Papers by Sanja Gasparovic
This research is based on the systematic literature review related to the definition of Privately... more This research is based on the systematic literature review related to the definition of Privately Owned Public Spaces (POPS). POPS arise as a bonus of the urban planning concession resulting from negotiations between private investors and city administration. The question arises whether, during their formation, the urbanistic criteria that ensure public space quality are sufficiently represented, or the superior private interest results in critical urban quality aspects. By comparatively analyzing the definitions’ key features, nine specific POPS aspects have been identified and classified into two categories according to basic criteria: impact on investors and on broader urban contexts. The results show that a group of spatial criteria (usage impact, user’s perception, connectivity, urbanity and socialization) have been neglected or ignored in defining POPS. Current definitions do not consider the importance of POPS influence in a wider urban context and POPS is not, in any way, co...
30 godina Zavoda za prostorno uređenje Primorsko- goranske županije (1985. - 2015.), 2015
Za stambeno naselje na lokaciji Sopnica-Jelkovec izrađen je projekt arhitektonskog uređenja javno... more Za stambeno naselje na lokaciji Sopnica-Jelkovec izrađen je projekt arhitektonskog uređenja javnog trga koji je dio elaborata glavnog-izvedbenog projekta za građevinu: Javni trgovi i hortikultura – cjeline C koja se sastoji od sedam mapa (Zajednicka oznaka projekta: S-C-01 ; Mapa I: Glavni-izvedbeni projekt arhitektonskog uređenja javnog trga ; Mapa II: Glavni-izvedbeni projekt odvodnje oborinskih voda javnog trga ; Mapa III: Glavni-izvedbeni projekt krajobraznog uređenja javnih povrsina ; Mapa IV: Glavni elektrotehnicki projekt rasvjete javnih povrsina ; Mapa V: Glavni građevinski projekt rasvjete javnih povrsina ; Mapa VI - GP: Projekt konstrukcija – Staticki proracun ; Proracun mehanicke otpornosti i stabilnosti ; Mapa VI - IP: Projekt konstrukcija – Izvedbeni projekt). Glavni projektant: Sonja Jurkovic,, ovlasteni arhitekt.
Ostvarivanje osnova za održivi razvoj pretpostavlja kontinuirano planiranje i zastitu vrijednosti... more Ostvarivanje osnova za održivi razvoj pretpostavlja kontinuirano planiranje i zastitu vrijednosti prostora na svim razinama – od globalne, u ovom slucaju županijske, pa do lokalne - pojedinoga naselja. Geografska obilježja cjelovitoga istarskog prostora i specificne drustveno-povijesne okolnosti rezultirale su ambijentom izuzetnih vrijednosti, u kojem su razvojni procesi prepoznati kao mogucnosti, ali i kao opasnosti koje mogu rezultirati prevelikim promjenama fizickog prostora. Između želje da Istra ostane “svijet iz bajke” zacaranih, napustenih povijesnih gradica i velikih pritisaka suvremenoga razvoja treba pronaci optimalnu mjeru za ostvarivanje koncepata specificnog razvoja koji naglasava i stiti upravo posebnosti prostora. Recentni primjeri dobre prakse poput Bala ukazuju na moguce modele planiranja prostora i turizma u suglasju sa zatecenim vrijednostima. Oni polaze od ocitavanja povijesnih tragova, postojecih materijalnih i nematerijalnih vrijednosti prostora te afirimiraju ...
"Detaljni plan uređenja naselja na lokaciji Sopnica-Jelkovec" izrađen je u skladu s Gen... more "Detaljni plan uređenja naselja na lokaciji Sopnica-Jelkovec" izrađen je u skladu s Generalnim urbanistickim planom Sesveta (Službeni glasnik Grada Zagreba 14/2003), te na osnovu prvonagrađenog rada "Prostorno programske studije stambenog naselja na lokaciji Sopnica-Jelkovec u Sesvetama za program drustveno poticane stanogradnje" (8. srpnja 2003), koju je izradila autorska grupa Sanja Gasparovic, Darija Maletic Mirko, Natasa Martincic, Ivan Mlinar, Marija Premužic, i Krunoslav Smit iz Zavoda za urbanizam i prostorno planiranje Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveucilista u Zagrebu. Nakon donosenja Plana provedene su izmjene i dopune plana viseg reda tj. Izmjene i dopune Generalnog urbanistickog plana Sesveta (Službeni glasnik Grada Zagreba 17/2006). Tijekom gradnje stambenog naselja koju prema odrednicama Plana provodi Zagrebacki holding d.o.o. - Podružnica stanogradnja utvrđene su poteskoce koje onemogucuju provedbu dijelova Plana. Predmet "Izmjena i dopuna detaljnog plana uređenja naselja na lokaciji Sopnica-Jelkovec" su: usklađivanje sa planom visega reda, racionalizacija gradnje u uvjetima visokih podzemnih voda, reorganizacija i povecanje broja garažno-parkiralisnih mjesta, povecanje kapaciteta djecjih vrtica, uvođenje dodatnih servisnih građevina (reciklažno dvoriste), i usklađivanje sa elektroenergetskom mrežom sireg podrucja. Objavljeno u Službenom glasniku Grada Zagreba broj 09/07.
