Electronic Music

Everything associated with Electronic Music - Instruments | Composers | Albums | Singles | Reviews
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Electronic music with a human rhythm
Demonstration of fractal temporal deviations in a simple drum recording. A professional drummer (inset) was recorded tapping with one hand on a drum synchronizing with a metronome at 180 beats per minute (A). An excerpt of the recorded audio signal is shown over the beat index n. The beats detected at times Sn (green lines) are compared with the metronome timing Mn (red dashed lines). (B) The deviations dn = Sn—Mn fluctuate around a mean of -16.4 ms, i.e. on average the subject slightly anticipa
Oskar Sala's Mixtur-Trautonium at the Musikinstrumenten-Museum
Oskar Sala's Mixtur-Trautonium at the Musikinstrumenten-Museum
Recording Studio Gear ASMR 1073 style ✨
SOUND ON 🔉 | in case you’re stuck outside of the studio today and craving a *hit* of those sweet studio sounds - 1073 style ✨
How electronic music became the sound of today
How electronic music became the sound of today
WWJ, the world's first commercial radio station
WWJ, the world's first commercial radio station
The History of Electronic Music, 1800–2015: Free Web Project Catalogues the Theremin, Fairlight & Other Instruments That Revolutionized Music
The History of Electronic Music, 1800-2015: Free Web Project Catalogues the Theremin, Fairlight & Other Instruments That Revolutionized Music | Open Culture
The Art of Vintage Recording Console Restoration
The Art of Vintage Recording Console Restoration - Vintage King
Fine Recording Inc: Pioneers in High-Fidelity Studio Recording: UPDATED – 5
An Oral History of Electronic Music in East Germany
An Oral History of Electronic Music in East Germany | Red Bull Music Academy Daily
Enter Synthesizer Heaven at Three Wave Music
Enter Synthesizer Heaven at Three Wave Music | Red Bull Music Academy Daily