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Problems after deleting Bootcamp Partion/EFI

I am running High Sierra 10.13.6 on a MacBook Pro. To cut a long story short, I installed a release of Windows 10 on my Mac and did not like it. So I decided to delete it. I did my best to remove ...
vctburk's user avatar
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iMac with bootcamp windows 10 reboots 3 seconds after shutdown (no fastboot, no wol)

Hello I recently purchased iMac so I tried to set up things so that I can remove my old windows desktop away and still be able to use both Mac OS and Windows If I shutdown from Windows, it boots up ...
Jihwan Choi's user avatar
3 votes
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Remote dual boot, how to select OS to boot

I'm installing Bootcamp ( Win7 64bit if that matters ) on my Mac Mini, since you need to pick the OS to start up while booting, how can I do this remotely? Example: VNC into OSX, reboot the machine, ...
Phill Pafford's user avatar
2 votes
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Windows will not boot after a restart of my Mac Pro, only after a cold shutdown and startup

I am currently experiencing a very strange issue regarding booting into Windows 7 64-bit (installed on its own 1TB HDD). If I restart my Mac Pro, hold down the option key, and select my Windows ...
Robert's user avatar
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