Social sustainability as a spatial aspect which foregrounds contemporary sustainable planning can... more Social sustainability as a spatial aspect which foregrounds contemporary sustainable planning can hardly be achieved without a holistic approach to the ways to achieve social inclusion. From the point of view of urban planning it can be achieved in different urban areas and through different scales and spatial scopes of planning. Urban planning in Croatia is conducted through three successive groups activities neither of which take fully into consideration social inclusion or have its achievement as a requirement. Research sets out examine the possibilities of better introducing social inclusion measures in each of the urban planning stages and to find out specific social inclusion implementation models. The first part of the paper entails the research of urban areas in Zagreb which represent examples of good practice when social inclusion is concerned, while the second part includes case study Sopnica-Jelkovec housing development analysed according to the groups of activities and p...
Heritage, 2021
The paper explores the possibilities of the structural and functional transformation of blocks in... more The paper explores the possibilities of the structural and functional transformation of blocks in the historical center of Zagreb as a part of modernization after many years of neglect as well as earthquakes in 2020. The research aims to determine how the existing block tissue corresponds with the needs of today’s residents and the possibility of its improvement. The historical circumstances in which the blocks were formed and underwent the most significant changes and modern processes that affect the state and value are determined. There is a special focus on the interior of the block (courtyards), as well as on the spaces on the ground floors of street facades, where numerous, unexplored changes can be observed. The findings provide starting points for desirable structural–functional transformations of blocks and stem from the synthesis and interpretation of knowledge from four interrelated parts of the research. The characteristics of blocks have changed during city development s...
ReteVitruvio 1st International …, 2011
Saetak: The conducted research reveals that during the preparation of the World Exhibition EXPO ... more Saetak: The conducted research reveals that during the preparation of the World Exhibition EXPO 2000 in Hannover, besides numerous interventions in the transport infrastructure and in the suprastructure of the city and its wider area which were a prerequisite for the ...
Urban streams constitute a valuable form of multi-functional blue and green infrastructure (BGI) ... more Urban streams constitute a valuable form of multi-functional blue and green infrastructure (BGI) and can support urban development to generate ecosystem, social, and economic benefits. In global cities, planning for BGI enhancement contributes to climate change adaptation, ecosystem restoration, community health and wellbeing, improved quality of life, etc. This research aims to assess the dynamics of stream landscape change in Zagreb as well as the influence of urban development on the blue and green landscape and related urban values. The analysis of landscape features and their planning is conducted at the level of the stream system of the whole city of Zagreb and at the level of two stream sequences by superimposing spatial data from cartographic sources. By developing an urban planning-social-ecological approach to evaluation, monitoring, and management, a quantitative and qualitative trend in stream landscape changes is identified and indicators for detecting areas of critical...
South Velebit is part of the mountain of Velebit, spreading from the mountain pass of Baske Ostar... more South Velebit is part of the mountain of Velebit, spreading from the mountain pass of Baske Ostarije to mountain pass of Mali Alan. Among the dominated values of the natural landscape of South Velebit, it is possible to read and typological define the heritage that bears witness to human presence in Velebit. The cultural landscape is made up of anthropogenic elements - material heritage routes, settlement patterns and specific ways of using and of associative elements - sensory, non-material heritage of toponyms, oral traditions and beliefs. Although the Velebit is a powerful part of the consciousness and the physical identity of the Croatian nation, Southern Velebit is rarely present in architectural research. Studies have been conducted within the natural, technical, medical, biotechnical, social and humanistic sciences, exploring narrowly defined natural features of South Velebit or the characteristics of its historical communities. The valorisation of interaction between natural...
Prostor, 2017
Istražuju se primjeri oblikovanja i prenamjene povijesnih kamenoloma Velikoga Brijuna nastali u s... more Istražuju se primjeri oblikovanja i prenamjene povijesnih kamenoloma Velikoga Brijuna nastali u sklopu pejsažne sanacije otoka na prijelazu 19. na 20. stoljeće. Šest detaljno analiziranih primjera perivojnog preoblikovanja predstavljaju značajan primjer ranog obrata paradigmi pejsaža degradiranog eksploatacijom kao prostora potencijalno visokih ambijentalnih vrijednosti. To su prvi primjeri sanacije i prenamjene kamenoloma u Hrvatskoj i meðu prvima u Europi.
Prostor, 2018
Razvoj teorije pejsažne arhitekture i suvremenih svjetskih primjera dobre urbanističko-pejsažisti... more Razvoj teorije pejsažne arhitekture i suvremenih svjetskih primjera dobre urbanističko-pejsažističke prakse govore u prilog sve većem značenju i višestrukim ulogama pejsaža za razvoj grada. Članak donosi pregled uloga i zastupljenosti pejsažnog koncepta u urbanističkim planovima grada Zagreba od početka 20. do početka 21. stoljeća. Ukazuje na problem postupnog zapostavljanja jasnoga planerskog stajališta prema pejsažu i slabljenja aktivnog pristupa njegovu planiranju.
Papers by Sanja Gasparovic