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How to handle unused loop partition after removing snap/snapd?

While working on an Ubuntu Server for personal use, I removed what would not be necessary for my usage. It is snapd & snap that I would like to properly clean. I removed snap and snapd using the ...
S.PUYGRENIER's user avatar
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Changing the format of files in linux

I have a bunch of files with .vcf suffixes, comma separated and containing " like below "","CHROM","POS","ID","REF","ALT","QUAL","FILTER","INFO","FORMAT","NORMAL","TUMOR","Depth","...
Zizogolu's user avatar
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Why is "loop14" not listed in lsblk?

Upon listing the blocks using lsblk, I found 14 look blocks listed, from loop 0 to loop 13. me@alpha:~$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT loop0 7:0 0 87.9M 1 loop /snap/core/...
Alice's user avatar
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For loop not working

I'm creating a bash script that among other things, checks a list against another list. Basicly, I created this for loop to check the file "data.txt" for every item in "names.txt" And all matches ...
Tech_Person's user avatar