Legend of Fionn MacCumhaill

In the Irish legends of Fionn MacCumhaill, the "bradán feasa" is a creature called "the salmon of knowledge."
12 Pins
Camalus, Celtic King God, paired with Mars by Roman invaders. [Originally pinned from the page, "Badass of the Week: Finn McCool (Fionn Mac Cumhaill)," where the image was used to illustrate a different hero.]
Braden Social LLC
The Legend of Bradan Feasa and Finn McCool.
Salmon of Knowledge
Salmon of Knowledge...Belfast
The High Deeds of Finn and other Bardic Romances of Ancient Ireland, by T. W. Rolleston, et al
Finn MacCool by Stephen Reid
Fionn & The Salmon of Knowledge - A Legend from Ancient Ireland
Fionn & The Salmon of Knowledge - YouTube
The Dance at Alder Cove
Celtic Fish. By Rachel Arbuckle The Salmon of Knowledge (Irish: bradán feasa) is a creature figuring in the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology. This salmon was sometimes called Fintan (or Finntan) in ancient times. (It is sometimes confused with Fintan mac Bóchra, who was known as “The Wise” and was once transformed into a salmon.) Stories differ on whether Fintan was a common fish or one of the Immortals, that could be eaten and yet continue to live.