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Slow email receiver in postfix configured on Ubuntu

We are sending emails to destinations and the email traffic is high but recipient server is not accepting all emails due to their security rules and source emails can't be restricted. How to deal or ...
Rahul's user avatar
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Someone used my postfix to send mails

I just received mail from my server provider that my server is sending mails..i don't know about these mails and i never used smtp of that server before..can anyone guide me how this is possible?...
Minner's user avatar
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Postfix Outgoing Email Authentication

I have a VPS that I'm using as a webserver and an email server. I have an issue with postfix. It's not asking for a password on outgoing email from an unauthorized domain. This is a telnet call from ...
turboweb's user avatar
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2 answers

Postfix Mail Server. Someone is sending Mails from my server

I am receiving Mails from my own mail server, from a user that belongs to my domain, but is not listed in my mail user db. Here are the logs: 4679 Mar 28 15:54:13 Bumblebee postfix/smtpd[29350]: ...
Mexyn's user avatar
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How To Install Djigzo on Ubuntu?

Can any one provide step by step configuration to install Djigzo? Djigzo Website.
Qasim's user avatar
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unattended-upgrades sends attachment instead of text

I'm trying to setup automatic security updates on Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS with an email response: sudo apt-get install unattended-upgrades sudo dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades # Answered Yes ...
chrisan's user avatar
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fail2ban is not sending mail when it bans an ip!

I have configured fail2ban to send me a mail when it bans an IP, but it is not working. I get a message when the jails start and stop but nothing else . I am using ssmtp to send mail via Google Mail. ...
isoman's user avatar
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How can I set up an authenticated encrypted SMTP server? [closed]

I'd like to set up authenticated, encrypted SMTP on my remote Ubuntu server, how do I do that? It's just a personal server, so I'd like a cheap option, i.e. not buying SSL certs - self-signed will ...
x3ja's user avatar
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