I'm not sure why you are wrapping this in a shell function - I will assume that's a requirement of your assignment.
First, note that using "*;"*
as a field separator in awkAwk is not a robust way to handle quoted CSV fields - it will fail for example if either the first field or last field on a line is quoted, and it won't preserve quoted delimiters (i.e e. quoted fields that actually contain a ;
) which misses the whole point of quoting CSV fields.
Second, you should not try to pass shell variables (or positional parameters) into awkAwk expression that way - the correct way is either to export them and then access them via the ENVIRON
array, or use command line option -v
. So your "single customer" implementation would be better written
delcust() {
awk -F '"*;"*' -v cust="$1" '$1 != cust' input.csv > output.csv
delcust "$1"
delcust() {
awk -F '"*;"*' -v cust="$1" '$1 != cust' input.csv > output.csv
delcust "$1"
While you could modify this to pass multiple positional parameters, I'd suggest passing the customer list via standard input and parsing it as a file of values; that way you can do a canonical awkAwk lookup based on an associative array (or hash):
delcusts() {
printf '%s\n' "$@" | awk -F'"*;"*' 'NR==FNR {custs[$0]=1; next} !($1 in custs)' - input.csv > output.csv
delcusts "$@"
delcusts() {
printf '%s\n' "$@" | awk -F'"*;"*' 'NR==FNR {custs[$0]=1; next} !($1 in custs)' - input.csv > output.csv
delcusts "$@"
Note that you don't need an explicit print
in awkAwk since print
is the default action if a rule evaluates non-zero.