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Sparrows' Nest Library and Archive NewspapersUploaded by TheSparrowsNestArchive on
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Content and Trigger Warning: Most materials in our collections offer awesome and inspiring content, but you may encounter historical materials which are not anarchist/left-libertarian. Furthermore some materials contain triggering content which is racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, nationalistic, anti-Semitic, ableist, ageist, or otherwise not representative of the movement. Also be aware that some of the materials contain sexually explicit content and/or depictions and descriptions of physical and psychological abuse, sexual violence, etc. If you wish to access information but do not want to take the risk of being exposed to potentially triggering and/or traumatising content, please do not hesitate to get in touch, we will be happy to assist you as far as we are able.
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