everything seemed in order. Then I ...
qotsa42's user avatar
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I got an error message when I execute the command 'sudo nginx -t '

I got an error message when I execute the command as root: nginx -t Error: nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (13: Permission denied); And There is nothing happend when I execute the ...
pikadun's user avatar
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http://domain/phpmyadmin login page not loading - error 403 forbidden

http://domain/phpmyadmin login page not loading - error 403 forbidden Setup Default Ubuntu 18.04 server added nginx & php using apt-get Installed the latest version of phpmyadmin manually to ...
johnc's user avatar
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How do I create a YAML file in order to set a static IP for my /etc/netplan directory? Server 18.04 LTS [duplicate]

I currently do not have any YAML files in my /etc/netplan directory than I can edit in order to set a static IP for my Ubuntu 18 server. I have tried: sudo netplan generate It returns no errors but ...
Queedium's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Nginx RTMP module on Ubuntu 18.04

Installing Nginx on Ubuntu 18.04 was easy peasy, adding the RTMP module has resulted in less success for me. Preferably up-to-date version. I have been using the Nginx RTMP on Previous Ubuntu versions ...
Wogel's user avatar
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