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Mail command line

I am using a application called Mail but i can't send to my own email-adresses? But i can't send any emails what is wrong? mail -s "Test Email" [email protected] Cc: Testing jonathan@jonathan-...
Jonte YH's user avatar
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How do you output the contents of an .eml file [ Not including all of its metadata ] to the commandline in plaintext? [duplicate]

I can do this: cat foobar.eml Delivered-To: [email protected] Received: by 2002:a4a:6c09:0:0:0:0:0 with SMTP id q9-v6csp1498994ooc; Thu, 23 Aug 2018 10:00:37 -0700 (PDT) X-Google-Smtp-...
Anon's user avatar
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Is there a way to view the message-id (msgid) when receiving email using the Linux mail command?

0 I have a program that extracts email from the command line using the mail command as follows: The Message-ID/msgid is not part of the resulting email Is there a way to keep the message-id when ...
Jared's user avatar
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11 votes
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Using CLI "mail" command

I feel a little silly asking this question... as the answer may be quite simple... but searching here on AU, or on Google, or man mail, hasn't given me the answer. If I start mail, I see this: "/...
heynnema's user avatar
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On Ubuntu server, how can I receive "new mail" notifications on the terminal while logged in?

I connect to my Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS server via SSH, and the "You have new mail" notification works properly when logging in, however, if I receive mail while already logged in, I don't get ...
Displayname71's user avatar
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Mail in Command Line Interface

How can I know if my mail is delivered when I used Command line to send it? I used the MailUtile package.
Wishwell's user avatar
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Neither mail, nor mutt sends emails with file attaches

My web provider recently changed from Ubuntu 14.04 to 18.04. This broke an automated script I use to send emails with no body, but with an attach. I shortened the code below to simplfy. This used to ...
geohei's user avatar
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Postfix to send email using gmail address

I'm using postfix and mail from mailutils to send email using my gmail address through command line in Ubuntu. It works fine when I provide both from and to address like below: mail -s "Some random ...
Harsha's user avatar
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mail utility wont send to my cellphone?

Im writing a script, and I want it to alert me via text message. I can send my self texts via things like gmail using: "[email protected]", and I can send emails to gmail using the mail command, but ...
j0h's user avatar
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Script to create a log file and send an email

#!/bin/bash who>log.txt top>>log.txt EMAIL="[email protected]" LOG="/home/projekt/skrypt/log.txt" mail -s "skrypt_logi" ${EMAIL}<${LOG} rm logi.txt I installed package for using ...
Frubergos's user avatar
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how to get a return recipt from mailutils?

In gmail, and other mail clients, it is possible to tell if an email has been opened using something called a return receipt. (If there is another term please, do tell). Is there any such ...
j0h's user avatar
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How to configure mail /etc file?

I have a Ubuntu 16.10 VM that I'm trying to configure to send mail from the shell with my gmail address via crontab. Which /etc file do I need to amend and what options do I need to set?
NSH's user avatar
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Postfix SMTP mail server External smtp relay

How can I configure postfix smtp? External smtp relay Smtp authentication Email send rate limit Schedule emails
Technical Support's user avatar
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Redirect STDOUT of cronjobs

I have an Ubuntu 14.04 virtual private server. There are a few cronjobs defined: 00 03 * * * cd /root && ./ 00 04 * * * sudo -u www-data php /var/www/dir/htdocs/bin/indexer.php ...
Master Azazel's user avatar
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Hot to get the message ID when sending email via command line?

I am trying to send a mail via simple mail command on the command line using this piece of code: $ echo "foo" | mail -s "Hello World" -t "[email protected]" That’s working fine. My question is ...
Jay's user avatar
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4 answers

how to send content using postfix?

I need to be able to send the content of two files via email at the same time. I can now send it as two separate emails. I was able to send the content of one file via one mail message like this: ...
Vitalik Jimbei's user avatar
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help with email commands [duplicate]

I want to send emails from my Ubuntu PC to other PCs on internet. I also have an account on,there are some commands like ssmtp or mail or mutt but they don't work for me. Perhaps I should ...
teobass's user avatar
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How do I download mail folders from command line?

I want to download my mails (batch download) which are located in a "sample" folder on my yahoo mail to local folder on my harddisk. Is there a command-line client which allows me to download mails ...
moontoise's user avatar
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MAIL FROM command missing

I am trying to send mail from Evolution and get this message: MAIL FROM command failed: No identity changes permitted. lc1sm14589093qeb.5 - gsmtp Any clues what is wrong?
Teresa's user avatar
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19 votes
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How can I configure alpine to read my gmail in Ubuntu?

I would like to use a terminal based mail client for my e-mail activities. I've been suggested to use alpine for it. But how do I configure it in Ubuntu to read my gmail mails?
harisibrahimkv's user avatar
4 votes
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Access Exchange 2003 mailbox from Terminal

How do I check an Exchange mailbox for new mail from the command line? I'm at a complete loss here.
SirCharlo's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why am I not able to send an email from command line

This is what I did (as per a few discussions on this website) mail -s "hi" [email protected] < test.txt Where text.txt has the message. I checked to see if mail did exist and it does at /usr/...
dearN's user avatar
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A simple email autoresponder

I have a POP3 email account, that I do not use anymore. It is on a server out of my control. Several of my contacts keep on sending email to that address, though I told them. So I decided to set an ...
enzotib's user avatar
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