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Unticked 'iCloud drive', files gone in finder as expected yet no new free disk space, how to fix?

After running low on HD space, I decided to purge local copies of iCloud files by simply unticking the option in 'settings - iCloud' Now in Finder I cannot see the files, only a dialog with an option ...
adolf garlic 's user avatar
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Why does external display slow down video playback and how to fix it?

Whenever I connect my Intel MacBook Pro to an external 4K-display and playback video on YouTube or on a video call, for example, CPU usage on kernel_task gradually increases until all 8 cores are at ...
Human's user avatar
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Need to have an information regarding Virtual Ram of Macbook Which consists of Intel i5

0 I am facing an issue at my end which I am unable to get any resolution on the web and want to have a certain discussion on that and my problem is that. I want to have retrieve value of VRAM in ...
Stellar Information Technology's user avatar
4 votes
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DeepL using significant energy

Why does the DeepL desktop application consume a lot of energy? Even more than Chrome. How can I diagnose it? MacBook Pro 15-inch, 2019 (Intel chip)
John Lin's user avatar
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QEMU arm on a Intel macOS

I am trying to run a Ubuntu 22.04 ARM64 image on a Intel Mac with the following QEMU command: qemu-system-aarch64 \ -machine type=virt \ -m 4G \ -display default,show-cursor=on \ -usb \ -smp ...
Philoxopher's user avatar
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How can I run an Intel-based macOS in a virtual environment to test my app? [duplicate]

I am a developer. I've written a native app for macOS on my MacBook Air (with the Apple M2 chip.) Now I need to test it for an Intel-based CPU. When I build my app in Xcode, it is supposed to cover ...
c00000fd's user avatar
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zsh: bad CPU type in executable (on Intel, not M1)

I have the reverse case of the other question with the same name (zsh: bad CPU type in executable). I used the mac moving assistant to go from an M1 to an Intel, and the PHP that is used in my ...
user59971's user avatar
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How to run a process on macOS without GPU access?

I would like to be able to open Activity Monitor and see 0 in the GPU% column for that process. All I have are an intel integrated graphics on an intel based Mac. I'm willing to entertain ...
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I did rm -rf /Library/Java, how to fix it?

So I did rm -rf /Library/Java and I would like to install Java using Homebrew, but this: sudo ln -sfn /usr/local/opt/openjdk/libexec/openjdk.jdk /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk.jdk gives me ...
MrKew's user avatar
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macOS 11+ on Intel based mac

I am wondering if installing a new macOS (Big Sur and newer) that is meant for Apple Silicon macs, on an old Intel-based mac will carry any performance penalty. I'm thinking along the lines that all ...
Tommy's user avatar
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zsh: exec format error in Ventura when running a bin file

I still use Snapz Pro as my main screen capture app. I recently upgraded both my M1 Mac Studio and my Intel iMac to Ventura. Because Ambrosia SW is no longer in business and has no website, the only ...
matrixbud's user avatar
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Installing MacOS in Recovery Mode from internet or USB fails with Error code: 110

I am helping a friend install MacOS onto her MacbookPro14,1 2017. She purchased it new and it has had no modifications. The disk has been reformatted and from the Disk Utility in Recovery Mode looks ...
Staple's user avatar
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How to make Whisper AI (speech-to-text) use GPU on Intel Macbook Pro?

I just installed Whisper AI to transcribe voice to text. Apparently it does support running on GPU, which should be much more efficient than using the CPU, but I fail to do that. I have read this ...
d-b's user avatar
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Windows 11 BootCamp installation failing

I have an 2019 Intel iMac on which I tried to install Windows 11 following instructions from this page. These instructions include disabling the TPM check. I used a (Dutch) Windows 11 ISO, which was ...
Marc's user avatar
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Does Apple silicon hardware support USB tethering in macOS recovery mode?

After updating my Intel MBP to macOS 12.5, I got locked out. When trying to reset the password in the recovery mode (power+cmd+r), USB tethering to my iPhone did not work and I had to use my iPhone as ...
archimedesjk's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How do I move a maximized window from one monitor to another?

I am new to macos and I am not able to move maximized windows from one monitor to another. Is it possible in mac? I am using macOS Big Sur, Version 11.3.1.
logdev's user avatar
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