Handy Tips

Add baby powder to the beach bag. Baby powder gets sand off your skin easliy. Bread tags make the perfect computer cord labels. Store bed linens sets inside their very own pillowcases and then you don't have to hunt for a match. Microwave your own popcorn in a plain brown paper bag. It is much heatlhier and cheaper than store brands. Turn your muffin pan upside down~~bake cookie dough over the top and viola you have cookie bowls for fruit or ice cream.
9 Pins
The Handmade Dress Infomercial: Do you suffer from scrached DVD's?
Oh do the kids ruin DVD's! Other pinner says: I just did this and it WORKS! Not once did it skip!!! And it was a bad DVD before hand.
Dry Up Grease Stains with Plain White Chalk
Need to remember this ... so many clothes I thought were ruined... Chalk will remove grease stains from clothes. Simply rub the stain with chalk, then toss in the wash as normal.
25 clever ideas to make life easier
Bread tags make the perfect-sized cord labels.
4 Ways to Keep Matching Sheet Sets Together in the Closet, According to Pro Organizers
Don't let your matching sheets get lost in the linen closet.
That Was Easy...
Add this item to your beach bag. Baby powder gets sand off your skin easily – Who knew?.