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how do I run a startup script to set my touchpad scroll speed on startup

ive tried everything, crontab, setting it from a startup script like xinitrc, using the startup application option and running a script from there. but no matter what i do i always need to manually ...
Canaan's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Startup script not executing

Ubuntu Version: 22.04.1 LTS Hey! I'm trying to run located in /root/ on startup. This is the content of the file: synclient VertScrollDelta=-100 synclient CoastingFriction=35 ...
User1986's user avatar
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Play Movie On Boot

I'm wanting to automate a cinema with Linux. I would like to Play an MP4 on repeat directly after boot. I currently I have a solution with Windows using a batch file that runs on startup and issues ...
jrhicks's user avatar
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1 answer

Run source after Ubuntu starts

I need to run the command source "/opt/sqlanywhere17/bin64/" after Ubuntu starts. It's taken from here. It updated LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PATH etc. I tried this, but doesn't work. ...
xralf's user avatar
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2 answers

Ubuntu - run bash script on startup with visible terminal

I am wanting to run a bash script on startup in Ubuntu 20.04 with the terminal visible. The file is located at /usr/bin/ I can get the file to run at startup but not in a ...
Black Solis's user avatar
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Running crontab -e with the console on

I'm trying to run a python script that uses Selenium to scrap a website on Startup. After adding @reboot /Desktop/ to the crontab however (using crontab -e), it seems the script only works ...
Max's user avatar
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cannot run command on startup using crontab

I want to run a command at startup using crontab (or any other alternative but I do not know other alternatives). I do the following: crontab -e @reboot /usr/bin/ulauncher --hide-window > /dev/...
Omar Shawky's user avatar
1 vote
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I can't keep a bash script alive

I found and slightly modify the following script, that monitor the notify-send notifications and dump them in a file. #!/bin/bash logfile=$1 dbus-monitor "interface='org.freedesktop....
kurokirasama's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do I open terminal and run commands in it on startup and keep it open?

Tried to run batch script on terminal at startup using crontab and /etc/rc.local but they dont work. I dont know what has gone wrong as there is no log to check Here is the line on crontab @reboot ...
dawnslayer's user avatar
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Cron does not work well

I have a bash script to use it for my tablet. There is: #!/bin/bash xinput set-prop "XP-PEN G430S Pen Pen (0)" --type=float "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 1.155756, 0.000000, 0....
Anonim's user avatar
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crontab not executing script

I'm trying to launch a script located at /Documents/scripts/ that only contains the command sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt on startup. I added it to crontab by executing crontab -e and appending @...
jmilicev's user avatar
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Used crontab -e, but script doesn't run

I used crontab -e, getting the below, which I then edited (adding the final line): # Edit this file to introduce tasks to be run by cron. # # Each task to run has to be defined through a single line ...
apg's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I command ExpressVPN to start on boot?

I want to issue this command every-time the computer boots expressvpn connect I've tried making it into a service and adding it to the crontab with no luck. Maybe it's late or maybe I'm really not ...
Landmine's user avatar
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Running script after login

I want to run 2 different commands after login. One that changes sound card profile to HDMI since I'm using my laptop as a desktop connected to the TV and the other one that reloads specific gnome ...
Marko Djuricic's user avatar
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Automatically run graphical python script on startup

I have a python script that starts a fullscreen animation when run - how do i set this to start at startup in ubuntu 16.04? Other answers to the "script on startup" problem don't work - because I'm ...
Robbie Barrat's user avatar
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How to stop cron from running all daily tasks on startup

I noticed my computer is slow on startup sometimes, and using iotop it looks like cron's daily tasks (updatedb.mlocate in this case) run immediately on startup. If my conjecture is right, then I need ...
Zach Boyd's user avatar
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Startup Application and @reboot cron not firing - what to look for?

