History of the State of Sisakan
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- Topics
- History, Historical, Ancient, Medieval, Armenia, Armenian, Aghuan, Aghuania, Caucasus, Caucasian, Arsacids, Iran, Persia, Iberia, Georgia, Christianity, Church, Apostles, Monasticism, Monks, Hermits, Turco-Mongolica
- Collection
- robert-bedrosian-library; additional_collections
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 219.1M
This is an English translation of an important 13th-century Armenian literary history, completed in 1299 by Step'annos Orbelean (ca. 1260-1304). It begins with Creation and continues until the author's own day. Step'annos was a major figure in the Armenian Church and was the valued friend of three Mongol Khans. He became a doctor of the Armenian Church (vardapet) in 1280. After completing his studies in the school at Tat'ew, he eventually became metropolitan of the district of Siwnik', receving ordination from the Cilician kat'oghikos Kostandin II in 1286. Orbelean was a highly literate, polished historian who incorporated many now-lost documents, colophons, and inscriptions into his History. Translated from the Classical Armenian text of K. Shahnazarean (Paris, 1860) by Robert Bedrosian, in 192 bookmarked and searchable pdf pages. Includes several beautiful maps by cartographers S. T. Eremyan and Robert H. Hewsen. Attached to the document is a multilingual HTML version, and links to additional resources.
- Addeddate
- 2012-06-02 23:17:03
- Identifier
- HistoryOfTheStateOfSisakan
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t76t1t45c
- Ocr
- tesseract 5.3.0-6-g76ae
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- Ppi
- 300
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