понедельник, 4 апреля 2011 г.


4 комментария:

  1. I get crazy! This ist fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    When i make somthing like that, is this ok for you?
    And, may i show it on my own blog?

    love susa

  2. that's ok. no problem ))
    I was impressed by Tim Burton's "Alice" http://mia-wasikowska.net/photos/albums/productions/film/2010_Alice-In-Wonderland/Promos/normal_Mia_Wasikowska_005.jpg

  3. Hi, Maria!
    I'v blogged your stunning Set here: http://susagasser.blogspot.com/2011/04/ein-set-von-maria.html
    I saw a handbag, in black and white and a dark red. It was an ispiration fo me. And now your Set! I have to do somthing like that. I must do it!
    Love your work!!!
    greetings from austria