I have an issue with my dual monitor setup: one is touchscreen and the other is not - the touch input correlates across both displays instead of just one. I can resolve the issue by mapping the input ...
raicho's user avatar
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2 answers

Script not running at startup using crontab

I have been trying to launch a script of mine at start-up using both rc.local and crontab methods but neither are working Here is my script contents: #!/bin/bash sudo hue spectrum 2 exit 0 Here is ...
Benperson's user avatar
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motion server doesnt start

I have a webserver with motion v 4.0, but motion doesnt start on boot, I have to tell it to start every time with sudo motion -b then everything is cool until I need to reboot. I have tried editing ...
j0h's user avatar
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Difficulties running script at startup

I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 with a usb cec-adapter attached to control my TV. I'm using a modified version of this script to start a cec-server that accepts and sends commands. So, the script works; ...
Bob's user avatar
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Start script on system startup (Ubuntu 16.04.1)

On my new Ubuntu system I tried to start a Bash script automatically on system start up. I found a lot of posts and how-to's about it. so I tried to make it via Crontab: run crontab -e add @reboot ...
devKyrios's user avatar
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Run Script on startup on AWS Ec2 Ubuntu 1404 Server

I Need to start services such as elasticsearch, kafka on boot time of the Ec2 instance I Have tried @reboot on crontab but something is going wrong Shell Script: #!/bin/sh nohup /home/ubuntu/...
Abhijeet's user avatar
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Can't start a job with Cron on Ubuntu startup

I am trying to get a simple Python script running on startup with Cron on Ubuntu 16.04. What I did is opened cron with: sudo crontab -e and added the last line as shown in the screenshot: I even ...
multigoodverse's user avatar
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Location of start-up configuration files - Firefox launching at startup, Ubuntu MATE 16.04

My problem is simple. Firefox is launching by itself at startup. I can't disable this and if I try to purge it then it tries to also uninstall MATE desktop WTF ??!! The question is which are the ...
userDepth's user avatar
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Is crontab's @reboot entry triggered after X has started?

Using crontab -e I have added an entry to my cron tab file @reboot /home/rene/misc/ contains some xmodmap -e statements to change to keyboard layout. When I restart ...
René Nyffenegger's user avatar
5 votes
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Running Bash script at login

This question has been asked numerous times but for some reason, none of the solutions proposed worked for me. I just want to run a simple script after the user has logged in. Here are my attempts: ...
krato's user avatar
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Unable to add program to startup list

I want to add the MEGA sync program to my Ubuntu 12.04 startup list. The download package for MEGA includes an executable which starts the program when opened. Either by finding it with the gui or ...
codedude's user avatar
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Launch a .desktop file from boot

I have a .desktop file on my desktop that launches a html page. I need the .desktop file to run from startup, what would be the best way to do this? I have tried crontab and also the startup ...
oliverbpt's user avatar
3 votes
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Running key remap script at startup

I'm trying to re-map my left Alt key to the Alt Gr and Alt Gr to left Alt. So far I've been able to do it in terminal, but it never runs it on start up. I've read multiple Ask Ubuntu questions, but ...
danihodovic's user avatar
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Restart service minutes after startup

I have a situation where I'm looking to run a service restart a couple minutes after startup. The particulars as to why are as follows, but the essense of my question is basically captured in in that ...
neanderslob's user avatar
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Unable to start Ubuntu. Unknown Job

I'm new to Ubuntu. It asked me to reboot because of updates. Now it doesn't start at all. I've managed to get to GRUB. I went to previous versions, and selected the only one available (3.5.0-23), ...
Nathan Hazout's user avatar
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Startup script doesn't execute at startup

I have followed the tutorial here that shows how to setup the No-ip update program to start at system startup. I have done exactly as specified here, yet the program still doesn't start. Also, when I ...
jim's user avatar
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4 votes
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Run two commands sequentially using crontab

My 3-year girl loves SuperTux. She can't control the mouse, so the game should run automatically on startup. After the game, the computer should shut down automatically. However when I put the below ...
mini's user avatar
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Need to setup email notification when system starts and shutdown

I would like to have the system send me a email notification everrytime the system starts or shuts down. I am currently running Ubuntu 12.10 I found this tutorial but I couldn't make it to work.
George Poulos's user avatar
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Where should I start crond?

On my Ubuntu server (LTS 12.04) I would like crond to be running every time I boot up. Where should I configure this? I took a look at service --status-all and saw that cron was there, but it was ...
Son of the Wai-Pan's user avatar
9 votes
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How can I disable postfix on startup?

I can't get cron to stop spamming me with completed job notifications. It's getting out of hand and starting to clog up my 'real' email server, so I'd like to just disable postfix while I figure out ...
rtf's user avatar
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How to start a never ending script at startup

I'm trying to automatically run a never ending script (so it doesn't return 0 on exit) at startup on my headless ubuntu 12.04 server with no GUI. I have tried @reboot nohup /home/luke/ & ...
Luke's user avatar
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