gift wrapping idea | by findfoundfounded

Gift wrapping idea, using reused paper and stuff around you.
63 Pins
an almost bold guy with red radars | gift wrapping
A postcard, being cut into pieces and be put together again on grid paper, all together as a quite quirky gift wrapping idea
dick bruna, one of my favorite illustrator | gift wrapping
postcards from Dick Bruna, being pasted on brown paper envelopes with little this and that decorations, altogether into fun and fresh gift wrapping idea
color up your life | gift wrapping
Colorful origami papers, all bright and shine colors, being put and pasted together as a set of colorful gift wrapping idea
A big pack…
big white plain paper wrapping on both sides, in the middle is a piece of pages from an old interior magazine, being combined together as quite a graphic and modern gift wrapping
This set of gift wrappings are created by collage ideas. Base paper is variety, colorful, plain brown and graph paper. It was a fun set to create and took quite some time to finish the collage decorations
Origami paper and its instruction paper
Pieces from old postcards
When you got some cool postcards and have no one to write to, just turn them into decorations for gift wrappings. They will definitely bright the plain white paper up perfectly.