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3 answers

Allocation Unit Size for New Drive

I'm going to be loading my new 3TB drive with large files on Windows, and then hooking it up to my Linux server. This is the first time I've done this. I've been told that both Windows and Linux ...
oldboy's user avatar
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Using brand new hard drive to store and transfer files

I just received a brand new hard drive that I had ordered the other day. It's a SATA internal drive. The model ID is ST3000DM008. My plan is to load it up with large files on Windows, and then hook ...
oldboy's user avatar
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WD Passport external device not recognized

I am getting following error when I connect my external HDD. Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 13: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). The file system wasn't safely closed on ...
Rahul Agrawal's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How do I install Ubuntu 14.04 without losing data on a Windows 7 PC (physically)?

I have this windows PC, and I want to install this Ubuntu physically without VMware. Last time I installed this, I lost up-to 160GB, and it was all of my hard drive. I have 4 drives C:, D:, F: and E:. ...
Ne Win Thowai's user avatar
1 vote
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Change Ubuntu to Windows

I am using Ubuntu 13.04. And now I want to use Windows as Ubuntu have lots of fail and my laptop is all time is overheated. I mean by overheated that you can't touch fan postion because it's so hot. ...
Omar Semary's user avatar
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How can I uninstall Ubuntu in order to install Windows 7? [duplicate]

I can't work out how to do it. When I try to use my Windows installation disk, it won't even show a setup menu. I installed Ubuntu via a USB stick, and it is the only OS on my hard drive.
Chemical's user avatar