A lot, indeed most, of the action in the current tax fight will involve corporate taxes. And these are, unfortunately, a nasty, tricksy subject. In particular, right-wingers can appeal to a simple story that sounds right until you pay closer attention.
The story goes like this: we’re an open economy, and part of a global capital market. So if you cut corporate taxes, capital will flow in, the marginal productivity of labor will rise, and so will wages. And if you really believe the simple model, the wage gains could be pretty big.
But there’s tons wrong with that model. Some of it involves dynamics: how, exactly, does all this capital inflow take place, and how long does it take? But even the long-run analysis, done right, tells you that the real impact on wages is far smaller than the usual suspects would have you believe.
The best analyses of the complications, as many have pointed out, come from Jennifer Gravelle . But many people may find it hard to extract the key intuition from Gravelle’s work; actually, I have found that intuition a bit hard to grasp, and while I’m not a real public finance economist, I’m a lot closer to this stuff than 99% of readers.
So I thought I would try my own hand at offering some intuition here: why does Gravelle-type analysis “gear down” the wage effects of lower corporate taxes so much? There are, as I see it, four reasons, three of which are conceptually easy, one a bit harder.
First, a lot of the profits we tax are rents on monopoly, brand identity, etc., and won’t be competed away by capital inflows.
Second, corporate capital is only part of the U.S. capital stock; half of fixed assets are residential, and a lot of the rest isn’t corporate. So we’re not cutting taxes on “capital”, just on one particular type/use of capital.
Third, America isn’t small. Among market economies open to capital movement – i.e., excluding China – we’re still around 40% of world GDP at market values. So what we do will influence global rates of return, a lot; we would face an upward-sloping supply curve for capital even if capital mobility were perfect.
Finally, and this is the one that I find takes some work, we’re very far from having perfectly integrated markets for goods and services. In fact, around 75% of US employment and value added is in nontradeables. I always knew that this places limits on capital flows; it takes a bit of thinking to see why it affects tax incidence.
In such matters, it’s often helpful to start with extreme cases. What if nothing were tradable? Suppose, for example, that we were to discover a capitalist society on Mars, with a stock market, a corporate profits tax, and everything. We could easily send data back and forth, with only a few minutes’ delay imposed by the speed of light. We could conceivably trade assets, since ownership is really nothing but data. But until Elon Musk finds a way to reduce transport costs by several orders of magnitude, we can’t really ship useful stuff to or from our new Martian friends.
So, suppose Mars cuts its corporate tax rate. How much is the incidence of that cut affected by the existence of an interplanetary capital market? Not at all: we can’t send physical capital to Mars, we can’t convert any earnings on Martian assets into something with any Earthly use, so nothing happens. The total lack of real integration makes financial integration irrelevant.
Now suppose that somehow a teensy bit of Martian output becomes tradable – say, certain services that can be provided over the Solar Wide Web, amounting to 1 or 2 percent of Martian GDP. Surely this can’t drastically change the story.
In the models, as I understand it, the way limited tradability works is that an inflow of capital into the nontradable sector reduces the relative price of that sector’s output, and that deters further capital inflow.
So, put those four gear-downs together: only part of a corporate tax cut is about capital, it’s only about part of capital, part of the cut goes to raise returns abroad, and inflows are limited because only part of output can be traded. The implication is that far from being a decisive thing, even a huge corporate tax cut will probably have only a minor effect on U.S. GDP – even in the long run. Furthermore, foreigners will get more investment income, both from the new capital they bring and on their existing equity investments, so domestic income – GNP, not GDP — may well go down.
And meanwhile, the lost revenue will force other tax hikes and/or benefit cuts, which are likely to hurt many workers.
So how great an idea is cutting corporate taxes? About as great as Dow 36,000.