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2 answers

Do Ext4 file systems not automatically mount?

I'm trying to use 24.10 Oracular Orial and I have an external USB hard drive which I have tried partitioning as MBR, and I also later tried as GPT. Both cases, I created just 1 partition with fdisk. ...
Christopher Gilland's user avatar
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USB drives are not seen anymore after Format error

Something very weird and dangerous happened today on my Ubuntu 24.04 laptop. First I used normally all my USB drives, including creating startup disks on one USB stick. Then I inserted an almost new ...
Daniele Dellafiore's user avatar
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Just reformatted the flash drive i used to install linux to zeroes, but how do I get it to work on windows as a normal flash drive now?

Basically, I orginically downloaded the linux installer onto a 32G flashdrive, which I used to put linux on my computer. I now need to use it to store some files from my windows computer, but when I ...
CoinZwischenzug's user avatar
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Usb drive has showed a lot of partition in lsblk, but none partition really exist

I'm was trying to delete all partition in a usb drive(a sd card with 64Gb storge), and by lsblk it showed that there is 12 partition and pretty much correct total disk size(59.5/64) NAME MAJ:...
james's user avatar
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Formatting a USB flash drive

I have a simple question, but still need some advice before I continue, since I already ruined one USB flash drive once. I am running a Ubuntu 20.04 system and have a USB flash drive of 128 GB. I want ...
Ubuntu_fan's user avatar
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recovery of USB drive after accidental formats of its entire block

Yes, I was dumb enough to not check that I formatted the whole block as fat32, then NTFS and multiple attempts to rejuvenate it using dd-ing a blank disk image file. On inspection of size using ...
crazo7924's user avatar
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Was formatting my flash drive then I closed the process, now my flash drive isn’t showing up, what do I do?

I was formatting my flash drive then I mistakenly closed it while still formatting, now my flash drive won’t show up anymore, what do I do?
Drey's user avatar
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What should I do ? After, Removing my drive in between formating.Can you please suggest me a website [closed]

How do I format it to make it like a regular pendrive.? I was recently trying to boot the Chrome OS Flex in my pendrive in my Ubuntu 22.04 LTS system, using google guide from this website. Google ...
Feystray's user avatar
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How to format usb device

I have a usb stick that doesn't show up in Dolphin, my filemanager. If I type lsusb in the terminal it shows up. Bus 001 Device 010: ID 090c:1000 Silicon Motion, Inc. - Taiwan (formerly Feiya ...
Joepie Es's user avatar
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How to format write protected sd card in ubuntu

I have a sd card with 16GB I try to format it using windows 10 it says this device is write protected when I try with Ubuntu like that mkdosfs -F 32 -v /dev/sdh1 it says following lines. mkfs.fat 4.1 (...
Dragon Hunter's user avatar
0 votes
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Formatting pen drive

I am unable to format my pen drive. The error being displayed is: Error formatting volume Error creating file system: Command-line `mkntfs -f -F -L 'Uni''/dev/sdd" exited with non-zero exit ...
Ananth T's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

What is the best way to format a USB stick such that it can be used with both Linux and Windows?

What is the best way to format a USB stick such that it can be used with both Linux and Windows 10? Also what is the best practice for formatting a USB stick? Is it best to format the USB stick only ...
Reme's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to format a SD card easily in KDE?

First I want to clarify that I know how to format an SD card with programs like KDE Partition Manager or GParted. What I am really looking for is an easy way to do that, such as right-clicking in ...
Thomas's user avatar
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85 votes
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How to format a USB drive? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to format a USB flash drive? How do I clear everything (data, viruses) from a thumbdrive? How to format a pen drive in Ubuntu? I have this pen drive which I made ...
Vipin Verma's user avatar
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7 answers

How do I clear everything (data, viruses) from a thumbdrive?

Say I used some thumbdrive on a public Windows computer and I copy some data to my Ubuntu computer with it. I cannot be completely sure that the Windows computer was clean, and it might have put ...
Martin Ueding's user avatar
356 votes
13 answers

How to format a USB flash drive?

In Windows there is a straightforward "Format" option in a flash drive's right-click pop-up menu. Where's that in Ubuntu?
Ivan's user avatar
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